Friday, July 10, 2015

A Look At Sagittarius and Capricorn

Greetings Stargazers!

Information about the twelve sun signs continues with our upbeat and courageous Centaurs and our studious, hard working Goats.

Today, I will be relating a bit more about the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

So Centaurs and Goats, I'm climbing the mountains that you're both on to add to adventure and to share.

Sagittarius (November 24-December 21):

As with Aries, the best way in which I can describe Sagittarius is by the glyph of the arrow shooting up into the air, somewhere.

Sagittarius is very much a sign of adventure, either on an intellectual basis or actual physical adventure as is indicated by their house--the ninth house, which entails travel.

Like the arrow in their glyph, the Centaurs like to shoot their arrows from their quivers, just to see where the arrow leads them. In a way these personalities are very spontaneous, in the moment people. These are the individuals who will schedule a last minute trip to Mount Everest, just to see what the mountain entails. They're also the type who will dive right into a philosophical theory, because it's exciting and offers a fresh, new perspective on life.

The more dangerous or the more risk the opportunity offers, the more appealing the adventure is to Sagittarius. And due to their ruling sign of Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) they come out of a dicey situation without a scratch.

In a way, Sagittarians are very similar to their opposition sign Gemini. The one big difference is that Sagittarius likes to stick to a physical locale or to a subject of study, because, being philosophical souls, they like to see how new explorations relate to their grand, overall philosophy of life. They're not the type of personalities who flit from one interest to the next.

One of the other aspects that is quite fascinating about Sagittarius is that, along with Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, they are one of the older sun signs of the Zodiac. Sagittarians are well know for carrying very wise ideas and knowledge, even at a young age.  Unlike all the sun signs who have come previous, Sagittarians have an air about themselves that conveys, "I've seen these sort of conundrums that you describe and I know the exact cure for your ills."

Speaking of knowing, one shadow side of Sagittarius is that they can be know it all's, at certain times. An example can come when someone is interested in Tai Chi and would like to relate as to how exciting the unique form of movement is in his/her life.
Whether the reaction comes from impatience, or just an honest mistake, Sagittarius can behave to the information with "Yes, I discovered Tai Chi, years ago and I know all about the health benefits. What else is new?" They may even add droopy eyes to this statement, causing for the other person to become annoyed with Sagittarius' behavior or resistant to share anything else.

Another shadow side is that Sagittarius, along with Aries and Leo, are individuals who pride themselves of abiding on telling the truth. Sometimes, however, that truth can lead to a not so nice case of foot in mouth disease.

Otherwise, if you're looking for a friend or companion who doesn't make demands and if you're someone who doesn't mind keeping a spare key under the mat, Sagittarius is a wonderful sign to associate with. Not only do you have someone who's upbeat and able to go with the flow but you're associating with someone who has a huge heart.

Sagittarians are loyal people, who place friendship first.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

One matter that is extremely striking about Capricorn, is that these personalities come out of the womb as very old souls.

As children, it's not uncommon for a Capricorn to say something like, "Who has time to play, when I have so much work to do?" And with that statement, you'll see the little Capricorn go about chores, yard work or other tedious things to do, without so much as even a bat to their eyelashes or without their parents requests.

This sort of behavior can be attributed to both Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn (the planet of discipline and challenges) and their house (the tenth house--the place of reputation).

As with Saturn, Capricorn is a diligent and focused person from childhood to adult life. I feel that it's because many Capricorns feel that they were born into this world with a lot of obstacles to overcome. However, unlike the other signs of the Zodiac, they also have an innate ability of just knowing how to overcome the obstacles. Like the Goat on the muddy and rough terrains of the mountains, every obstacle has to be climbed step by patient step, even if it takes years to come to stable ground. It's just the way that matters go.

Another nice added bit of innate knowledge that Capricorn has in his/her possession, is how to make a solid and reputable life and how to be successful in this reputable life. They know that, again, that success takes years and that it takes endurance to work hard, around the clock.
Many Capricorns come to their success later in life (i.e. their thirties or fourties), because they are practical,  humbling individuals. If they find that they're starting to become successful at twenty, they take the success with the attitude that it's only beginners luck and that they need to hang on until the success snowballs.

When the success does, indeed, snowball, Capricorns aren't afraid of showing off their wealth. With all of their hard work, they feel that they deserve wearing an Armani tux and other designer baubles.

One big drawback to Capricorn, is that they can come across as being a little cold--almost to the point of icy. Many individuals may even mistake this coolness as being a sign of not having a compassionate heart.

Don't let the hard exterior fool you however--like Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, Capricorns have a soft, sensitive spot in their hearts. Especially when it comes to being a great, strong, father type of figure to their young children. The catch that many loved ones have to understand is that Capricorn's lure to love and marriage is stability. They like to think in terms of what will provide permanence and comfort for the future.

Well. Stargazers. Monday will bring the introduction of the Waterbearers and Fish--Aquarius and Pisces. Until then, stay dry, if you're in Denver. Enjoy the heavens, if you're elsewhere.

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