Friday, July 3, 2015

Mystery guest

Greetings Stargazers.

I think that I'll go ahead and reveal our mystery guest.

As I had mentioned in yesterday's post, this man is an actor, and, according to his grand trine between his Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter placements, is a very successful actor at that.

The mystery guest is no other than Donald Sutherland. His birthday is on the seventeenth of July.

According to Mr. Sutherland's chart, he is an intense, and rather focused man, when it comes to his Sun and Pluto conjunction. He's extremely dynamic and has probably thought of a myriad of many great ideas when it has come to financial matters (Jupiter placement in his second house). His Mars placement indicates that there may be times where he's driven by money and his intense focus aids in his endeavors. By the fact that Venus is in conjunction with Neptune means that he's very idealistic and imaginative when it comes to the love department and very giving to loved ones.
Even though his grand trine may lessen his Saturn placement a little, it indicates that Mr. Sutherland may have felt that he has had to work extra hard as an actor, because of a feeling that whatever he does, might not be enough. However, with his sextile with Uranus and Mercury, he's quite disciplined and curious with whatever makes him work hard. Along with his Moon placement, he may be quite adept with Science or other analytical matters.
A couple of areas where Mr. Sutherland may have felt challenged by, in his life, were how expansive thinking and luck in financial matters may have created a tug of war with a need for change in his life (Jupiter opposition Uranus). Whether he has faced trying to change financial matters to suit a renovation in his living surroundings, travel or just within living life at large, he has faced a bit of a struggle as to which area to choose (money or change?). A great solution would be to incorporate both--perhaps financial ideas can promote that source of change that Mr. Sutherland is craving the most.
Work may also conflict with partnerships or with family life (Venus and Neptune opposition Saturn) in the regard that loved ones may not see much of Mr. Sutherland when he is preparing for a role and when he's working. One way to bridge the gap would be to include family with work, as much as possible.

Overall, Mr. Sutherland has a lot of water within his chart which indicates that he's very intuitive, nuturing and has a high and complex emotional sphere, which comes through with his rather vivid and complex portrayals of all of his characters. He also has a lot of earth in his chart which also makes him very pragmatic, rational and realistic.

So, Stargazers, what do you think?

It's kind of interesting what the stars can tell about an individual.

Until next time, continue to travel with the stars.

And a very happy fourth of July to everybody!!!


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