Monday, July 20, 2015

???? Mystery Guest and some new occurences with Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you.

I thought that I would give you clues to a mystery guest today, knowing that we only have a few days of being in the sign of Cancer, before we shift to Leo (I'm thinking that the shift will occur on Wednesday July 22). Knowing a notable personality within your sign can help to give you perspective as to what to expect.

As for predictions for this week, there is a slight shift since the Moon, Mercury and Venus had moved. However, in order to not sound like a broken record for the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, since the planetary alignments are the same as with last week, I will say that there are slight changes for Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces.

With all of the aforementioned in mind, let's take a look.

Cancer (June 20-July 22):

While Mars is still transisting your house and you will still feel an increased drive in accomplishing projects, Mercury is in conjunction with your sun's position. What this means is that you'll have a boost of extra mental energy, in order to accomplish your tasks. You'll also feel inclined to share what's on your mind with both colleagues, close friends, companions and family members.
A note of caution:  Still be very careful that you don't pair tensions with colleagues with destructive remarks or comments. Again, Pluto is still in opposition with your house. Keep up with holistic activities if you feel a large amount of stressors within a given day.

Leo (July 22-August 23):

Since Venus left your house, you're not feeling as though your heart is on your sleeve. However, expansion seems to be the key word for this time, since Jupiter is still transisting your house. Your ideas are growing, the things that you have to do seems to be immense, but rewarding. This is also a time where you're broadening your horizons and learning new things.
A note of caution: Even though it seems that matters are going your way, don't rely too heavily on Jupiter's luck. Just ask a Sagittarian of the flip side of Jupiter's luck. Even if everything is working out, make sure your work ethic is still as strong as ever. Also Saturn is still square with your house, so some of the expansive projects may be overwhelming at times. Thinking of the rewards to achieving these tasks will help you greatly.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

To all of you lovely Virgins, you're probably stating, "Finally, I can handle my mind's fog! What a great week!"

I can agree with you whole heartedly. Venus has just transisted your house. Good chance that you're tackling the mental fog from Neptune, with diplomacy and tact. You're able to see what works for you in a given day and what may have to be tackled at another time.
Just a note of caution: The Moon is also outside of your house. Just make sure that your emotions are in check, because they are a little high. This goes for the times in which your mind drifts into the Neptunian fog.

Aquarius (January 19-February 19):

With Jupiter being in opposition to your house, you may be feeling a slight overwhelming sense of needing to accomplish a lot of things. Deadlines and pressing matters seem to be coming to you or your desk.
The good news is that Jupiter's opposition is actually a mild one. With that said, you may find a lot of personal meaning from the projects that you're undertaking both inside yourself and out.
Just a note of caution: With this expansive time, make sure that you're also working on personal projects that give you more of a personal reward. If you leave everything to the material, that may give you a feeling of emptiness. This would be a great time to take on your favorite philanthropic causes or use your logic to discover inner strengths.

Pisces (February 20-March 19):

While you're able to learn about particular subjects, in great depth or think of ideals at this time, just be careful that you're not excluding loved ones, by accident. This is due to Neptune being in opposition to Venus' placement outside of Virgo's house.
If you're in a relationship, at this time, also be careful to not over idealize the individual. Looking at loving matters with a discerning eye will be beneficial to you--especially if you're in a relationship where you're the one who's giving a lot and the partner is only taking.
Within this week, you will find yourself to be very giving. This may be a great week to do volunteer work.

Guess Who:

As with the last time that we had a mystery guest, the clues will be from the mystery guest's occupation, what his/her Ascendant, Moon, Mercury and Venus positions reveal about our guest.

For starters, this person was a journalist. Her column was known for imparting advice to people who would address questions to her, by letters.

She also had a twin sister, who was equally great with advice.

With our guest's Ascendant being in Virgo, great chance she made sure that her persona or her outer personality came across as being well put together. When it came to appearances, her hair was probably styled where a hair was not out of place. She also presented herself as being mannerly and humble. This was an individual who thought that airing out dirty laundry was a disgraceful and disorderly habit that came from poor upbringing.

When it came to family, this was a person who wanted to present her family dynamics in the best possible light--even if tension was in the household.

This was someone who was a tenth house Cancer. What this meant was that her journalistic life was very important to her, possibly because she was able to be the calm, patient and sympathetic ear to millions of Americans, who wrote to her. Because Cancers like to impart suggestions that they think people should act upon (sometimes this aspect of Cancer can make the individuals in this sign a little manipulative), there's a great chance that this individual enjoyed being able to impart her ideologies when it came to everyday conflicts.

With this person's moon being in Taurus and in the eighth house, this individual had a practical streak in her. When she started her column, she probably knew how to start a journalistic career in a no-nonsense way. She also had a way to be blunt and to the point, when it came to advice. The eighth house indicates change and this person thrived on it. No question ever stumped or flummoxed this individual. Good chance that she was also someone who loved fine, aesthetic things for her home and personal surroundings.

With Mercury being in her tenth house, this individual's thoughts were centered around work. When she communicated, either through her column or in life, she probably cushioned her very honest observations in a supportive and sympathetic manner. This was probably why people felt loved by our mystery guest.

With this individual's Venus placement being in Gemini in the ninth house, this person had a dualistic nature when it came to relationships and with a sense of order in life. One day she may have been supportive with loved ones and the next, she was aloof or distant. In order to be as informative as possible with her column, she also traveled quite a bit, or explored all sorts of subjects (as is indicated by the ninth house). This was so that she could be an expert in all different fields of study and with the questions that were posed to her.

Guess who?

I'll reveal the answer and more of this person's chart, tomorrow. Until then, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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