Monday, July 27, 2015

Prediction for Leo to Sagittarius and how Mercury with Sun conjunction is Affecting all predictions

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you outside of a crowded Lion's house (goodness gracious, Jupiter, can you take up any more room?). If you are a proud parent who gave birth to a Leo today, most likely that your little cub will be very contemplative and talkative. His/her mind will be quick and expansive This is due to how Mercury is in conjunction with the little one's Sun placement and how Jupiter is also within Leo's house.

Because Astrologers (not that I would say that I carry this title entirely) always learn new things, I've found another way to make predictions and would like to try it out, to see if it works a bit better than what I have been doing.

If what I'm doing is resulting to the same outcome, then I'll stick to the old way. Also please feel free to post a comment and give me your views. In all honesty, I really wouldn't mind.

Today I'll give predictions for signs Leo to Sagittarius. Then I'll cover four signs throughout the week.

One thing that I can say about this week is that the theme is mental energy, due to how Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun's position.

With all this said, I'll refuel my rocket pack, with an added dose of Earl Grey tea (this stuff really works) and try not to bump into Mercury, Jupiter or the Sun, as we start with our Lions.

Leo (July 23- August 23):

Due to how Mercury is in conjunction to the Sun, most likely you're feeling as though your mind is whirring with thoughts and ideas at this time. Not only that, but you may be experiencing a situation where your mind seems to be faster than usual--you're understanding written and verbal material faster and you're coming to conclusions at a swifter pace than usual. You're also more keen to looking at all matters with a logical state of mind--this is a time where you're a little less inclined to believe subjective statement and you want hard, empirical facts to stand behind what you're hearing.
With Jupiter being in the mix, you're scope of focus has widened--perhaps you're more inclined to think of others first as opposed to yourself. When in a bind, you're more inclined to see the other person's point of view as opposed to how the other person is setting off your temper.

A note of caution: I would just caution you about Mercury's downside--mental crashes. In order to avoid a thought from coming up to a complete wall, give your noggin frequent breaks. Go and enjoy the outdoors, run a lap around the office or take a latte break. As tempting as it is to use the faster mental prowess for meeting goals, again, there's nothing worse for the regal Lion's reputation than to have a moment where you're caught fuzzy headed.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

With Venus being within your house and semi sextile to this week's Sun position, you're probably thinking grand, aesthetically oriented thoughts. You're more in tune to appreciating fine art, or tasting the finer wines that you haven't indulged within, because of concerns with practicality and your budget.
The boost in the aesthetic thoughts are in thanks to Mercury's position being within the mix. The other matter that I see with Mercury semi sextile Venus is that you will be able to look at matters with friends, cohorts and loved ones far more logically and diplomatically than usual.
Jupiter is also in conjunction with Venus' placement. This would bring out a more loving nature from you. You are probably thinking of using this loving nature with philanthropic work or how to help others who are vulnerable at this point.

A note of caution: Just make sure that your appreciation for the finer things within your life, doesn't lead to an abandonment of material concerns. With Neptune's opposition, you could get a little too carried away with the indulgences that you're allowing. Also make sure that when helping others, that your enlargened heart doesn't get trampled on by others who aren't so loving.

Libra (September 24-October 23):

When it comes to weighing all matters, fairly, with all of the facts that are coming your way, you're mood is uplifted in the regard that you have been able to come to logical conclusions, this week. Logical conclusions are what Libra strives for after all.
With Mercury's conjunction with the current Sun's placement, you're benefiting by weighing matters out, in a faster way as well as in a more decisive way. You can back your conclusions with empirical evidence (or the equivalent thereof) and your conclusions align with what feels right. Even ideal.

A note of caution: With Uranus' position being in opposition to your house, make sure that impulsive decisions aren't made, because you're on a roll with Mercury's influence. Make sure to use the critical thinking skills that Uranus can bring, to aid with coming to rational, balanced and logical conclusions.

Scorpio (October 24-Novemeber 23):

While you are very focused and goal oriented this week, you're feeling a that when it comes to your goals being met, it's taking a long time. Good chance that your thoughts are also feeling a little drag, as though all ideas are taking quite a long time in being expressed.
This is due to how Saturn's position to your house is squared to the Mercury/Sun conjunction in Leo.
Before you grow frustrated, however, Mars' position will give you added boosts of energy and endurance to keep at your goals and Neptune will cause for you to look at your goals in depth. This is a time where these trines will aid you to learn how to look at your goals more realistically.

Sagittarius (November 24-December 21):

The Moon is outside your house again, dear Centaurs. However, with the Mercury/Sun conjunction, you'll find that you mental endeavors are heightened, by a boost in logic. You'll also feel that you'll be able to blend the subjective with the logical when pondering about the philosophies that you'll endeavor or the physical adventures that you'll take.
A note of caution: Be careful that the Moon's influence doesn't cause for you to become overly subjective in your findings. While you may feel, very strongly, that a couple of points may be right, don't be too quick to think that you've come up to the truth. If there's a sore spot for Sagittarius, it's having others think that you're foolhardy with your conclusions, when you can be rather logical.
If you need to wait to approach you adventures with a critical eye, wait for two days, when the Moon moves into Capricorn.

Well, Stargazers, I've run out of Earl Grey tea to boost my jet pack. So until next time, check out Saturn and Jupiter in the evening's sky. In the Denver Metro area, Saturn can be seen in the southern half of the sky and Jupiter in the West.

Happy Stargazing!

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