Saturday, August 8, 2015

Predictions for Sagittarius to Pisces for Week 8/3/15

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting  to you, from the roomy house of Sagittarius (as compared to Leo's house).

Yep, Venus is still in retrograde. It's moved from 27 degrees Leo to 26 degrees Leo. We'll see when it stops moving backward and just stands still, altogether.

So without further ado, I have my ten pots of Earl Grey tea, to fuel my jet pack, let's get into the predictions for this week.

Sagittarius (November 24-December 21):

While people's snippy attitudes can be a minor irritation, for you, most likely you are handling Venus retrograde with an attitude of "Oh well. Someone's bad mood is not enough to ruin my day. If it interferes with my plans, however, then we're in trouble."

Up until Saturday, this is a great week for cerebral adventures. With Leo's Mercury conjunction Jupiter being trined your house, you are loving this influence. Not only are you seeing the bigger picture, when it comes to your philosophies (is anyone up for the philosophies of life?) but you're loving how you're able to communicate these philosophies quickly and efficiently. What's more, Mercury is causing for your ideas to snowball. While Jupiter is causing for bigger thoughts to emerge, Mercury is giving cause for your thoughts to think of the theories that are leading up to the bigger picture.

With Uranus also being trined your house, you are also thinking more unconventionally than usual. Your ideas may have an eccentric edge, indicating that you're thinking outside of the box.

A note of caution: Towards Saturday, the Moon will be in opposition to your house. Just make sure that your temper is in check and that little matters aren't bothering you. If you feel that the source is piecing together your ideas, just take a step back and approach your philosophies another day. If the source is someone who is profoundly affected by Venus retrograde, try to give yourself a little bit of distance.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

When it comes to the people who are affected by Venus retrograde, you have been a hair close to telling these people as to what is on your mind. However, your approach to reading someone the riot act is to give a rather cold remark, that leaves someone silent, but wary.

With Mercury and Jupiter's conjunction, affecting Pluto in your house, you have been feeling that you have had a tremendous amount of work to think through and the effect has been a little overwhelming. With Mars' opposition thrown into the mix, you have also been feeling a little impulsive in getting your work done, so that you can move on to other matters in your life. The result has left others expressing that you have not shown your best.

While the effects of this last week have left you to feel frustrated, take heart. Mercury will be moving from Leo into Virgo by Saturday of this week.  You'll find that your mind will not only be clear but is able to see through all of the effects of the sticky situations of this last week.

You will also have a little bit of help from the Moon's position. With the Moon being trined your house, you'll have the emotional support that you need when facing through the difficulties of the week, whether from family and close friends or from yourself.

Aquarius (January 20- February 19):

Like Virgo, by the time this month ends, you will be superheroes, dear Water Bearers. You'll be a master of handling interpersonal conflict. This week will be yet another quest and lesson that you must bear.

 Because Venus retrograde is in opposition to your house, you're feeling that relations with friends and family are a little tense. You're saying one thing to help someone, only to have that person take your words in the worst context possible. As if this isn't enough, the Moon's sqaured position to your house is leaving you to feel more emotionally involved than usual.

Furthermore, because Mercury's conjunction to Jupiter is in opposition to your house, you may feel a little overwhelmed cerebrally. Whether it's because you have thought through something a million times and your head can't think of the matter anymore or whether it's because you've had a lot to sort through at work, your brain has just had enough, already.

As of Saturday, Mercury's position will be quincunx your house, which will mean that you won't feel too overwhelmed but you may have minor complications either at work or at home. However, these problems will be something that you can handle.

Also, Uranus is still sextile your house. With your analytical skills and the ability to think outside of the box, you will find inventive ways to resolve conflicts with your social sphere.

Pisces (February 20- March 19):

You're really feeling everyone's bad moods this week. In fact, you feel like you can't wait for Venus retrograde to end.

With your dreamy frame of mind and your ability to dive into subjects, everyone seems to be annoyed with whatever you're doing and it's dragging you down, emotionally.

However, with the Moon being sextile your house, you're also able to see all of the interpersonal problems with a lot of intuition and sensitivity. With the drive and perseverance that Mars and Saturn are giving with their trines, you may find that you can resolve a lot of the problems by week's end.

It'll just take a little bit of imagination and a tough skin to get you through, dear fish.

Well Stargazers. This is what I have for you. Until we next meet, keep checking out the stars.

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