Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Predictions for Capricorn to Aries for Week of 7/27/15

Greetings to you Stargazers!

I had noticed, right after I had posted yesterday's topic, that I had made one little mistake. Instead of covering Leo to Scorpio in my forecast, I had covered Leo to Sagittarius. I made the corrections but I think that I was a little too inundated with the Earl Grey tea that I had used to power my jet pack.

So, for today, I'm going to fuel with Green Tea and cover Capricorn to Aries.

With that in mind, allow for me to blast off into the heavens and take a closer look.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

With the Sun/Mercury conjunction, being quincunx to Pluto in your house, you're probably experiencing mental and verbal situations that are tense in nature but can be resolved easily. While the first tendency is to snap or say something destructive, you are realizing that there are better ways to handle these tense situations, constructively. After all, you don't want to ruin your wise, yet professional nature to something that could be highly immature or minor.
With Saturn's aid, you are able to stay focused on what needs to be done. Maybe the focus is aiding you with a high stack of demands at work, a large DIY project at home, or with resolving personal matters. Most likely, you're also experiencing situations where you can look at the truth of all matters and come to an objective conclusion.
With Neptune's aid, you're able to use your intuition to aid with the mental/verbal conflicts that are coming your way. There are times where you can just feel that something is not right and get to the bottom of it, before the conflict escalates.
A note of caution: Try not to allow for your logic to cause for you to become distant or cold to people. You can remain objective, precise and all seeing while still remaining personable.

Aquarius (January 20-February 19):

Because the Sun/Mercury conjunction is in opposition with your house, you're experiencing a situation where your thoughts are scattered and the tension from this effect is causing your verbal skills to become either abrupt and sharp or not well formed. Hang in there Water Bearers, this transit will not last for very long. What I would recommend is that you keep pen and paper handy and just jot out whatever comes to mind, in a list. When you're ready to tackle a project, just pull out your list--it could aid you in what you may have forgotten or what you want to express but can't find the exact wording for.
Some good news: up until Wednesday of this week, you'll have a little help from the Moon's position. With this transit, you'll have a bit of emotional support in dealing with the scattered thoughts, whether from friends and family or from yourself. You'll also have a heightened sense of intuition that can aid with problem solving.
Your natural ruler, Uranus, is also at your aid, by helping you to critically evaluate as to what will be important, when it comes to your projects at hand, and you may be able to do without.

Pisces (February 20-March 19):

You poor Fish. With the Sun conjunction Mercury position being quincunx with Neptune in your house, there's a good chance that you're experiencing a mental fog. Either you are working on an important matter and you can't concentrate or, like your neighbor, Aquarius, you're forgetting things left and right and can't form cohesive thoughts. While a quincunx can lead to easy resolutions, you're having a hard time finding a fix for your concentration. As with Aquarius, keep a list of things that you can think of, to do and also of your thoughts for important projects. Also just do what you can and rest when the fog hits.
A bit of good news: Saturn is at your aid, in the regard that you may find bursts of focus in order to penetrate through the foggy state of mind, so that you're not mired in it, throughout your whole day. Pluto's sextile indicates that you may find some fixes when it comes to your intuition. Also Mars will help when it comes to the will to overcome your mental fog and by leading you to an unknown source of creativity. The creativity may aid you in your projects and will also give you an outlet to express frustrations that come from the mental fog.

Aries (March 20-April 19):

While you have felt like you have been bumping your head up against walls with the previous weeks, the Sun conjunction Mercury transit in Leo, is leading to critical thinking being at an all time high this week. In fact it's giving Uranus' placement, in your house, a little hand to smooth matters over.
This week, you'll be able to see all of what you want to do, clearly and objectively. You'll even feel that you can plan ahead before you tackle your projects, headlong.
A note of caution: Be careful of Mars and Pluto's influence, when it comes to making decisions. While you feel more in control, don't let this feeling cause for you to lapse on thinking through matters critically. Above all, don't let the feelings of being in control cause you to become impulsive, or the impulse can be your undoing.

Well Stargazers, my five pots of Green Tea have run dry and my jet pack is starting to sink back down to Earth. Until next time, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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