Thursday, August 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Virgos

Greetings Stargazers! Just a little note for now, since it has been a while since I had last reported to you.

Happy Birthday to all of you Virgos out there (I didn't want to say Virgins, because of how wrong it could sound). As was true to form, Leo switched over to Virgo as of the 23rd of August.

With Jupiter also being within your house, you are seeing things expansively within this month. Whether it's a project that you're working on or just the matters within the everyday, you are able to see the "bigger picture," so to speak. In a way, the big picture is refreshing and in other ways it can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to ideas.

For you there are so many ideas and not enough time to express all of them.

Don't fret. It take Jupiter a while to move, so you'll have plenty of time to experiment with how to deal with the expansiveness within your life.

So Stargazers, yours truly is back in school and won't have as much time to publish as many posts as was seen over the summer. I will do my best but may post every other weekend or something like it. We'll see as it goes.

As always, remember to look up at the stars and venture out and look at the full moon. Until we meet again, this is Alissandra Coffey signing off.

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