Monday, August 3, 2015

?????? Guess Who ????????

Greetings Stargazers!

A little bit of sad news--it looks like some of our European friends have dissipated. Meaning that they aren't following our forecasts and guests.

As was quoted within a favorite movie of mine, Julie and Julia: "Oh well, boo hoo. Now what?"

Today I have a mystery guest to share for the sign of Leo. As was stated for Cancer, sometimes it's nice to know a couple of notable people who share the same sun sign, in order to see what characteristics one may or may not have in common.

For the record, Leos, this lady was quite the Lion of her day. She was known in bringing out the best in all of the individuals that she met and had quite the sunny disposition. Her sunny disposition was the key trait of Leo that attracted many individuals.

To start with, out mystery guest loved French cooking so much, that she redefined the art and craft of it when she wrote her own cookbook and exposed all Americans to the art on television. When it came to teaching French cooking, this person was also very down to earth that she caused for everyone who read her book, or who caught her televised program, to relax and enjoy the process. Cooking for this individual wasn't so much about perfection as doing one's best and continually learning along the way.

Her Ascendant was within Gemini, which meant that her outer personality was keen on communication, a great asset for being a television personality and writer. Gemini's Ascendant also indicated a bit of restlessness within her life. This person wasn't satisfied in learning one aspect of cooking or in just  going about her life, as a housewife. She needed a constant stream of information to share. Stagnation easily bored this person.

Her Sun's position being within her fourth house, indicated that the concept of home was important to this person. Whether home meant a figurative home within oneself or a literal brick and motar establishment, home was the place that this person thrived within. Without a sense of home, this person was likely to feel scattered.

This person's Moon position was within Libra and was within the fifth house. The Moon's placement in a person's chart indicates the private and emotional life of the individual. For our mystery guest, her private side lie in being fair and equal to her partnerships and bringing the best out of them. She also thrived on creativity, when it came to presenting cooking in a broad new way. She was also creative in the way that she was one of the first professional chefs, who happened to be female (I understand that our mystery guest may not have considered herself to be a chef, but I think that she was). Her Moon's position was also indicative of the fact that the idea of children balanced her life out. If she did indeed have children, she was also a very fair mother who would provide a lot of emotional support to her child.

Our mystery guest's Mercury and Venus placement was in conjunction to each other within her fourth house. They, however, were in Virgo. The conjunction means that our mystery guest communicated with fairness and diplomacy in mind. She was careful not to say something that would hurt someone. Mentioning matters that were free of conflict was very important to this individual, especially when it came to the people who she considered as being within her sense of home.
With this conjunction being in Virgo, she also used a lot of tact in communication. She was also a lady who thought in terms of precision. Never was there an estimate. Everything had to be logical and concise.

So, Stargazers, what do you think?

I will reveal the individual tomorrow.

Until then, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

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