Thursday, August 20, 2015

Leo's Mystery Guest Revealed

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey reporting to you.

This week will be another exciting week, in the regard that we are going to be in the midst of another sun sign transition. Around the 23rd or the 24th, we should be exiting Leo and entering Virgo. Again, I'll keep you posted when the Sun's position is in 29 degrees Leo.

So, after a day's worth of time of pondering over the clues, I think that today is a great time to give the reveal of our mystery guest.

Our mystery guest is none other than Academy Award winning actor, Robert DeNiro.

As true to form, I will reveal as to what else is within his natal chart.

Within Mr. DeNiro's chart, this is an actor where financial matters play a big role within his life, due to how the majority of his planets are within his second house.

In his second house, Pluto is in conjunction Jupiter, which indicates that Mr. DeNiro usually has unexpected expenses that pop up. These expenses are more likely in the form of a highly priced bill that needs to be paid right away or a costly doctor's appointment. However, since Jupiter is in the mix, the costs aren't too terrible for Mr. DeNiro to handle. This is a man who knows how to raise money for a cause or he has a lot stored away for a rainy day.

With Pluto's conjunction to Jupiter being sextile to Saturn in his twelfth house, good chance that Mr. DeNiro is very focused and disiplined, when it comes to financial matters or for even maintaining a life where luxury is key. What's also striking about this combination is that Mr. DeNiro is also someone who can remain very professional, when he's working. When a working environment becomes a little too touchy feely, Mr. DeNiro is more likely to dismiss the environment as unprofessional or inappropriate.

Saturn in the twelfth house indicates that this is an actor who has a tough, disiplined exterior and that deep matters (such as what happens within his psyche) shouldn't be aired out in public. Along with his Moon placement, Mr. DeNiro sees to it that all of his personal matters are kept to himself. He has a lot of challenges when it comes to revealing himself to loved ones, friends, or even the public.

With Mr. DeNiro's Pluto, Jupiter and Sun placements, comes the fact that they are squared with Mars and Uranus he is prone to experiencing bouts of impulsiveness that could cost him financially. He is prone to overspending or overindulging.

When the overspending comes to haunt him, Mr. DeNiro is also prone to being destructive, mainly with words and rebellious attitudes.

The  best way to remedy overindulgence, is to own up to the fact, see the cause and find solutions, to not allow for yourself to fall for your impulses, again. Finding substitutes for buying things are also great lifetime solutions. For Mr. DeNiro, these things could be spending more time with family or friends.

With Mr. DeNiro's Mercury conjunction Venus being trined his Mars placement in the eleventh house, he's not only diplomatic with his words, but he has a way with using the right words to communicate an idea. Acting is not the only strong suit for Mr. DeNiro. He can prove to be a great writer as well.

Also, when it comes to friends, Mr. DeNiro has many. He's not only a dynamic individual but he's supportive of others. Usually he's the shoulder to cry on or he's someone's biggest advocate.

With his Moon placement being in opposition to his Mercury and Venus conjunction, Mr. DeNiro may feel that, while he's everyone's biggest advocate, many people aren't as supportive. This can weigh very heavily when it comes to feelings of resentment or feeling left out.

Because he's not big about revealing a lot about himself, Mr. DeNiro's friends wouldn't know about how he feels until they are shut out of his life.

His friends may not know a lot about Mr. DeNiro' either because of his tendency to withhold information about himself. For this matter, they come to know Mr. DeNiro as someone who's supportive and nothing more.

Mr. DeNiro could benefit from sharing just a little bit of information to friends, especially when he feels emotionally taken advantage of. The little bit that shared can aid in misrepresented words and actions later on.

Now, Stargazers, here's where I'm just a little envious, when it comes to Robert DeNiro's chart--he's another personality who has the rare, but wonderful Grand Trine.

This occurs between Neptune in his fourth house, Uranus in his eleventh house and Saturn in his twelfth house.

Home, to Mr. DeNiro, would be within himself and the concept is an innovative and expansive one.

He not only has  very innovative and unique ideas about home, he implements his ideas by
becoming a living example. To learn about his ideas would be to observe Mr. DeNiro in interviews.

Innovation also resides within Mr. DeNiro's views on his emotional or private side. This is due to how Uranus in his eleventh house is sextile to his Moon placement.

If a matter is plaguing him, he has a great fix that solves the problem and allows for him to move forward within his life.

Overall, the theme of Mr. DeNiro's chart is self containment or a reluctance to reveal too much of himself. This aspect can be great when it comes to an actor's allure--the facade of mystery. However, Mr. DeNiro may find that to reveal some things about himself can be helpful both for his peace of mind as well as the peace of mind for his friends and family.

So, Stargazers. What do you think? Pretty interesting.

Until next we meet, remember to look up at the stars.

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