Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A closer look at Leo and Virgo

Greetings Stargazers!

I had noticed that I had forgotten to cite the text in which I had cited and to mention the specific names of the twins featured in Gemini. I had just updated the post and corrected the two errors.

Today, all of you lions and virgins can rejoice. I'm going to relate a bit of information on the two signs of Leo and Virgo.

If you are reading this page and would like to see a particular Astrological subject covered, or if you have comments about your forecast, please feel free to comment.

With that in mind...

Leo (July 23-August 24):

Yours truly is in this particular sign.

To describe Leo the best, I feel that an exploration of the ruling planet (the Sun) and the ruling animal (the Lion) is in order.

As with the big cats of the jungle, Leos are traditionally known to be the kings or queens of the Zodiac. With that said, Leos like to be noticed by their "kingdoms" (whichever arena in life the "kingdom happens to be a metaphor of) and they also like to keep their interests within the people who make up their kingdom.

Even with the more mellow personality, Leos, as with their ruling planet, the Sun, crave being appreciated, for what they give. Whether they give life to a party, they give their most sagely advice or when they just want to be recognized, they like it when people pay attention to them. They may even fish for compliments, when they feel that their spotlight is growing dim.

 What a lot of astrologers seem to miss, when it comes to Leo, is that the sign can indicate a personality who is also very spiritual and reflective. "Spiritual," in this context, refers to the quest of connecting to life in some way. In fact, a Leo who is continually demanding the limelight is secretly needing this quest. When they find the connection, Leos can be very mature as to what really matters when it comes to their kingdom and to themselves. And when they grow mature, they are rather giving and tame in their demands.

Seeing a bigger picture may aid with the Lion when it comes to their shadow side. While they can be generous and have a huge heart, Leos can be impatient, ill tempered, egotistical and can take issue with the smallest matters within life. Sometimes, it doesn't take much for the big cats to roar rather loudly, for everyone to hear what they are displeased with.

However, if you have a friend who is in the sign of Leo, good chance that you have a very loyal, big and generous friend.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

Virgo, along with Scorpio, can be one of the most misrepresented signs of the Zodiac.
Virgo is usually cited with personalities who are perfectionistic in nature. Everything in a Virgo's home has to be a ninety degree angles and all of the pictures on the wall have to be straight. They are even cited to be miserly and prudish.

First of all, there are two types of Virgo. There's the type who like neatness and then there's the type who can live off of creative clutter.

The Virgo who live with creative clutter is the type who may have piles and stacks of items all over their office or home. However, what a lot of individuals don't seem to notice is that this type of Virgo knows where everything is, unlike where their counterparts would have trouble navigating the mess.

The Virgo who likes neatness is not so much prudish and prone to straightening things when someone, say, touches a picture. They just need order.

Order and precision are two key words for Virgo. These personalities like to have a grasp on just knowing their environments and life well. If everything is well prepared, the Virgo personality feel that they can maneuver life better. They also feel a little less scatterbrained, knowing how, like Gemini, their minds move rather quickly.

Virgo's ruling planet, Mercury, causes for the personality, to know so many things, in great detail, that they can have a hard time fitting the new information, into the shuffle of their brains.

Something else that comes to mind is that Virgo is also very self contained. One reason why you'll find these personalities sitting on the sidelines of a party or of a class, is that they feel that they don't need company to keep them entertained. The best company for the Virgo personality, is themselves and the best knowledge comes from them.

A Virgo has to be careful that sitting on the sidelines doesn't lead to wimpiness and hesitancy.

Knowing that the house that rules Virgo, is the sixth house--the house of philanthropy and health-- these individuals are also known for giving a lot of themselves--more than a Cancer can give--to a point where it may be a little too much. If a Virgo personality starts to feel abused by what they are giving, good change that's a great indication that they need to stop giving that part of themselves.

Virgos are also know for being complete hypochondriacs, knowing how fixated a Virgo personality can be on his/her own health.

However, you won't find a far more grounded person than that of a Virgo.

On tomorrow's slate: To all of you fair minded people of the Scales and of the Scorpion, your day is tomorrow!

Until then, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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