Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Rest of Ariana Grande's Natal Chart

Greetings Stargazers! I hope all of you Lions are enjoying the heart of summer.

As promised, I will complete my reading of Ariana Grande's chart. Hopefully it's informative and inspiring for everyone.

Allow for me to strap on my rocket pack and soar up to the heavens, to what June 26, 1993, looked like.

To develop the "self" is at the personal core of Ariana Grande due to the position of her Moon and Jupiter in her chart (in her first house, in Libra). Finding a way to know herself and expressing her conclusions is important for her. She would be most inclined to either see her performances as a way of knowing more about herself (and therefore takes her career very seriously) or she finds a way to express her sense of individuality within her music and tours. She's also keen on balancing her sense of self with the rest of her life. Ideally she would like to have a strong sense of knowing who she is and balance this with her social life and career. Perhaps we may see a little more self reflections come out of Ariana Grande's music.

Speaking of her social life, with Jupiter's conjunction, I see someone who has a very expansive and large emotional life. With her expansive nature, she's apt at letting people into her life. As mentioned with her Mercury position (which is sextile to her Jupiter and Moon conjunction) her social life is an important factor, due to how she comes to profound moments when she's communicating with her friends, beaus and family. She's one to take advice or to come to profound insights from her friends.

With Pluto being sextile her Jupiter and Moon conjunction, our guest has keen insight as to her sense of self and when it comes to her thoughts. She also knows when to strike when the iron is hot--she has a keen sense of business when it comes to her career. In a way, she knows when to show up at the right place and time when it comes to tours or when promoting a new album. Also, when it came to the start of her career, Ariana Grande may have had a sense of timing when it came to breaking out of the mold of child star and into the role of musician. She just knew when to make an important decision.

With her Sun's placement squaring her Jupiter and Moon placement, however, Ariana Grande feels that her quest in knowing herself, conflicts with her equal goal of making the most out of her career. The way in which this conflict pervades is that she's very preoccupied with her career and becoming a star performer, that she doesn't always have the time to know more about herself.

Because she has such a wide social circle, the one danger that I can see is that she's more prone to being led by what others think she should do that she doesn't always take the time to see what she really needs to do. This conflict can lead Ariana Grande to make decisions and actions that are regretful, in the long run. Being led by others can also cause for Ariana Grande to become resentful of those who give her advice, especially if the advice doesn't work out for her.

 I would just advise (ironically) that she take the time to look into herself, a bit more--she has the ability to discern as to what would be great for her image and her career and she needs to trust her inner instincts more.

Also with Pluto's opposition with her Venus placement, I would recommend that Ariana Grande also watch her words carefully, especially with loved ones. She is a little prone to saying cutting things.

With her Uranus and Neptune conjunction in Ariana Grande's fourth house, she can come across as having eccentric ideas, especially when it comes to a sense of home. "Home," in Astrology, can mean a literal brick and motar structure or feeling at home inside of yourself. In this sense, Ariana Grande can have rather intriguing concepts and philosophies about what it means to be "at home."

With this conjunction being within Capricorn, the sense of home may have something to do with relating to her reputation.

With the Uranus and Neptune conjunction being trined with Venus in her eighth house (Taurus), and Mars in her twelfth house (Virgo),  she has a happy home that also revolves around change and financial stability. She also craves a sense of change inside of herself. Without change, Ariana Grande becomes restless and prone to feeling trapped, or feeling as though her life is stagnant.

Again, another individual who has a grand trine! What this indicates is that Ariana Grande will continue to become a very successful person.

With her Uranus and Neptune conjunction being in opposition with her Mercury placement, I would just advise that Ariana Grande think about her ideas before mentioning them. If not thought out carefully, she could be seen as being fuzzy headed or superficial. This can annoy our guest in the regard that she would like to be seen as being original and profound.

With Saturn being within our guest's sixth house, means that she is very dedicated to maintaining her health. What this means is that she can be a bit preoccupied with staying healthy that it can cause for her to be a little bit of a hypochondriac, when it comes to minor problems. We may also see Ariana Grande becoming dedicated to philanthropic causes in the years to come.

With her Saturn opposition to her Mars placement, my only advice to Ariana Grande is that her dedication to health doesn't become such an obsession as to cause a conflict within the deepest parts of herself. Especially if she should feel restrained by her health choices.

One last aspect that I see is that Ariana Grande's Mars position in her twelfth house, denotes a lot of inner drive when it comes to her goals within life. Because yours truly has the same aspect within her chart, I would advise that all inner conflicts that arise, are expressed in constructive ways. Verbalizing or finding ways to present inner conflicts creatively are great ways to bring matters out into the open while resolving these conflicts in a rewarding way.

So Stargazers, what do you think? Feel free to leave a comment when it comes to your thoughts.

Because my rocket pack is running low on fuel and the present is coming back rather quickly, I will need to descend back down to earth for now. Until next time, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey signing off and granting a very happy birthday to all Leos out there.

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