Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Greetings Stargazers!

I think that today is a great time to reveal our mystery guest.

Our mystery lady is no other than world renowned chef and food personality, Julia Child.

When looking at Julia Child's chart, innovative ideas and high amounts of creativity are key words for her personality.

As was indicated yesterday, the majority of Julia Child's planets were within her fourth house, which meant that the concept of home was of huge importance for her. With the fact that her Mercury and Venus conjunction was sextile to her Jupiter placement in her sixth house, meant that she had broad viewpoints and grand ideas. She had no problem with expressing her viewpoints, however large they may have been. Most likely, she worked out her ideas and came up with inspiration at home, when speaking with loved ones and when she was with others with whom she was aiding. Good chance that Julia Child came up with a myriad of new and innovative ideas when within the classroom setting (i.e. her televised broadcast) and with companions.

Venus' role indicates that she shared credit for her ideas, with the people who were within her life.

With her Sun placement semi sextile her Neptune placement in the third house, she was an extremely innovative lady. Her thoughts didn't have a limit in regards to cooking and to life. When she would have an idea, Julia Child explored all opportunity in order to see if that idea could come to fruition. A vivid and keen sense of imagination was an integral part to her ideas. With her idea of writing a cookbook for French cuisine paired with a televised broadcast, was certainly an idea that defied convention.

With Mars placement being within her fifth house, Julia Child was very robust when it came to relationships. She knew exactly what she wanted and what she needed when it came to a partner and refused to settle for less. When she met Paul Child, great chance she fell head over heels in love, rather quickly, and had persued the relationship intensely. Mars' placement also indicates that she had strong feelings for Paul Child and remained very devoted to her marriage. She may have had a little bit of a possessive streak when it came to her husband.

Possessiveness with Paul Child was a bit tempered with her Moon placement being within the fifth house, however.  Emotionally and privately, Julia Child craved fairness and equality when it came to her relations. She certainly didn't care for possessiveness from Paul Child, therefore, she should not be possessive herself. If anything, she craved for the ideal of both persons being content within a relationship.

Between the will of Mars and her Moon in Libra, Julia Child could have had a bit of inner tension of feeling like there was a nasty, demanding person inside of her, that threatened all of her ideals when it came to giving Paul Child his space and maintaining a healthy relationship.

Since yours truly has a similar conflict when it comes to her Moon and Mars placements, I can relate. My advice for someone who has this placement in the natal chart, is to recognize the other, id like personality  for what who or she is, understand the demands that he or she is posing and make sure that you keep communication open, whether it's to yourself or to your loved ones. Express what the conflict is and be willing to be open for resolution.

With Julia Child's Jupiter placement in the sixth house, being in opposition with Saturn in the twelfth house, she was someone who was devoted to giving a lot of herself, to others, first as she came second. While this can yield to a very giving personality, there may have been inner resentment when it came to the fact that a lot of individuals were not very giving themselves. "What about me?" was probably a question that came to Julia Child's lips, every now and then, especially when in a bad mood.

However, Jupiter yields a nice, well rounded temper and ideas for quick fixes. When Julia Child noticed as to how appreciative her fans were, when it came to facilitating French cuisine, that was enough to notice that her life's work was meant to aid others and not always about herself.

Julia Child was another lucky individual to be born at a time where four planets formed a grand trine. The trine was between Uranus in her ninth house, Saturn in her twelfth house, the Moon in her fifth house and Pluto in her first house.

When it came to travel, whether of the mind or physically, Julia Child found that she visited a lot of interesting and eclectic places and felt oddly comforted in all of these places. Matters of travel greatly aided Julia Child's success. Whether it was being in the right place at the right time or thinking of an idea that could expand her reading audience, it always paid off in the long run. Furthermore, she had a keen sense of seeing the truth as to what readers needed in their lives and performed on demand.

Overall, Julia Child was one individual who proved that with a great amount of thought and insight one can find his/her true destiny within life.

Once again, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey signing off.

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