Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Forecast for Cancer to Libra

Greetings Stargazers!

Some of the planets from two weeks ago have moved (hooray)! This means the forecast can continue.

For today, I will cover Cancer to Libra. Tomorrow will be Scorpio to Aquarius. Thursday will cover Pisces to Gemini.

So with all of this said, let's see what's in the heavens.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Man, dear Crabs, it looks as though you guys have been having quite the week so far.

With Mars being in conjunction with Mercury, you're not your usual, quiet self, at times. You're feeling rather compelled to share your views and ideas with everybody, again for the advancement for a group. You may also have experienced that you're presentation of your ideas is very compelling and persuasive, to where a lot of your ideas are being placed into action.

Your ruling planet, the Moon is also outside your house right now, which, at other times, causes for you to be your usual, maternal and intuitive self.

With the fact that the Moon is also in conjunction with Mercury, you're also experiencing a surge of sharing your feelings and emotions with others. Your thoughts are also far more subjective, rather than logic based, so it also may be a little difficult to make decisions where others are concerned. Try to hold off on making important decision until Thursday, when the Moon has passed into Leo and Mercury is on it's own.

A note of caution:

With Mars and the Moon being outside of your house, you may be feeling a little more sensitive to perceived slights and insults. Your emotions may run a little high as well.

With Pluto's opposition in the mix, make sure that you don't make hasty and destructive comments and try to take a little more perspective on other people's remarks. Perhaps someone is just trying to make a light joke and is not very great with comedic timing.

Believe me, if you make a destructive remark, it won't help to ease the situation or how you're feeling.

It might also be wise to take up a holistic form of movement or therapy, like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, knitting, pottery, mandala work, etc. You'll be able to forget the slights and you'll feel better with the fact that you're accomplishing something for yourself.

Leo (July 23-August 23):

Well, Romantic Lions. As with two weeks ago, you're still feeling that you need to keep your life free of complication and conflict, by using your best diplomacy skills. Venus and Jupiter are still outside of your house.

On top of your increased desire to keep your environments harmonious, your hearts are still very big, when it comes to loved ones (or loved ones to be). Your mind may be far more likely to think of grand, sweeping romantic stories.

With Venus and Jupiter's conjunction, this is the time in your life where you are wearing rose colored glasses.

And to add to your positive vibe, everything is still running rather smoothly in your life.

A note of caution:

Even though the square with Saturn's position is a minor setback, you may have to undergo a couple of obstacles when it comes to major projects. While the idealism, for the project, is in full force, the project may take a little more time than anticipated.

Also, your diplomatic nature and overall good mood may be put to the test. Circumstances may come about where your patience is tested. These circumstances could be someone who is being rather combative and condescending to you or it could be that you're having a hard time going somewhere because everybody is right where you are.

Your current buoyant humor should be of aid in these trying circumstances and provide the answers that you need.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

While you're still feeling the tug of war between fanciful ideals and needing practical answers to your life projects, dear Virgins, there's some good news for you.

With Mars, Mercury, the Moon and Saturn being sextiled to your house, you are finding some great attributes that are aiding for you to gain some stability.

You're definitely experiencing more of a drive to work through some of the fog that Neptune is causing. With this increased drive, you may be coming to more solutions than transparent musings.

With Saturn, you are more focused and willing to work towards a solution. Mercury is aiding in the regard that you have times where you're more clear headed.

With the Moon, you may even have a little extra guidance from your own intuition.

A note of caution:

When Neptune decided to produce it's fog, accommodate the time for a mental break. Also keep a journal. You never know if a fanciful idea may lead to a great practical idea for your life's projects.

Libra (September 24-October 23):

The Jupiter and Venus conjunction, in Leo, is sextile your house, dear Scales. What this means is that relationships will soar to great heights.

With your friendly and diplomatic nature, you will be able to smooth out conflicts and just remain in friendly company for a while. This is also a time where everything seems to be running smoothly for you.

The extra amount of friends, family and companions will help when it comes to the Uranus opposition and the tensions it has been causing you when it has come to balance.

This may be a time where you feel that you can use critical thinking, diplomatically, in order to aid you in weighing matters fairly. You're not feeling pressured into making an erratic decision or prone to feeling down, because it's taking more time than usual to come to a decision.

A note of caution:

Just be careful as to not rely on Jupiter's luck too much. Make sure that you're still working hard and placing a lot of effort into the things that are running smoothly within your life.

Jupiter's good graces can turn when you start to take advantage of them.

Well Stargazers, this is what I have from my tired bones (man, trips to a hospital and back are exhausting!). I hope that all of our Crabs, Lions, Virgins and Scales find the predictions helpful. And tomorrow, we'll push forward.

Until then, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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