Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Whoo Whoo. Who Could This Be?

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you with a mystery guest for this week.

I'm sure that all Leos will like this guest and may add a little more understanding when it comes to the sign.

Before we begin, Venus is still in retrograde (ugh). It has moved from 27 degrees Leo to 21 degrees Leo. My prediction: I think that Venus will remain stationary either at 1 degree Leo or 29 degrees Cancer, before returning to its regular forward motion. Until then, one strategy that has worked for me, when it has come to the flagrant verbal qualities of others, is to say, out loud to this person, "I can't hear you. I won't hear you. La, la, la."

Without further ado, allow for me to fuel my jet pack, and take a peek at our mystery guest's Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury and Venus placements.

To begin with, this person is an actor, who is best known for his roles within Taxi Driver, Stardust, Raging Bull and Silver Lining's Playbook. He is close to internationally renowned directors, such as Martin Scorsese and David O Russel.

His birthday is on August 17.

He's known for playing tough guys within his roles and because of this, he's been known to embody the epitome of masculinity.

However, I have to say, Stargazers, that this man's natal chart has shown a breadth of nice surprises.

First of all, this guy's Ascendant is within Cancer, which means that the macho, tough guy act doesn't translate into his personal life.

In actuality, a man who has a Cancer Ascendant exudes a persona that is tender and sensitive, especially when it comes to women and children. Like Libra, there is an understanding when it comes to the fairer sex and to those who are vulnerable. This is because Cancer can be a very feminine sign, especially since it has been likened to being the archetype of being the mother of the zodiac.

With the aforementioned in mind, this person can be maternal, in his own sort of way. Most likely, he's extremely supportive to his co-stars, family members and close friends and is the person who encourages these individuals to do their best and to excel within their lives.

Unlike his characters, this individual is shy or very introverted. He's not the type who will seek the attention of others, out in the public sphere. He's also the type who thinks that home is an enjoyable place to be. Rarely will you see this guy at post Academy Awards soirees.

An Ascendant in Cancer also implies that this individual may need to watch out for an inclination to manipulate people through the emotions and the environment. Since an individual who has an aspect in Cancer is prone to telling other what they should do, in order to fulfill his/her ideals, someone who has an aspect in Cancer can benefit from finding ways to act upon his/her ideas. This way, the ideal can be reached, without resentment from loved ones.

In contrast, our mystery guest's sun placement is in contrast to his Ascendant.

This person's sun placement is Leo in the second house. Where Cancer is the archetype of mother, Leo is the archetype for father. Leo is all about placing ideals out into the world, for all to see and admire and for being at every social gathering.

Considering this person's Ascendant and Sun sign, it goes without saying, that this man is a subdued Leo, who has a sort of yin yang personality.

While he takes center stage when it comes to his roles, he shines the best when he's behind the scenes of making a movie. Especially when it comes to the financials. With his sun sign being within the second house, this man has always had a natural inclination when it comes to managing money and how to make it. When training with Stella Adler's techniques, this was a man who knew how to make it within acting, from the financial standpoint.

He probably thought that classes weren't everything for the actor. "You have to find a way to market and brand yourself," was probably what was going through his mind. Good chance that this man had starred within bit roles within stage and film, while still taking acting classes. Or he knew how someone could discover him, while "working the day job."

If asked, this person would be happy to advise someone when it comes to financial matters, such as what to do with your money, how to invest it and for actors, how to survive the marketing aspects of Hollywood. Most likely, this person would have a lot of sage advice.

Speaking of being a sage, this person's Moon placement is in Pisces in the ninth house. Again, this man is known for being wise. However, don't expect him to share what he's feeling with you. Those who have their Moon placement in Pisces are very private and mysterious when it comes to their emotional life. What goes on underneath the surface is felt to be this individual's business only.

However, with this man's Moon placement being within the ninth house, means that this is a personality who thrives on travel. Whether it's literally traveling to another country, or another state, in order to be on set for his next movie, or exploring new ideas and philosophies in his personal life, this man likes the idea of exploration.

The only note of warning for our mystery guest is that he needs to make sure that his propensity for travel doesn't lead to escapism. Sometimes the escapism can be positive, such as finding a really great creative project to work on, that will heighten this man's acting skills. Other times it can be destructive, in the regard that this person may cause friction when daydreaming, when someone is talking, or making loved ones feel that this man cares more about his ideas and places to travel, than he does with his family.

Most likely, this man is always on the move.

This man's Mercury and Venus positions are in conjunction in his third house, which is within the sign of Virgo.

What this means is that this particular individual thrives on being diplomatic when it comes to communication and thought. He needs to keep his living surroundings peaceful and disruption free.

As noted with his Sun's placement, this individual's capacity for being analytical and practical really aids him. Whether it's in the way as to how he thinks about character, how he goes about his life or how he goes about making movies, he thinks more in terms of what works and what doesn't. There are rarely grey areas in this man's thinking. Something is either right or wrong.

This is also a man who is self contained within relationships. Our mystery guest doesn't need a constant amount of attention nor does he like people who are too ego centric. He's a person who needs his independence as who needs to have a stream of self support. Family and friends are nice, but a relationship with oneself is crucial.

One last clue, is that this man is also very mannerly when he's out in public and interviews. Being private and self contained, this is not a guy who you'll see within the paparazzi or press often. Yet another attribute that sets this actor apart from his characters.

Who could this actor be?

Until next time, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey, making a crash landing back down to earth. Remember to look up at the stars, for you never know what you'll see (a shooting star, or a planet you've never noticed before).

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