Thursday, August 6, 2015

Predictions for Leo to Scorpio for week of 8/3/15

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from Leo's extremely crowded house (again, for two weeks in a row, now).

So, as I had mentioned with the predictions, last week, Venus is in retrograde. Many of you may have felt this influence in the regard that people are suddenly snippy to you, when you pass that person on the street or relationships with lovers, friends and family are a little tense.

The bad news is that Venus is still moving backwards from it's position three days ago (Venus has moved from 29 degrees Leo to 27 degrees Leo). I'll keep you posted, however, when the retrograde motion has stopped. It might be a while, so hang in there. These few weeks will be a great time to keep communication with yourself as well as with loved ones intact. If something is bothering you, state it in constructive ways. Don't let conflicts build up within your relationships. Also if ties are a little tense, find ways to give yourself, as well as your significant other, some space.

With this said, I have my ten pots of Earl Grey tea and my jet pack, to go and explore Leo to Scorpio. Let's go and see what the stars have to say.

Leo (July 23-August 23):

Unfortunately, dear Lions, you may be mislead if people seem to be attracted to you. Because of Venus retrograde in conjunction with Mercury and Jupiter, it seems that everyone that you meet, is expressing affection. It may be for the wrong reasons. Just tread carefully before you accept an offer for a date or before you invite someone into your life. If you're already in a relationship, you may feel that your big actions for showing love and affection may be missing the mark with your significant other. With Jupiter's influence, you won't feel discouraged as much as you will want to display your affection more. Perhaps this would be a good time to find little, subdued ways to express your love, because your partner may feel a little inundated.

When it comes to responding to individuals who are snippy or not very loving, make sure that you don't put in your two cents into the conversation. From one Leo to another, I have noticed that Mercury is tempting you to fight negative words with negative words. Resist the temptation and ignore the individuals who are bogged down. The last thing that you need is for these individuals to bring you down as well.

On the bright side, your mind is as expansive as ever right now. This would be a great time to tackle the projects that have seemed ideal to you, in the last couple of weeks, whether creatively or otherwise. You will find that you'll have the right words to fulfill the demands of your ideas and that will make you feel rather content.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

Virgo, by the time this month ends, you will be a superhero, when it comes to resolving conflict. Let's just say that this week is another part of your quest and training.

With Venus retrograde being very close to your house, you feel a sense of loss from the diplomatic efforts that you had last week, when it came to balancing ideas with practical knowledge. Plus you miss the friendliness of people.

Right now, you are taken aback by how rude people seem to be at this time. Just keep in mind, Venus retrograde is posing problems for these individuals, when it comes to relationships. Their rudeness has nothing to do with you.

Mercury's position is also very close to your house (28 degrees exactly). With your ruling planet coming so close to your house, comes the nice news. You may be feeling that you're able to tackle your projects, both at work and at home, with the right amount of finesse. Mainly this is because you're also feeling very cerebral and clear headed. Along with Leo, you are also able to look at "the bigger picture" of your projects. You may be thinking in broader terms, which may be a little overwhelming, at first. But once you see how these broad ideas may work well with your mental swiftness and the ideas that you have been tackling, you will come to like this transit.

A note of caution: Just make sure that Jupiter's influence doesn't lead you to say foolhardy words. Also manage the grand ideas, that Jupiter gives, in small chunks. Take the grand ideas one step at a time.

Libra (September 24- October 23): 

Venus retrograde is throwing you off balance, in the regard that you're constantly in the middle of everyone else's conflicts and trying to resolve them. Matters only escalate when two or more unhappy people leave you, because they are dissatisfied with your conclusions.

Also, you may be finding that it's hard to keep to a budget right now, because you feel the compulsion to spend on lavish or lovely items.

Speaking of finding balance, because Mercury and Jupiter's positions are sextile to your house, you're able to see two or more sides of a matter with ease, as opposed to mild opposition that leads to confusion. As with last week, when you come to a conclusion, you know that logic and seeing everything with a broad perspective, is ruling the final decision. You are also feeling that Uranus' opposition is not so terrible, in the regard that you're learning to not make decisions with haste. In a way, despite that close relationships are undergoing tension, you feel more in control.

A note of caution: Because Mars and Pluto are squared your house, beware of your words when making a decision as to what's right between people's conflicts--they may be phrased in the wrong way.  Along with Venus retrograde, Mars may also lower your inhibitions with spending just that much more. Be careful of compulsive buys and stick to what you need, not what you feel you need. You also may feel, at times, that you're making a sound decision rather quickly, when you're actually feeling a steadfast desire to resolve matters in order to go on about your day. Just take a little extra time to make sure your conclusions are, indeed, logically sound and balanced.

Scorpio (October 24- November 23):

You poor Scorpions. With Venus retrograde, you're not having such a great week.

With Venus retrograde squared Saturn's placement in your house, romantic involvements may be causing tension in the regard that you are losing sight of your goals. This may be caused by not being able to focus, at work or allowing an argument take up your whole time at home.

Towards the end of this week, when the Moon is in opposition to your house, the fact that your goals aren't being met, will also impact your emotional side. With the feelings of tension, you may be a little snappier than usual or you may be prone to thinking the worst.

Take a deep breath and allow for Pluto's sextile to guide you in seeing what you have accomplished, despite the tension in romance. You may have done a bit more towards achieving your goals, than you have realized. Also allow for this sextile to lead you to the best insights when it comes to resolving romantic issues. You may come up with a great idea that will help your partner see how deep and intuitive you can be.

With Neptune and Mars' trines to your house, you may also have a burst of insight and the drive to make a right out of wrongs.

Well, Stargazers, until next we meet, check out Saturn in the southern half of the sky! It's the bright yellow star!

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