Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Deeper Look at Libra and Scorpio

Greetings Stargazers!

Today's post will be quite interesting, in the regard that there are a lot of Librans out there  and a lot of Scorpions who feel that they should remain in hiding because of the misconceptions of their sign.

Hopefully I can shed a little bit of light on the two signs, so that everyone can feel proud of who they are and when they were born.

So, with my aims, let's roll up our sleeves and take a trip to the constellations of the Scales and the Scorpion!

Libra (September 24-October 21):

As was covered with the post on Virgo, yesterday, everybody thinks that it's the sign of the Virgin who are the perfectionists of the Zodiac.

What a lot of people don't realize is that Libra is actually the perfectionist.

When considering the sign of the Scales, Libra is associated with balance, diplomacy, harmony, beauty and idealism. Because Libras need balance within their lives in order for life to run as smoothly as possible, sometimes that sense of balance leads to aims of perfection.

The perfectionistic streak of Libra can come out through a multitude of ways. Through making sure every painting on every wall is straight, or through striving for perfection in the workplace (i.e. computer programs are running perfectly, the workplace has the perfect amount of conducive noise and that one's desk contains neat piles where every document can be found). Sometimes a Libran needs to have the perfect balance in what he/she is wearing on a given day--the colors of a blouse needs to be coordinated with the colors in the pants and shoes that compliment the outfit.

Don't think, though, that being around a Libran personality will be a daunting task. Many Librans are very personable, to the point where many signs come to like being around these fair minded personalities. Maybe it's because many are level headed and down to earth. Perhaps their fair looks add a little appeal despite the fact that they take a long time to make up their minds--Librans are known to consider all sides to every situation. Or it could also be that these individuals are just genuinely nice.

Librans are like the girl/boy next door. They're the type of individuals who may send you a birthday card, every year, or bring a bowl of soup to you, when you're sick. Why? Because, Librans think that it's ideal to consider everybody when going about their day to day.

Speaking of ideals, don't be surprised if your Libran friend or colleague finds a particular cause to be very important to pay equal amounts of attention to. As with their house--the seventh house, which rules marriages--they give a lot of themselves to others.

As with Cancer and Virgo, however, Librans need to be careful that they don't give too much of themselves to others. "Me" time to is greatly needed for the Libran to recharge his/her batteries and recalibrate the scales.

As was mentioned earlier, Librans also weigh all sides to a situation that is posed and it's not uncommon for these personalities to have three or more sides balancing on either side of their scales.

Whether the matter concerns what is needed within a government or what to eat for dinner, Librans always think in dualistic terms. What may be an idealistic concept for world hunger may cause for a dystopia, Thai and Chinese food are similar--one style is just a little heavier than the other. There can be a myriad of color schemes that compliment the décor of a house.
And what's to say that one color is just one shade of color? To the eyes of the Libran, one shade of color can be twenty different shades where fifty shades can compliment.

For this matter, it's not uncommon for the Libran personality to be a little indecisive and unable to come to a conclusion in a fast amount of time.

Other shadow sides of Libra can be that they can be a little shallow, when it comes to their love of the aesthetic. Sometimes, they can overlook what's on the inside when they see someone or something that looks beautiful. They can also create rivalry, in relationships, by flaunting how attractive they are.

Librans, along with Leo and Taurus, are also known as being the big spenders of the Zodiac, so I always advise Librans to watch out when it comes to the price tag to the aesthectic--the same object may have a better deal, somewhere else.

Otherwise, if you need a friend who's non-judgemental, patient and kind, you will most certainly find that within a Libran.

Libra is also ruled by Venus, which fosters diplomacy, a fair social life, the love of the aesthetic and an attractive appearance.

Scorpio (October 23-November 24):

As I had stated above, Scorpio is the most misunderstood sign of the Zodiac. Some unfortunate individuals have fallen into the trap that Medieval Astrologers have set out for the sign--those born under Scorpio have a propensity for crime, an obsession for death and an equally intense obsession with sex.

The truth of the sign is that there's not just one symbol for Scorpio--there's three!

The lesser evolved and immature individuals are considered to be symbolized by the Scorpion. These are the individuals who obsess over sex, gaining power over people and situations and who have high octave emotional levels. Due to one of Scorpio's ruling planets, those who are ruled by the Scorpion will cave to these influence by picking fights with their loved ones and finding ways to battle an aspect of society. Scorpions are loyal by being too possessive over their loved ones. They also spend their time finding the best way to be  mysterious and brooding.

The slightly more mature individuals are represented by the Grey Lizard. These are the Scorpios who don't need to have incessant amounts of power and intrigue in their lives--they've already worked out how these attributes can come to them naturally. Their emotional levels can be slightly toned down--instead of picking for fights with the one's with whom they love, they may let some things go. The Grey Lizard may have some issues to work through that are usual to the level of the Scorpion but they work very hard to overcome these issues.

The very mature Scorpios are symbolized by the Eagle. The Eagle is the more philosophical individual, who feels that life is in control by what they do, not by who they dominate. They use the energies of their other ruling planet, Pluto, by seeing into the truth of matters, without alienating people. Their mystery comes from the decisions that they make, not by trying too hard. And they can be loyal, in the regard that they think of the people who they love first as opposed to themselves.

Interesting, eh?

So, dear Scorpions, the next time that you read a horoscope prediction that forecasts when exactly you're going to have sex, think about whether you are a Scorpion, the Grey Lizard or the Eagle.

One matter that Scorpio teaches every sign in the Zodiac--we always have levels in our personalities to work toward.

Another aspect of Scorpio that I found to be interesting, is that the sign is likened to the Greco/Roman myth of the Hydra and how Hercules had overcome the monster.

The destructive monster that was ruling over a village with fear tactics (the Hydra was known for eating people who came near its cave), Hercules overcame the battle of the Hydra by bringing the monster into light. When done, the hideous monster turned into a jewel.

Scorpio, in my eyes, is the sign that brings their own Hydras as well as the Hydras of others into light. Literally, it's seeking for the truth of individuals and aiding everyone by the wisdom of these all pervasive truths.

Again, however, how you present the truth needs to be considered. Are you the Scorpion, who's alienating people? Are you the Grey Lizard, who has everyone's best interests in mind, but might need to work on approach more? Or are you the Eagle, who presents the truth in noble ways?

Scorpio is also ruled by two planets, instead of one. Mars, which rules over willpower, drive, energy and impulse. Pluto, which rules over seeing deeply into matters and not taking anything at face value. Be careful though--Pluto also rules over complete destruction in order to revamp one's life.

Well Stargazers! This is what I see within the heavens for today. As is my usual wish, happy traveling to the stars.

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