Thursday, July 23, 2015

Revelations on Leo Shift and Another Guest chart

Greetings Stargazers! Interesting news, especially for all of you Lions out there--today is the first day of Leo.

Also Mercury had moved from Cancer to Leo. What this means is that everyone in this sign are far more inclined to express themselves. Leo may find that they need to communicate ideas, a little more than usual, or, with their involvement in the arts, may find creative outlets to impart ideas.

Also, Leo may experience an increase in mental faculties. Meaning that the Lion's brain is quick to understand and process information. Also ideas come in a flash. For some, Mercury's swift influence can be a little overwhelming in the regard that one may have a great idea one moment, that is fleeting the next.

With Jupiter's influence in the mix, Leos may find that Mercury may aid in the really big ideas that have been buzzing about within these last couple of weeks. To all of you Lions out there, good chance that you'll finally be able to bring your ideas out into the open.

For all of the signs, the month of Leo, is quite the opposite to Cancer's month--we move from a month where introspective, quiet and supportive energies abound to a month where dynamism, being recognized and finding spiritual outlets are key. We move from a month where everything is quiet and subtle to a month where everything is loud and extremely colorful.

With Mercury's move, expect to find more efforts to communicate with loved ones and children and expect to find more creativity being added into your daily mix of activities.

With Venus' move into Virgo, expect to find increased motivation to serve those who are less fortunate. This may be a month where a lot of individuals will want to volunteer and make a difference within their communities. Also there will be an increase in minding one's health in the most positive ways possible.

Even though we've transitioned into the month of Leo, I would still like to feature one last Cancerian personality, so I'm not just leaving our dear, sensitive Crabs in the dust.

This time, however, I won't cause for this individual to be a mystery guest.

The chart is that of current pop sensation Ariana Grande. Today I will reveal her Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus positions. Tomorrow I will interpret the rest of her chart.

As with our last two guests, Ariana Grande has an Ascendant in Virgo. Ariana Grande does have the appearance of wanting to look sharp in public. Since she's still very young, I look at her chart as ways in which she'll grow over the years.

For starters, I think that she'll definitely find a way to keep her personal life more private and her public image looking sharp and neat. I think that she'll also learn to tone down the impulsive actions that Mars in her twelfth house posits.

With her Sun placement in the tenth house, her focus will continue to grow with her career. I think that she'll find ways to write songs that will give greater depth and sensitivity to her music.

Because balance is a key force in Ariana Grande's life (this is due to her Moon's placement in the first house and within Libra), finding a way to integrate her public and personal life will be very important for her. Libra's balance will be a key for Ariana Grande to find who she really is and how to express her findings.

Her Mercury placement is in the eleventh house, which tells me that she is very outgoing and vocal with friends and family. She feels the most comfortable with confiding and talking to someone and comes to very profound conclusions with her social life.

With her Venus placement being within Taurus (a natural planetary placement), she loves the aesthetic in her life and she very loyal to those with whom she loves. The only warning that I have is that she doesn't grow possessive over her beau.

Well Stargazers, I hope that you like what I have seen in Ariana Grande's chart, thus far. Until we meet again, make sure to take a look at the stars.

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