Monday, July 6, 2015

Forecast for week of 7/5/15 and a Surprise

Greetings Stargazers! I hope that you're forth of July weekend was a blast (no pun intended, when it comes to the sound of the fireworks) and that all of the fun was nice and safe.

As with last week's forecast, everything is the same, planet wise. Two things have changed: To all you Cancers out there, just be careful of compulsive behaviors, due to how Uranus is squared your Mars placement, in your house and also of destructive behavior to those who seem to be combative to you. While this may be a time where you're finding another dimension to your usually quiet personality, there may be some points where you will need to allow for your quiet personality to rule through your day.

To all of the fish out there, Pisces has an additional planet in its house--the Moon. Along with diving into new ideas, you may also feel that your intuition has heightened. Again, keep a journal of what you discover right now.

The reason for the lack of difference? For Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, what astrologers call the Generational Planets, are outside of your house. What this means is that it will take between six months to seventeen years for these slow bodies to move. These planets certainly like to linger and visit until their welcome has been worn out.

The other reason is that it seems that some of the faster moving planets, need another week or two to move from the house that they're within. These planets are Mercury, Venus and Mars.

For those of you whose signs have a Generational Planet outside your house, not to worry. I'll keep in touch with you for when the planets change their positions.

So now, for the surprise.

Since some of our stargazers may be new to Astrology and might be wondering as to what I'm talking about when it comes to what being in the sign of the Goat means, I thought I would cover the basics of each of the twelve signs, for this week.

Today, I'll start in the traditional order, with Aries. I'll cover Aries to Taurus. From there, I'll cover two signs until we're at Pisces (the end of the Zodiac).

I hope you'll like this new feature, Stargazers. And please let me know if there is another topic for which you would like to see within this blog.

To start out, the signs of the Zodiac are constellations within the sky. Ancient Astrologers had noticed that each constellation would appear in the sky at particular times. For a while, the signs of the Zodiac were probably referred to when it came to predicting the seasons of the year.
For example, if the constellation of the Lion (Leo) was leaving the horizon and the constellation of the Virgin (Virgo) was seen, it was time to harvest crops and expect cooler weather, for autumn was approaching.
If the constellation of the Water Bearer was receding the heavens and the constellation of the fish were present, Spring was coming and it was a great time to prepare to plant crops.
As centuries moved, personality attributes were given to each sign. One's personality is what is gauged with persons born under a particular sign (or, for all intense purposes, a constellation).

Aries (March 20-April 19):

Aries comes as the first sign within the Zodiac, as its symbol is that of the Ram. Aries is likened to being the newborn sign, knowing that it comes first within the Zodiac.
The best way to describe the personality would be to look at the glyph that accompanies.
The two halves, that represent the horns of the Ram, represent two crescent moons, which symbolize ideals. The snout of the Ram, represents how the ideals come to the earth.
With that said, Aries are known for thinking of an idea and immediately wanting to do that particular idea, right away. Post haste! Now! If there is an Aries personality that wants to become an actor, other signs need to stand out of the way, unless they want to be trampled, because the Aries personality will do everything in his/her power to make the idea of being the actor comes true. The same can be said of buying new furniture, a new home, finding a new job, etc.
The key phrase for an Aries personality is, "Instant results achieved is better than waiting until it's too late to do anything."
While an Aries' sense of urgency can be admirable in the regard that they are decisive in what they want in their lives and they get things done, the drawback is that an Aries personality can be rather impulsive, when it comes to their drives. Especially if they are having an exasperating month.
Just imagine a Ram, barreling down an alleyway, with their heads down and their eyes locked on their ideal. Instead of smashing through brick walls and overcoming all obstacles, the ram bashes its head into a steel wall, causing for it to fly backward and end up with a nasty bruise on its head.
When an Aries personality is having a bad day, the above mentioned metaphor is what an Aries personality feels like.
Along with nasty bruises on the head, the Aries personality can be so impulsive as to not see dangerous situations or obstacles in their path, until it's too late. Because they are all about the here and the now and they're too impatient to weigh pros and cons of their current project.
In a way, Aries can be the go-getter of the Zodiac, whose ruling sign, Mars, can foster the drive for success, willpower, impatience,  a hot temper and determination.

Taurus (April 20-May 21):

The best way to describe someone who falls in the sign of the Bull, is by their ruling house--the second house, the place for finances, possessions and money! Their ruling planet, Venus, can also give a couple of clues to their personality.
The endearing and practical Bulls love fine objects and pleasant company. In fact, the people who make up their social group are usually people who have very lovely appearances. Venus, which rules this sign, is all about aesthetic tastes.
Along with their love of fine art, fine jewelry and very expensive, priceless objects, they are very sturdy and practical people, who handle the everyday life with tough skin. It takes a lot to ruffle a Taurus personality's  feathers. With their sturdy personality, they aren't afraid to work at jobs in which they get a little dirty or where they put in a lot of hard work. "Hard work, after all, is what makes the day revolve around," is what you'll hear a Taurus personality say.
The drawback to their sturdy countenance, is that our lovely Bulls can be very stubborn and very unwilling to do something that they don't want to do. And when their anger is roused, they can put up quite a nasty fight.
They can also keep a firm hold on fine possessions, friends and companions, especially if they feel threatened by someone that they don't like.
Otherwise, Taurus can be very loyal, sincere and diplomatic friends and companions with huge hearts.

Well, stargazers, this is what I have for you, today. Again, I hope it's helpful. Between now and when we meet next, keep searching the sky!

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