Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mystery Guest Reveal and News on Cancer/Leo transition

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey reporting to you.

Excitement is in the air,  in the regard that we are coming up to the transition date from Cancer to Leo. It has not occurred today as I had predicted two days ago, due to the fact that the sun's position is 29 degrees Cancer. I would say either tomorrow or Friday the 24th should make for the transition.

To all of you Lions out there, be patient. Your time will come in a day or so.

I wanted to reveal the Mystery Guest, or I should say Guests, in which I had imparted clues to you two days ago. Again, for all of you Crabs, our guests can give you a little more insight as to what attributes of Cancer you share with our Mystery Guest.

The Mystery Guest's legal name was Abigail Van Buren. She was also known as Dear Abby. Her twin sister, Ann Landers also lent a hand with the columns of Dear Abby. The natal charts of the twins is exactly the same, so both sisters definitely had a lot in common. I state the sameness of the charts in the regard that twins can have different charts due to the fact that not all twins are born at the same time as Abigail Van Buren and Ann Landers.

Both sisters' birthdays occurred on July 3. In all honesty, Stargazers, I found our Mystery Guests were a pleasant surprise, due to how many journalists are usually within one of the Air signs (sp. Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) or within Scorpio. However, when one looks at the content of the Dear Abby columns, one can see that this could be a nice avenue for Cancer.

The charts for Abby and Ann, are very heavily centered around their tenth house due to the fact that they have four planets crammed into Cancer and three of those planets are in conjunction with each other. With the Mercury and Sun placements of both sisters, Ann and Abby were extremely talkative, when it came to professional matters. Unlike where many Cancerian personalities like to keep their thoughts to themselves, Ann and Abby were the types who stated anything that came to mind, at all times. While they may have been considerate of other people's feelings, they still verbalized what was observed with reader's letters.

With Pluto being within this conjunction, both sisters also had a keen eye for seeing below the surface of submitted letters--they were able to glean a hint of the truth from what was occurring within the reader's life. These truths were not matters that someone would state (such as an abusive boyfriend). As a result they would find a kind yet sufficient way to impart a truthful form of advice. A downside to Pluto conjunct Sun is that the individuals can also be a little power hungry. For Ann and Abby, perhaps they wanted to be the one and only source for advice, when it came to newspapers around the country.

With Jupiter being the last planet in the mix, both sisters had a lot of expansive ideas about their column and they also had a lot of good fortune that shone down upon them, when working their way into becoming a syndicated column. It was apparent that professional matters were of great importance to Ann and Abby and there was a great chance that work always came first.

With Saturn and Neptune being within both sister's eleventh house, Ann and Abby's friends and family would have described them as being loyal and innovative when it came to keeping relationships alive.

Even though both planets aren't in conjunction, one problem that could have occurred was that Ann and Abby had a tendency to idealize their friends and companions. The challenge that they faced was seeing the flaws come out of the friends and family members and not knowing what to do to address these flaws. Furthermore, they were probably plagued with how to remain loyal to these individuals and their flaws. With these planet's squared position with their Moon, both sisters could have been weighed down, rather heavily from the challenge.

Another possibility was that with over idealizing their friends and family members, they could have been a little possessive of these people. This conclusion comes from the fact that their Moon's position was in the sign of Taurus, a sign whose shadow side comes from being a little clingy to individuals and objects.

Now Stargazers, this is the place of the chart where I grow a little jealous of Ann and Abby--they both had a grand trine between Mars in their first house, Venus in their ninth house and Uranus in their sixth house. Grand Trines are rare in charts and are very beneficial (many, like yours truly, have one trine in a natal chart). In the case of Ann and Abby, it contributed to their success.

With Mars being in the first house, Ann and Abby had a lot of will, stamina and strength to outwardly dedicate their time to the column "Dear Abby." These were two individuals who were tenacious and driven when it came to becoming successful journalists. With Venus being in the mix, they had a lot of charm mixed with the drive of Mars. Mars and Venus either in conjunction or in a positive aspect in a chart indicates very saavy business skills. Marketing the "Dear Abby" column wasn't a huge problem for Ann and Abby. With Uranus completing this grand trine, Ann and Abby had an ability to experiment with different formats or ways with giving advice, that yielded great readership.

Finally there was Ann and Abby's square with their planets in their tenth house with Mars in their first house. Since Ann and Abby's lives were revolving around their work life, there could have been moments where  decisions about the "Dear Abby" column were made rashly, or comments could have been a little brash. On top of which their vast amounts of luck at work could have led to accidents due to not seeing everything through, when it came to their column.

While I feel that both Ann and Abby had a way to resolve these matters, some of my recommendations for people who have similar aspects in their charts is to take a step back and see things through. Perhaps give an idea a third look before moving forward.

Overall, Ann and Abby were very dynamic journalists in their time and were also philanthropic (Uranus in the sixth house), in their quest to make sense out of the everyday life surrounding us. Their advice were profound and written with great sensitivity.

Well, Stargazers. My time in the stars has come to an end. Until next time, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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