Thursday, August 13, 2015

Predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

Hello Stargazers. As promised, I'm going to cover the predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, that I had missed from last week.

Without further ado, let's load up the jet pack and travel back to last week's starry sky.

Aries (March 20- April 19):

With all of the frustrations that you have been facing with Uranus' placement in your house, Venus retrograde's effects have been quite minor for you. If anything, you have been responding to tense social interactions with, "Whatever. I have things to do. This person's attitude is wasting me time."
Speaking of which, this week is a better time for you. With Uranus trined Mercury conjunction Jupiter, you're able to think more critically, expansively and uniquely, when it comes to the projects that you've been tackling.
Whether it's because, like your symbol, the Ram, you've butted your head into a hard brick wall, one too many times or you're coming to an epiphany, this is a time where you're stepping back and weighing the pros and cons of a project, before proceeding.
A note of caution: Because Mars and Pluto's positions are squared your house, just be careful of a similar attitude--"Well. I've seen all pros and cons of this situation and I know everything that I need to know." This attitude can cause for you to move backwards and lead to impulsive actions and rash decision making, which will not fare very well with you. Take more time than you usually do, when it comes to proceeding with your current projects.

Taurus (April 20-May 21):

With Venus retrograde, you've been feeling strain, when it has come to personal relationships. The strain may have surrounded around expressing how you had felt with that person.
With the Moon being within your house, you're emotional range is higher than usual. With Mercury conjunction Jupiter squared your house, you're communication skills have surrounded around expressing your emotions when tensions were high.
As if this weren't enough, with Saturn's opposition, expressing matters has been a challenging task for you: while you like to be practical and clear headed about everything and you keep simplicity in mind, when communicating, communication has not been an easy task for you.
Hang in there Bulls. The Moon's will move into Gemini's house by the end of the week, which will ease the emotional tension, enormously.
Due to Mars' semi-sextile position to your house, you have a lot of drive that will help you through this dicey week.
Neptune's sextile will help to guide you in matters that's requesting your aid. Just take a little bit of time to listen to your intution.
With Pluto's trine, you'll also have keen insights about your relationships and what you can do.

Gemini (May 22-June 20):

Venus retrograde's influence, at first glance, may cause for you to react to other people's snippy attitudes with, "What's everyone's problem? Oh, well it's not going to bother me, so whatever."
However, your twin side may feel very differently. It may be dwelling on why everyone doesn't like you.
Not to fear, Twins. If everyone has been a little short or curt with you, lately, good chance it has nothing to do with you.
Just keep your communicative nature constructive and compassionate and you'll weather though Venus retrograde, with finesse.
As with last week, Mercury conjunction Jupiter is sextile to your house. Your mind is swift and sharp and you have a huge array of ideas and topics of interest to explore. This week will be an exciting one for you.
A note of caution: The Moon will shift into your house, later within the week, causing for your thoughts and expressions to surround around your emotions.
Remain logical when expressing your feelings and try not to tread on being confrontational. This week is not a great time to hash out conflicts.

Cancer (June 21-July 23):

You poor Crabs. With Venus retrograde, you have felt a lot of heartbreak when it comes to the apathetic and coarse behavior of others.
Try not to take social and relationship tensions so personally. If you have said anything or have acted on foul behavior, the retrograde's influence has nothing to do with you.
With Mars' position in your house, semi-sextile Mercury conjunct Jupiter, this is a week where you feel a strong urge to express grand ideas that you have had, buried inside of yourself, for quite some time. Just be prepared to act on your ideas, instead of expecting for others to play them out for you. By actualizing your ideas, you may uncover more insights about life and your ideas could lead to a great project.
With Saturn and Neptune trine your house, you have the focus and insight to delve into your ideas. The sky's the limit as to what you may uncover.
A note of caution: As with previous weeks, keep all communication constructive and peaceful. With Pluto's opposition to your house, this is not a great time for enemies.

Well, Stargazers. This is what I have for now. Until next time, make sure to look up at the stars and check out for what is on the horizon. As of tomorrow night, a happy new moon to you.

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