Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Predictions for Taurus to Cancer for Week of 7/26/15

Greetings Stargazers!

Before I fuel my jet pack with Earl Grey tea (yes I'll take the chance) and give the forecast for this week, I would like to share one other bit of Astrological news with you. Venus will be in retrograde at the end of this week. What this means is that instead of moving forward in Virgo, Venus will move backward back into Leo.

The aspect that many will see with Venus Retrograde is that people may be a bit harsher when it comes to relations with one another. For those who are single, Saturday will not be a great time to enter into relationships. For those of you who are married or currently in a relationship, keep constructive communication open and if friction occurs, give each other a little bit of space. And when it comes to rush hour traffic, remember that there is always something worth learning from, when you don't flip off and swear at the driver who cuts you off.

For all of you Virgos out there, you may feel the friction between being able to think and communicate well to being a little dreamy or foggy headed. Again, try not to stress. Give Venus about a week to move forward into your house to piece things together again.

With this said, let's fuel my jet pack, and ascend up to Taurus to see what the Bulls, the Twins and the Crabs are experiencing this week.

Taurus (April 20-May 21):

Between a surge of energy from Mars and an increase in imagination from Neptune and a fine eye for depth from Pluto,  most likely that you're finding new business ideas and are bringing them into reality. This could take shape in the form of increasing a current venture that you're already within or starting a new business. Either way, you're very eager to see where your ideas are taking you.
With Venus' current position in Virgo, you're meeting new friends and romantic ties. You have an added sense of joy in the way in which you're increasing your social circle.
A note of caution: With the Mercury and Sun conjunction squaring your house, be careful that, when it comes to your friends and romantic ties, that you think of what you say before saying it. Otherwise you may utter something in which you have to backtrack in your relationship, in order to take something back.
Also with Saturn's position being in opposition to your house, you may feel a challenge when it comes to your new business ideas. Just how will the grand ideas from Neptune be set into motion? Perhaps start with the very simple set of ideas and build from there.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

My goodness Twins, along with Leo, you guys have a lot going on, planetary wise.
With your natural ruler, Mercury being in conjunction with the Sun and with this relationship further being sextile to your house, you're experiencing an increased surge of mental energy. You're finding interest in many subjects, social interactions and philosophies and you feel an even greater connection with your social circle. Most likely, you're communicating with friends and loved ones more about your experiences. Combine that with the semi-sextile with Mars, you're interests are turbo charged by your increased willpower. If you're not out and about, you feel as though life will pass you by and this mere feeling makes you antsy.
With your increased mental energy, Uranus' position is causing for you to question all forms of existing structures around you. When it comes to rules and guidelines, you're biggest question is "Why do I have to follow a, b and c? Where did all of these protocols come from?" You're also keen to finding out by rebelling a little.
A note of caution: With Venus' position being squared your house, just make sure that your inclination to share your interests with friends and loved ones doesn't lead to being a know it all or in dismissing what others have to say. You may lose interest or even the closeness of friends and loved ones and there's nothing worse for a Twins' state of mind than having people either not care or feel angered by your behavior.
Speaking of moods and state of mind, you may feel tension with your emotions from Monday to Wednesday of this week. Just give yourself plenty of room to let go of whatever may be the cause of these tensions and save discussions when the tensions clear.
Also be careful as to how critical reasoning affects your rebellious behavior, especially within a working environment. You don't want to attract negative attention from an employer or supervisor.

Cancer (June 20-July 23):

You aren't your usual quiet self, this week. With the Mercury and Sun conjunction being semi-sextile to Mars' position to your house, your keen on sharing ideas with people this week and seeing those ideas come into fruition.
With Saturn's and Neptune's positions, you are also highly focused on tasks at hand, whether it be on what to do at work, a project at home or personal matters. You also have a higher sense of intuition on what works when it comes to your ideas.
A note of caution: Because of Pluto's and Uranus' positions, don't let the ideas of others affect your mood. Especially if someone is not keen on acting on your ideas alone. Also, as with previous weeks, don't let emotional tensions cause for you to say something cutting or destructive or cause for you to dive into a tailspin of negativity. Again, holistic forms of movement or therapy may be useful for keeping calm.
Be careful that your increase in ideas doesn't lead to erratic decision making. Try to see the pros and the cons of what you're planning to do, before setting out to expressing the idea.

Well, Stargazers, my pots of Earl Grey tea were sufficient for today. I'll have to descend back down to Earth. I hope that the forecasts are informative and new for you. Until next we meet, remember to look up at the stars and see if you can spot the constellation of your sun sign. I'll give you one hint--wherever you see Saturn (the bright yellow star in the sky), is near Scorpio. From there, the constellations are ordered to the east of that position.

This is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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