Thursday, October 1, 2015

Greetings Stargazers! Just a brief note for now.

Because it's been ions since I have last written to you, I want to wish all of those Libras out there a very happy birthday. Remember to keep those scales balanced, especially since this is a time where Mercury is in retrograde.

Unlike Venus, Mercury retrograde causes for mental processes to become fuzzy or scattered and for man made machines to malfunction. I have also noticed that retrograde motions of planets cause for disruptive behavior from others. As a Libran you may have noticed Mercury retrograde's influence by the fact that you're a little more indecisive than usual.

This would be a great time to take your time and weigh every matter carefully and don't allow for others to pressure you into an outcome.

Well Stargazers, until next time, remember to look at the heavens, especially after the occurrence of the Super moon  or the lunar eclipse on Sunday. The heavens reward us in many ways.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Predictions for Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo

Greetings Stargazers and a happy Labor Day to you. So, to wrap up predictions for the last week, this post will be for all of those Bulls, Twins, Crabs and Lions out there.

So without further ado, I will meet you outside of Taurus' house....

Taurus (April 20-May 21):

With Jupiter trined position and the fact that the Moon is in your house for the beginning of the week, your heart is on your sleeve, so to speak.

This is a time where your emotions are not only expressed but they are felt on a grand scale. Either everything is causing for you to be really grumpy with life or really inspired, to the point where you're sharing your thoughts with friends. Plus, with Pluto's trine and Neptune's sextile, to your house, you have to do very little for your insights to kick in for this week. There are things that you just come to feel and know, intuitively and you're acting on these intuitions right away.

You're also seen as prying into your friends and loved ones a bit, to see what they may have been hiding. Some of the insights might be a little unsettling and should be discussed when Venus retrograde ends on the eighth. Otherwise you might upset your friends, let alone yourself.

A note of caution:

With Retrograde Venus and Mars squaring your house, there are tensions in your social and love life. Good chance that someone had upset you and your temper had flared. You might still be seething over the affair.
Just give yourself a little distance until the eighth, otherwise the tension will just grow out of proportion. You may be able to see the situation a bit more clearly when Venus retrograde ends and act out of logic and practicality instead of pure, unadulterated emotion.

Gemini (May 21-June 19):

Jupiter's influence may be a little overwhelming in the regard that all thought processes are on a grander scale but not always on a logical track. With Uranus' sextile to your house, you're more than likely to question all of the grand scale ideas that everyone has, causing the people around you to become either intrigued or annoyed. When you decide to think outside of the box a bit, try to act on Mercury's trine by being a little balanced, when stating as to what is annoying you.

With Mars and Venus retrograde being sextile to your house, you are more eager than usual to persue new friendships and relationships. Just wait until the eighth, when Venus has stopped her retrograde motion, or your wonderful, curious heart just might be stomped on.

Cancer (June 20-July 22):

You have a lot of big ideas that surround the home, family and work. Good chance that you're mulling over these ideas until you have a better idea as to where they may lead you. With Saturn and Neptune sextile your house, however, you are dedicated to see where your ideas lead you.

For the beginning part of the week, your natural ruling planet, the Moon will be sextile to your house. This means that you will be willing to rely on your intuition and how you feel about certain situations that will arise.

A note of caution:
Just be careful that your words aren't harsh or that what you need to express, when it comes to your ideas, comes out clearly--Mercury is squared your house.

Leo (July 22-August 23):

Jupiter's influence is inspiring huge thoughts of love and relationships, especially since Mars and Venus retrograde are in your house. Not only are you dreaming of that special someone, but you're feeling a compulsion to act towards those dreams, whether you're currently in a relationship or you're single.

Uranus' trine and Saturn's square are helping you when it comes to the warning at hand--slow down or you will get burned. While life may seem to be encouraging when it comes to persuing relationships, Venus retrograde has a way of making wonderful, romantic acts seem creepy and over blown to another's eyes. Just wait until the eighth before making moves. That way, your reputation is not soured and you can see if the person being sought is worth it. If you're already in a relationship, this time will help to solidify your partner's status in your life.

A note of caution:
Also you may feel a little emotional tension when it either comes to an event in your life or with someone. Just try to remain rational. These matters should subside later within the week, when the Moon moves into  Gemini.

Well, Stargazers! Wish me luck for tomorrow. I have a test in class (one hundred questions on Microbiology and Disinfection, ugh!). I also hope that my predictions are helpful. Until we meet next, keep looking up at the stars.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Predictions continued

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from Capricorn's house, where that mysterious little planet, Pluto, is positioned.

A little bit of good news--Venus' retrograde motion will stop as of the eighth of September (this Monday)! For many, this will be a great sigh of relief, because that will mean an end to nasty comments and tense social situations. I don't know about you, but all of the drama in the air is starting to grow a bit stale and boring.

To all of you Capricorns, Aquarians, Pisceans and Aries personalities, you're in luck for tonight. We'll be exploring as to what's happening or what has happened within your week.

Without further ado, I'm refueling my jet pack with Earl Grey tea. You know the rest.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Well dear Goats, along with Aquarius and Virgo, you've had a lot of superhero training in the last couple of weeks, with what you've had to put up with when it comes to Pluto's position, in your house.

Great chance that you have been feeling a little lighter, this week. While you're still focused on seeing the truth of all matters that are occurring within your life, you have had expansive vision when it has come to work or personal projects.

This is mainly due to the fact that Jupiter is trined Pluto's position in your house.

Jupiter's position to Pluto has also caused for you to feel lighter in mood, as well. Instead of feeling as though you need to give someone an icy remark, you're focusing more on what's important in your life and allowing for the comments to slide.

As mentioned earlier, this would be a great week for finishing old projects and starting new, whether with goals or with other projects that have been waiting on the back burner. With Saturn's position being sextile your house, you have the focus and dedication to your goals and with Neptune's position, you have a lot of broad insight.

A note of caution:

While you have withheld the icy remarks, Mercury's squared position indicates that you may be prone to saying destructive remarks when you're not in a great mood. Also be careful that Uranus' squared position to your house doesn't lead to emotional outbursts. This would also be a great time to take up meditation, or holistic activities. Also, if there are tense moments between loved ones or coworkers, just try to let the matter slide. The last thing that you need right now is stress and tension. Take care to lower your Cortisol levels.

Aquarius (February 20-March 19):

Hang in there Water Bearers. While this week may be tough for you, there are a couple of quick fixes.

First, while Jupiter's position being quincunx your house, could cause for you to feel a little overwhelmed with life (a possible surge in work expectations, or your big projects may be getting a little out of hand),  and feel as though there is a lack of luck in your ventures, look inside of yourself. You may have the answer for a  nice fix that could help you to organize your life a bit more.

Also with Venus retrograde and Mars' conjunction being in opposition to your house, you are definitely feeling the strain on friendships, family or love encounters. With Mars' spontaneity paired with how sensitive people have been, lately, it just seems like everyone is on the verge of an emotional explosion and it's making you feel uncomfortable.

Just do your best to keep the peace and perhaps give yourself a little space and "me" time, this weekend.

Pisces (February 20-March 21):

With Jupiter's position being in opposition to your house, you're feeling a little overwhelmed as well. Between giving yourself free reign to think, uninhibited, about goals and ideals that you have in your life, it seems that life is telling you that there's no room for dreams.

As with Aquarius, there may be a pile of unfinished work to be done or unexpected deadlines for a project and your sensitive nature is getting a little bit of a shock. Life is being a little abrupt for you.

It'll all work out, dear Fish. During the beginning of this week, you may find cues for how to handle the unexpected from the Moon's placement being sextile your house. Not only will your gut instinct be on the rise, but you may be able to give yourself a little needed emotional support.

With Pluto sextile, you will also be able to handle the abrupt with penetrating amounts of concentration and a great attention to detail.

When the week is over, do give yourself that time for needed relaxation, so you're not taxed come the next week. Perhaps work some of your ideas from your dreams into your projects for the next week.  It might give insight to your work and you'll be able to prevent the jolt that you've had from this week.

Aries (March 21-April 19):

While you are still able to think analytically and outside of the box, you are feeling minor tension in the regard that Jupiter is quincunx your house.

While you're keen on making sure that your ideals are set into motion, it just seems that your projects require a lot from you. Sometimes it seems that there's too much to do, that you feel that you're not getting anything done at all.

Take a step back and take a deep breath. Since your critical thinking processes are on the rise, this week, you might have to find creative and innovative ways to help you handle the heavy workload. Also, while you're taking a break from your projects, look inside of yourself. The answer to what you need may lie inside of yourself.

Relationship wise, you are probably finding ways to get around the tension cause by Venus retrograde. With both Venus and Mars being trined your house, the way in which you're easing the tension is by just addressing all pitfalls and obstacles. You're also in the mood to clear the air. Knowing your drive and your high analytical skills, you may accomplish clearing the discrepancies.

Well, Stargazers! I hope this was helpful. Until next time, keep looking up at the stars.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

First Predictions with Virgo

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from the expansive house of Virgo (Jupiter, there is just something that is just causing for us to meet periodically).

Since it has been a while, I thought that I would cover predictions for this week, since I have not featured our wonderful Virgos yet.

Without further ado, I have about ten pots of Earl Grey tea and my jet pack ready to go. Let's take a look at the stars, shall we?

Virgo (August 23-September 24):

Happy Birthday Virgo! Again I didn't feel that it would be appropriate to say Virgins. This last week has been quite the interesting one for you. While last week, you had felt the cerebral influence of your ruling planet, Mercury mixed with the expansive nature of Jupiter, this week you're more likely to feel the expansive nature of Jupiter. Whether you're optimistic in mood, you're finding new ideas at work or just a fresh take on personal projects, you might been feeling a little overwhelmed by the surge, but you're have a positive week, overall.
Because of Pluto and the Moon's positions being trined your house, emotional matters are at a low voltage and you have added insights about your big ideas. You're able to see through the superfluous and really land on an insight that's practical. Also, emotional matters are not as high because you're able to allow for all conflicts to roll off of you.

A note of caution: As with the last two months, Neptune is stubbornly parked in opposition to your house. Again you may feel an inclination to daydream or to cling on to the fanciful, when you know that there is no room in your life for the fanciful. With Jupiter's influence, your big ideas may lead to impractical solutions.
As with the last two months, don't let Jupiter's influence lead you astray from keeping a journal of your ideas and insights within your life. Again, the fanciful may lead to something very realistic. This is a great time for you to ponder as to how the impractical can fit into your life. All that you need to do is allow for Jupiter's expansive vision to lead you there.

Libra (September 24-October 21):

Man, dear Scales. This week you're feeling quite cerebral and talkative. All thoughts as to how to balance a situation in your life, are expressed in verbal or written terms. You're also coming to quick solutions to imbalanced matters because this week is one of those times where you're mind seems to be thinking and coming to solutions at lightening speed.
This is because Mercury is right in your house. Being semi-sextile to the Sun and Jupiter conjunction in Virgo, good chance you're taking chances when it comes to finding your balance. You're experimenting with new solutions that you've never tried before. At times this may feel weird, knowing that you like to come to logical conclusions. At other times, the experimentation may feel a little liberating.
A note of caution: Just be careful that you're not making rash or impulsive decisions, just because they're new. Weigh your new epiphanies first, just so you don't leave out an important detail or a crucial person in your life. Also make sure that your conclusions don't seem to be destructive to those who are not in favor with your scales of justice. With Pluto's square to your house, you could make enemies. There's nothing worse for a person keen on balance than to feel that someone is demising your downfall.

Scorpio (October 22-November 23):

This week, dear Scorpions, you're feeling that you're able to achieve whatever you set your mind to. Not only is your mind focused on the goals that you would like to achieve within your life, but you're finding that the goals are easier to achieve. This is in large part to the fact that Saturn is sextile the Sun and Jupiter conjunction. The little bit of luck that Jupiter is lending is causing for your goals to become easily managed. Plus with Pluto also being sextiled your house, you're able to see through the setbacks to your goals and completely obliterate those obstacles.
With Neptune being trined your house, you're also thinking more broadly than ever. With the broader thinking, you're able to come up to new ideas as to how to achieve your goal.
A note of caution: Since Saturn is coming close to moving out of your house, make sure that whatever challenges that you have faced with achieving your goals are managed, or they may crop up again in the future.
With Mars and Venus' position to your house (unfortunately, they're squared) relationships may feel a little more of a strain than with just Venus retrograde alone. While you're meeting new people and you feel more charged than ever to go into a relationship, your desires are conflicting with your goals and the lessons that need to be met by Saturn. Also, you might want to act on impulse when it comes to relationships.
Just take it slowly and place your goals first. The relationship that you want to go after may be filled with tension, at this time. This can place more challenges in your way (which is the last thing that you want to do with Saturn's close departure from your house).

Sagittarius (November 24-December 21):

This week doesn't seem to be a great week for you, dear Centaurs. Especially when it comes to the sense of adventure (whether physically or mentally).
There are times where when you have a great idea, the idea is either fleeting or you find a little hole in its fabric. You may have planned a trip to Mount Everest, only to find that the trip has to be cancelled. Or you are working through a theory, only to find that it doesn't add up to your other theories that you're piecing together.
This is due to the fact that your ruling planet, Jupiter, is squared with your house.
While this can be a mild square, you're still feeling the frusteration of not having a lot of luck or expansive thinking to go back to, when facing some of these pitfalls.
The good news? With Uranus, Mars and Venus retrograde being in trine with your house, you're able to replace some of the question marks in your life, with really innovative and critical thinking. If one of your theories or adventures can involve a scientific aspect to it, this would be a great time to experiment.
The extra oomph that Mars can bring will help you to stay with your projects. And you may feel a little feisty when it comes to relationships. If you're not too impulsive with relationships, they will be able to work out for you, with few of the tensions that Venus retrograde can bring.

Well, Stargazers, my fuel is running out and my time on Earth is readily approaching. I hope that my predictions are helpful and there will be more on the way.

Until then, Stargazers, look up at the stars and maybe catch a glimpse of what may be left of the moon.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Virgos

Greetings Stargazers! Just a little note for now, since it has been a while since I had last reported to you.

Happy Birthday to all of you Virgos out there (I didn't want to say Virgins, because of how wrong it could sound). As was true to form, Leo switched over to Virgo as of the 23rd of August.

With Jupiter also being within your house, you are seeing things expansively within this month. Whether it's a project that you're working on or just the matters within the everyday, you are able to see the "bigger picture," so to speak. In a way, the big picture is refreshing and in other ways it can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to ideas.

For you there are so many ideas and not enough time to express all of them.

Don't fret. It take Jupiter a while to move, so you'll have plenty of time to experiment with how to deal with the expansiveness within your life.

So Stargazers, yours truly is back in school and won't have as much time to publish as many posts as was seen over the summer. I will do my best but may post every other weekend or something like it. We'll see as it goes.

As always, remember to look up at the stars and venture out and look at the full moon. Until we meet again, this is Alissandra Coffey signing off.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Leo's Mystery Guest Revealed

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey reporting to you.

This week will be another exciting week, in the regard that we are going to be in the midst of another sun sign transition. Around the 23rd or the 24th, we should be exiting Leo and entering Virgo. Again, I'll keep you posted when the Sun's position is in 29 degrees Leo.

So, after a day's worth of time of pondering over the clues, I think that today is a great time to give the reveal of our mystery guest.

Our mystery guest is none other than Academy Award winning actor, Robert DeNiro.

As true to form, I will reveal as to what else is within his natal chart.

Within Mr. DeNiro's chart, this is an actor where financial matters play a big role within his life, due to how the majority of his planets are within his second house.

In his second house, Pluto is in conjunction Jupiter, which indicates that Mr. DeNiro usually has unexpected expenses that pop up. These expenses are more likely in the form of a highly priced bill that needs to be paid right away or a costly doctor's appointment. However, since Jupiter is in the mix, the costs aren't too terrible for Mr. DeNiro to handle. This is a man who knows how to raise money for a cause or he has a lot stored away for a rainy day.

With Pluto's conjunction to Jupiter being sextile to Saturn in his twelfth house, good chance that Mr. DeNiro is very focused and disiplined, when it comes to financial matters or for even maintaining a life where luxury is key. What's also striking about this combination is that Mr. DeNiro is also someone who can remain very professional, when he's working. When a working environment becomes a little too touchy feely, Mr. DeNiro is more likely to dismiss the environment as unprofessional or inappropriate.

Saturn in the twelfth house indicates that this is an actor who has a tough, disiplined exterior and that deep matters (such as what happens within his psyche) shouldn't be aired out in public. Along with his Moon placement, Mr. DeNiro sees to it that all of his personal matters are kept to himself. He has a lot of challenges when it comes to revealing himself to loved ones, friends, or even the public.

With Mr. DeNiro's Pluto, Jupiter and Sun placements, comes the fact that they are squared with Mars and Uranus he is prone to experiencing bouts of impulsiveness that could cost him financially. He is prone to overspending or overindulging.

When the overspending comes to haunt him, Mr. DeNiro is also prone to being destructive, mainly with words and rebellious attitudes.

The  best way to remedy overindulgence, is to own up to the fact, see the cause and find solutions, to not allow for yourself to fall for your impulses, again. Finding substitutes for buying things are also great lifetime solutions. For Mr. DeNiro, these things could be spending more time with family or friends.

With Mr. DeNiro's Mercury conjunction Venus being trined his Mars placement in the eleventh house, he's not only diplomatic with his words, but he has a way with using the right words to communicate an idea. Acting is not the only strong suit for Mr. DeNiro. He can prove to be a great writer as well.

Also, when it comes to friends, Mr. DeNiro has many. He's not only a dynamic individual but he's supportive of others. Usually he's the shoulder to cry on or he's someone's biggest advocate.

With his Moon placement being in opposition to his Mercury and Venus conjunction, Mr. DeNiro may feel that, while he's everyone's biggest advocate, many people aren't as supportive. This can weigh very heavily when it comes to feelings of resentment or feeling left out.

Because he's not big about revealing a lot about himself, Mr. DeNiro's friends wouldn't know about how he feels until they are shut out of his life.

His friends may not know a lot about Mr. DeNiro' either because of his tendency to withhold information about himself. For this matter, they come to know Mr. DeNiro as someone who's supportive and nothing more.

Mr. DeNiro could benefit from sharing just a little bit of information to friends, especially when he feels emotionally taken advantage of. The little bit that shared can aid in misrepresented words and actions later on.

Now, Stargazers, here's where I'm just a little envious, when it comes to Robert DeNiro's chart--he's another personality who has the rare, but wonderful Grand Trine.

This occurs between Neptune in his fourth house, Uranus in his eleventh house and Saturn in his twelfth house.

Home, to Mr. DeNiro, would be within himself and the concept is an innovative and expansive one.

He not only has  very innovative and unique ideas about home, he implements his ideas by
becoming a living example. To learn about his ideas would be to observe Mr. DeNiro in interviews.

Innovation also resides within Mr. DeNiro's views on his emotional or private side. This is due to how Uranus in his eleventh house is sextile to his Moon placement.

If a matter is plaguing him, he has a great fix that solves the problem and allows for him to move forward within his life.

Overall, the theme of Mr. DeNiro's chart is self containment or a reluctance to reveal too much of himself. This aspect can be great when it comes to an actor's allure--the facade of mystery. However, Mr. DeNiro may find that to reveal some things about himself can be helpful both for his peace of mind as well as the peace of mind for his friends and family.

So, Stargazers. What do you think? Pretty interesting.

Until next we meet, remember to look up at the stars.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Whoo Whoo. Who Could This Be?

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you with a mystery guest for this week.

I'm sure that all Leos will like this guest and may add a little more understanding when it comes to the sign.

Before we begin, Venus is still in retrograde (ugh). It has moved from 27 degrees Leo to 21 degrees Leo. My prediction: I think that Venus will remain stationary either at 1 degree Leo or 29 degrees Cancer, before returning to its regular forward motion. Until then, one strategy that has worked for me, when it has come to the flagrant verbal qualities of others, is to say, out loud to this person, "I can't hear you. I won't hear you. La, la, la."

Without further ado, allow for me to fuel my jet pack, and take a peek at our mystery guest's Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury and Venus placements.

To begin with, this person is an actor, who is best known for his roles within Taxi Driver, Stardust, Raging Bull and Silver Lining's Playbook. He is close to internationally renowned directors, such as Martin Scorsese and David O Russel.

His birthday is on August 17.

He's known for playing tough guys within his roles and because of this, he's been known to embody the epitome of masculinity.

However, I have to say, Stargazers, that this man's natal chart has shown a breadth of nice surprises.

First of all, this guy's Ascendant is within Cancer, which means that the macho, tough guy act doesn't translate into his personal life.

In actuality, a man who has a Cancer Ascendant exudes a persona that is tender and sensitive, especially when it comes to women and children. Like Libra, there is an understanding when it comes to the fairer sex and to those who are vulnerable. This is because Cancer can be a very feminine sign, especially since it has been likened to being the archetype of being the mother of the zodiac.

With the aforementioned in mind, this person can be maternal, in his own sort of way. Most likely, he's extremely supportive to his co-stars, family members and close friends and is the person who encourages these individuals to do their best and to excel within their lives.

Unlike his characters, this individual is shy or very introverted. He's not the type who will seek the attention of others, out in the public sphere. He's also the type who thinks that home is an enjoyable place to be. Rarely will you see this guy at post Academy Awards soirees.

An Ascendant in Cancer also implies that this individual may need to watch out for an inclination to manipulate people through the emotions and the environment. Since an individual who has an aspect in Cancer is prone to telling other what they should do, in order to fulfill his/her ideals, someone who has an aspect in Cancer can benefit from finding ways to act upon his/her ideas. This way, the ideal can be reached, without resentment from loved ones.

In contrast, our mystery guest's sun placement is in contrast to his Ascendant.

This person's sun placement is Leo in the second house. Where Cancer is the archetype of mother, Leo is the archetype for father. Leo is all about placing ideals out into the world, for all to see and admire and for being at every social gathering.

Considering this person's Ascendant and Sun sign, it goes without saying, that this man is a subdued Leo, who has a sort of yin yang personality.

While he takes center stage when it comes to his roles, he shines the best when he's behind the scenes of making a movie. Especially when it comes to the financials. With his sun sign being within the second house, this man has always had a natural inclination when it comes to managing money and how to make it. When training with Stella Adler's techniques, this was a man who knew how to make it within acting, from the financial standpoint.

He probably thought that classes weren't everything for the actor. "You have to find a way to market and brand yourself," was probably what was going through his mind. Good chance that this man had starred within bit roles within stage and film, while still taking acting classes. Or he knew how someone could discover him, while "working the day job."

If asked, this person would be happy to advise someone when it comes to financial matters, such as what to do with your money, how to invest it and for actors, how to survive the marketing aspects of Hollywood. Most likely, this person would have a lot of sage advice.

Speaking of being a sage, this person's Moon placement is in Pisces in the ninth house. Again, this man is known for being wise. However, don't expect him to share what he's feeling with you. Those who have their Moon placement in Pisces are very private and mysterious when it comes to their emotional life. What goes on underneath the surface is felt to be this individual's business only.

However, with this man's Moon placement being within the ninth house, means that this is a personality who thrives on travel. Whether it's literally traveling to another country, or another state, in order to be on set for his next movie, or exploring new ideas and philosophies in his personal life, this man likes the idea of exploration.

The only note of warning for our mystery guest is that he needs to make sure that his propensity for travel doesn't lead to escapism. Sometimes the escapism can be positive, such as finding a really great creative project to work on, that will heighten this man's acting skills. Other times it can be destructive, in the regard that this person may cause friction when daydreaming, when someone is talking, or making loved ones feel that this man cares more about his ideas and places to travel, than he does with his family.

Most likely, this man is always on the move.

This man's Mercury and Venus positions are in conjunction in his third house, which is within the sign of Virgo.

What this means is that this particular individual thrives on being diplomatic when it comes to communication and thought. He needs to keep his living surroundings peaceful and disruption free.

As noted with his Sun's placement, this individual's capacity for being analytical and practical really aids him. Whether it's in the way as to how he thinks about character, how he goes about his life or how he goes about making movies, he thinks more in terms of what works and what doesn't. There are rarely grey areas in this man's thinking. Something is either right or wrong.

This is also a man who is self contained within relationships. Our mystery guest doesn't need a constant amount of attention nor does he like people who are too ego centric. He's a person who needs his independence as who needs to have a stream of self support. Family and friends are nice, but a relationship with oneself is crucial.

One last clue, is that this man is also very mannerly when he's out in public and interviews. Being private and self contained, this is not a guy who you'll see within the paparazzi or press often. Yet another attribute that sets this actor apart from his characters.

Who could this actor be?

Until next time, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey, making a crash landing back down to earth. Remember to look up at the stars, for you never know what you'll see (a shooting star, or a planet you've never noticed before).

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

Hello Stargazers. As promised, I'm going to cover the predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, that I had missed from last week.

Without further ado, let's load up the jet pack and travel back to last week's starry sky.

Aries (March 20- April 19):

With all of the frustrations that you have been facing with Uranus' placement in your house, Venus retrograde's effects have been quite minor for you. If anything, you have been responding to tense social interactions with, "Whatever. I have things to do. This person's attitude is wasting me time."
Speaking of which, this week is a better time for you. With Uranus trined Mercury conjunction Jupiter, you're able to think more critically, expansively and uniquely, when it comes to the projects that you've been tackling.
Whether it's because, like your symbol, the Ram, you've butted your head into a hard brick wall, one too many times or you're coming to an epiphany, this is a time where you're stepping back and weighing the pros and cons of a project, before proceeding.
A note of caution: Because Mars and Pluto's positions are squared your house, just be careful of a similar attitude--"Well. I've seen all pros and cons of this situation and I know everything that I need to know." This attitude can cause for you to move backwards and lead to impulsive actions and rash decision making, which will not fare very well with you. Take more time than you usually do, when it comes to proceeding with your current projects.

Taurus (April 20-May 21):

With Venus retrograde, you've been feeling strain, when it has come to personal relationships. The strain may have surrounded around expressing how you had felt with that person.
With the Moon being within your house, you're emotional range is higher than usual. With Mercury conjunction Jupiter squared your house, you're communication skills have surrounded around expressing your emotions when tensions were high.
As if this weren't enough, with Saturn's opposition, expressing matters has been a challenging task for you: while you like to be practical and clear headed about everything and you keep simplicity in mind, when communicating, communication has not been an easy task for you.
Hang in there Bulls. The Moon's will move into Gemini's house by the end of the week, which will ease the emotional tension, enormously.
Due to Mars' semi-sextile position to your house, you have a lot of drive that will help you through this dicey week.
Neptune's sextile will help to guide you in matters that's requesting your aid. Just take a little bit of time to listen to your intution.
With Pluto's trine, you'll also have keen insights about your relationships and what you can do.

Gemini (May 22-June 20):

Venus retrograde's influence, at first glance, may cause for you to react to other people's snippy attitudes with, "What's everyone's problem? Oh, well it's not going to bother me, so whatever."
However, your twin side may feel very differently. It may be dwelling on why everyone doesn't like you.
Not to fear, Twins. If everyone has been a little short or curt with you, lately, good chance it has nothing to do with you.
Just keep your communicative nature constructive and compassionate and you'll weather though Venus retrograde, with finesse.
As with last week, Mercury conjunction Jupiter is sextile to your house. Your mind is swift and sharp and you have a huge array of ideas and topics of interest to explore. This week will be an exciting one for you.
A note of caution: The Moon will shift into your house, later within the week, causing for your thoughts and expressions to surround around your emotions.
Remain logical when expressing your feelings and try not to tread on being confrontational. This week is not a great time to hash out conflicts.

Cancer (June 21-July 23):

You poor Crabs. With Venus retrograde, you have felt a lot of heartbreak when it comes to the apathetic and coarse behavior of others.
Try not to take social and relationship tensions so personally. If you have said anything or have acted on foul behavior, the retrograde's influence has nothing to do with you.
With Mars' position in your house, semi-sextile Mercury conjunct Jupiter, this is a week where you feel a strong urge to express grand ideas that you have had, buried inside of yourself, for quite some time. Just be prepared to act on your ideas, instead of expecting for others to play them out for you. By actualizing your ideas, you may uncover more insights about life and your ideas could lead to a great project.
With Saturn and Neptune trine your house, you have the focus and insight to delve into your ideas. The sky's the limit as to what you may uncover.
A note of caution: As with previous weeks, keep all communication constructive and peaceful. With Pluto's opposition to your house, this is not a great time for enemies.

Well, Stargazers. This is what I have for now. Until next time, make sure to look up at the stars and check out for what is on the horizon. As of tomorrow night, a happy new moon to you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dear Stargazers,

To all of you Rams, Bulls, Twins and Crabs out there, I have not forgotten you in the last few days. Unfortunately, your truly has experienced Venus retrograde, in a completely different way.

Having Chronic Migraine, I have had my fair share of episodes in the last few days. I will come back and relay your forecasts, soon.

Until then, keep looking up at the stars.


Alissandra Coffey

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Predictions for Sagittarius to Pisces for Week 8/3/15

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting  to you, from the roomy house of Sagittarius (as compared to Leo's house).

Yep, Venus is still in retrograde. It's moved from 27 degrees Leo to 26 degrees Leo. We'll see when it stops moving backward and just stands still, altogether.

So without further ado, I have my ten pots of Earl Grey tea, to fuel my jet pack, let's get into the predictions for this week.

Sagittarius (November 24-December 21):

While people's snippy attitudes can be a minor irritation, for you, most likely you are handling Venus retrograde with an attitude of "Oh well. Someone's bad mood is not enough to ruin my day. If it interferes with my plans, however, then we're in trouble."

Up until Saturday, this is a great week for cerebral adventures. With Leo's Mercury conjunction Jupiter being trined your house, you are loving this influence. Not only are you seeing the bigger picture, when it comes to your philosophies (is anyone up for the philosophies of life?) but you're loving how you're able to communicate these philosophies quickly and efficiently. What's more, Mercury is causing for your ideas to snowball. While Jupiter is causing for bigger thoughts to emerge, Mercury is giving cause for your thoughts to think of the theories that are leading up to the bigger picture.

With Uranus also being trined your house, you are also thinking more unconventionally than usual. Your ideas may have an eccentric edge, indicating that you're thinking outside of the box.

A note of caution: Towards Saturday, the Moon will be in opposition to your house. Just make sure that your temper is in check and that little matters aren't bothering you. If you feel that the source is piecing together your ideas, just take a step back and approach your philosophies another day. If the source is someone who is profoundly affected by Venus retrograde, try to give yourself a little bit of distance.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

When it comes to the people who are affected by Venus retrograde, you have been a hair close to telling these people as to what is on your mind. However, your approach to reading someone the riot act is to give a rather cold remark, that leaves someone silent, but wary.

With Mercury and Jupiter's conjunction, affecting Pluto in your house, you have been feeling that you have had a tremendous amount of work to think through and the effect has been a little overwhelming. With Mars' opposition thrown into the mix, you have also been feeling a little impulsive in getting your work done, so that you can move on to other matters in your life. The result has left others expressing that you have not shown your best.

While the effects of this last week have left you to feel frustrated, take heart. Mercury will be moving from Leo into Virgo by Saturday of this week.  You'll find that your mind will not only be clear but is able to see through all of the effects of the sticky situations of this last week.

You will also have a little bit of help from the Moon's position. With the Moon being trined your house, you'll have the emotional support that you need when facing through the difficulties of the week, whether from family and close friends or from yourself.

Aquarius (January 20- February 19):

Like Virgo, by the time this month ends, you will be superheroes, dear Water Bearers. You'll be a master of handling interpersonal conflict. This week will be yet another quest and lesson that you must bear.

 Because Venus retrograde is in opposition to your house, you're feeling that relations with friends and family are a little tense. You're saying one thing to help someone, only to have that person take your words in the worst context possible. As if this isn't enough, the Moon's sqaured position to your house is leaving you to feel more emotionally involved than usual.

Furthermore, because Mercury's conjunction to Jupiter is in opposition to your house, you may feel a little overwhelmed cerebrally. Whether it's because you have thought through something a million times and your head can't think of the matter anymore or whether it's because you've had a lot to sort through at work, your brain has just had enough, already.

As of Saturday, Mercury's position will be quincunx your house, which will mean that you won't feel too overwhelmed but you may have minor complications either at work or at home. However, these problems will be something that you can handle.

Also, Uranus is still sextile your house. With your analytical skills and the ability to think outside of the box, you will find inventive ways to resolve conflicts with your social sphere.

Pisces (February 20- March 19):

You're really feeling everyone's bad moods this week. In fact, you feel like you can't wait for Venus retrograde to end.

With your dreamy frame of mind and your ability to dive into subjects, everyone seems to be annoyed with whatever you're doing and it's dragging you down, emotionally.

However, with the Moon being sextile your house, you're also able to see all of the interpersonal problems with a lot of intuition and sensitivity. With the drive and perseverance that Mars and Saturn are giving with their trines, you may find that you can resolve a lot of the problems by week's end.

It'll just take a little bit of imagination and a tough skin to get you through, dear fish.

Well Stargazers. This is what I have for you. Until we next meet, keep checking out the stars.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Predictions for Leo to Scorpio for week of 8/3/15

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from Leo's extremely crowded house (again, for two weeks in a row, now).

So, as I had mentioned with the predictions, last week, Venus is in retrograde. Many of you may have felt this influence in the regard that people are suddenly snippy to you, when you pass that person on the street or relationships with lovers, friends and family are a little tense.

The bad news is that Venus is still moving backwards from it's position three days ago (Venus has moved from 29 degrees Leo to 27 degrees Leo). I'll keep you posted, however, when the retrograde motion has stopped. It might be a while, so hang in there. These few weeks will be a great time to keep communication with yourself as well as with loved ones intact. If something is bothering you, state it in constructive ways. Don't let conflicts build up within your relationships. Also if ties are a little tense, find ways to give yourself, as well as your significant other, some space.

With this said, I have my ten pots of Earl Grey tea and my jet pack, to go and explore Leo to Scorpio. Let's go and see what the stars have to say.

Leo (July 23-August 23):

Unfortunately, dear Lions, you may be mislead if people seem to be attracted to you. Because of Venus retrograde in conjunction with Mercury and Jupiter, it seems that everyone that you meet, is expressing affection. It may be for the wrong reasons. Just tread carefully before you accept an offer for a date or before you invite someone into your life. If you're already in a relationship, you may feel that your big actions for showing love and affection may be missing the mark with your significant other. With Jupiter's influence, you won't feel discouraged as much as you will want to display your affection more. Perhaps this would be a good time to find little, subdued ways to express your love, because your partner may feel a little inundated.

When it comes to responding to individuals who are snippy or not very loving, make sure that you don't put in your two cents into the conversation. From one Leo to another, I have noticed that Mercury is tempting you to fight negative words with negative words. Resist the temptation and ignore the individuals who are bogged down. The last thing that you need is for these individuals to bring you down as well.

On the bright side, your mind is as expansive as ever right now. This would be a great time to tackle the projects that have seemed ideal to you, in the last couple of weeks, whether creatively or otherwise. You will find that you'll have the right words to fulfill the demands of your ideas and that will make you feel rather content.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

Virgo, by the time this month ends, you will be a superhero, when it comes to resolving conflict. Let's just say that this week is another part of your quest and training.

With Venus retrograde being very close to your house, you feel a sense of loss from the diplomatic efforts that you had last week, when it came to balancing ideas with practical knowledge. Plus you miss the friendliness of people.

Right now, you are taken aback by how rude people seem to be at this time. Just keep in mind, Venus retrograde is posing problems for these individuals, when it comes to relationships. Their rudeness has nothing to do with you.

Mercury's position is also very close to your house (28 degrees exactly). With your ruling planet coming so close to your house, comes the nice news. You may be feeling that you're able to tackle your projects, both at work and at home, with the right amount of finesse. Mainly this is because you're also feeling very cerebral and clear headed. Along with Leo, you are also able to look at "the bigger picture" of your projects. You may be thinking in broader terms, which may be a little overwhelming, at first. But once you see how these broad ideas may work well with your mental swiftness and the ideas that you have been tackling, you will come to like this transit.

A note of caution: Just make sure that Jupiter's influence doesn't lead you to say foolhardy words. Also manage the grand ideas, that Jupiter gives, in small chunks. Take the grand ideas one step at a time.

Libra (September 24- October 23): 

Venus retrograde is throwing you off balance, in the regard that you're constantly in the middle of everyone else's conflicts and trying to resolve them. Matters only escalate when two or more unhappy people leave you, because they are dissatisfied with your conclusions.

Also, you may be finding that it's hard to keep to a budget right now, because you feel the compulsion to spend on lavish or lovely items.

Speaking of finding balance, because Mercury and Jupiter's positions are sextile to your house, you're able to see two or more sides of a matter with ease, as opposed to mild opposition that leads to confusion. As with last week, when you come to a conclusion, you know that logic and seeing everything with a broad perspective, is ruling the final decision. You are also feeling that Uranus' opposition is not so terrible, in the regard that you're learning to not make decisions with haste. In a way, despite that close relationships are undergoing tension, you feel more in control.

A note of caution: Because Mars and Pluto are squared your house, beware of your words when making a decision as to what's right between people's conflicts--they may be phrased in the wrong way.  Along with Venus retrograde, Mars may also lower your inhibitions with spending just that much more. Be careful of compulsive buys and stick to what you need, not what you feel you need. You also may feel, at times, that you're making a sound decision rather quickly, when you're actually feeling a steadfast desire to resolve matters in order to go on about your day. Just take a little extra time to make sure your conclusions are, indeed, logically sound and balanced.

Scorpio (October 24- November 23):

You poor Scorpions. With Venus retrograde, you're not having such a great week.

With Venus retrograde squared Saturn's placement in your house, romantic involvements may be causing tension in the regard that you are losing sight of your goals. This may be caused by not being able to focus, at work or allowing an argument take up your whole time at home.

Towards the end of this week, when the Moon is in opposition to your house, the fact that your goals aren't being met, will also impact your emotional side. With the feelings of tension, you may be a little snappier than usual or you may be prone to thinking the worst.

Take a deep breath and allow for Pluto's sextile to guide you in seeing what you have accomplished, despite the tension in romance. You may have done a bit more towards achieving your goals, than you have realized. Also allow for this sextile to lead you to the best insights when it comes to resolving romantic issues. You may come up with a great idea that will help your partner see how deep and intuitive you can be.

With Neptune and Mars' trines to your house, you may also have a burst of insight and the drive to make a right out of wrongs.

Well, Stargazers, until next we meet, check out Saturn in the southern half of the sky! It's the bright yellow star!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Greetings Stargazers!

I think that today is a great time to reveal our mystery guest.

Our mystery lady is no other than world renowned chef and food personality, Julia Child.

When looking at Julia Child's chart, innovative ideas and high amounts of creativity are key words for her personality.

As was indicated yesterday, the majority of Julia Child's planets were within her fourth house, which meant that the concept of home was of huge importance for her. With the fact that her Mercury and Venus conjunction was sextile to her Jupiter placement in her sixth house, meant that she had broad viewpoints and grand ideas. She had no problem with expressing her viewpoints, however large they may have been. Most likely, she worked out her ideas and came up with inspiration at home, when speaking with loved ones and when she was with others with whom she was aiding. Good chance that Julia Child came up with a myriad of new and innovative ideas when within the classroom setting (i.e. her televised broadcast) and with companions.

Venus' role indicates that she shared credit for her ideas, with the people who were within her life.

With her Sun placement semi sextile her Neptune placement in the third house, she was an extremely innovative lady. Her thoughts didn't have a limit in regards to cooking and to life. When she would have an idea, Julia Child explored all opportunity in order to see if that idea could come to fruition. A vivid and keen sense of imagination was an integral part to her ideas. With her idea of writing a cookbook for French cuisine paired with a televised broadcast, was certainly an idea that defied convention.

With Mars placement being within her fifth house, Julia Child was very robust when it came to relationships. She knew exactly what she wanted and what she needed when it came to a partner and refused to settle for less. When she met Paul Child, great chance she fell head over heels in love, rather quickly, and had persued the relationship intensely. Mars' placement also indicates that she had strong feelings for Paul Child and remained very devoted to her marriage. She may have had a little bit of a possessive streak when it came to her husband.

Possessiveness with Paul Child was a bit tempered with her Moon placement being within the fifth house, however.  Emotionally and privately, Julia Child craved fairness and equality when it came to her relations. She certainly didn't care for possessiveness from Paul Child, therefore, she should not be possessive herself. If anything, she craved for the ideal of both persons being content within a relationship.

Between the will of Mars and her Moon in Libra, Julia Child could have had a bit of inner tension of feeling like there was a nasty, demanding person inside of her, that threatened all of her ideals when it came to giving Paul Child his space and maintaining a healthy relationship.

Since yours truly has a similar conflict when it comes to her Moon and Mars placements, I can relate. My advice for someone who has this placement in the natal chart, is to recognize the other, id like personality  for what who or she is, understand the demands that he or she is posing and make sure that you keep communication open, whether it's to yourself or to your loved ones. Express what the conflict is and be willing to be open for resolution.

With Julia Child's Jupiter placement in the sixth house, being in opposition with Saturn in the twelfth house, she was someone who was devoted to giving a lot of herself, to others, first as she came second. While this can yield to a very giving personality, there may have been inner resentment when it came to the fact that a lot of individuals were not very giving themselves. "What about me?" was probably a question that came to Julia Child's lips, every now and then, especially when in a bad mood.

However, Jupiter yields a nice, well rounded temper and ideas for quick fixes. When Julia Child noticed as to how appreciative her fans were, when it came to facilitating French cuisine, that was enough to notice that her life's work was meant to aid others and not always about herself.

Julia Child was another lucky individual to be born at a time where four planets formed a grand trine. The trine was between Uranus in her ninth house, Saturn in her twelfth house, the Moon in her fifth house and Pluto in her first house.

When it came to travel, whether of the mind or physically, Julia Child found that she visited a lot of interesting and eclectic places and felt oddly comforted in all of these places. Matters of travel greatly aided Julia Child's success. Whether it was being in the right place at the right time or thinking of an idea that could expand her reading audience, it always paid off in the long run. Furthermore, she had a keen sense of seeing the truth as to what readers needed in their lives and performed on demand.

Overall, Julia Child was one individual who proved that with a great amount of thought and insight one can find his/her true destiny within life.

Once again, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey signing off.

Monday, August 3, 2015

?????? Guess Who ????????

Greetings Stargazers!

A little bit of sad news--it looks like some of our European friends have dissipated. Meaning that they aren't following our forecasts and guests.

As was quoted within a favorite movie of mine, Julie and Julia: "Oh well, boo hoo. Now what?"

Today I have a mystery guest to share for the sign of Leo. As was stated for Cancer, sometimes it's nice to know a couple of notable people who share the same sun sign, in order to see what characteristics one may or may not have in common.

For the record, Leos, this lady was quite the Lion of her day. She was known in bringing out the best in all of the individuals that she met and had quite the sunny disposition. Her sunny disposition was the key trait of Leo that attracted many individuals.

To start with, out mystery guest loved French cooking so much, that she redefined the art and craft of it when she wrote her own cookbook and exposed all Americans to the art on television. When it came to teaching French cooking, this person was also very down to earth that she caused for everyone who read her book, or who caught her televised program, to relax and enjoy the process. Cooking for this individual wasn't so much about perfection as doing one's best and continually learning along the way.

Her Ascendant was within Gemini, which meant that her outer personality was keen on communication, a great asset for being a television personality and writer. Gemini's Ascendant also indicated a bit of restlessness within her life. This person wasn't satisfied in learning one aspect of cooking or in just  going about her life, as a housewife. She needed a constant stream of information to share. Stagnation easily bored this person.

Her Sun's position being within her fourth house, indicated that the concept of home was important to this person. Whether home meant a figurative home within oneself or a literal brick and motar establishment, home was the place that this person thrived within. Without a sense of home, this person was likely to feel scattered.

This person's Moon position was within Libra and was within the fifth house. The Moon's placement in a person's chart indicates the private and emotional life of the individual. For our mystery guest, her private side lie in being fair and equal to her partnerships and bringing the best out of them. She also thrived on creativity, when it came to presenting cooking in a broad new way. She was also creative in the way that she was one of the first professional chefs, who happened to be female (I understand that our mystery guest may not have considered herself to be a chef, but I think that she was). Her Moon's position was also indicative of the fact that the idea of children balanced her life out. If she did indeed have children, she was also a very fair mother who would provide a lot of emotional support to her child.

Our mystery guest's Mercury and Venus placement was in conjunction to each other within her fourth house. They, however, were in Virgo. The conjunction means that our mystery guest communicated with fairness and diplomacy in mind. She was careful not to say something that would hurt someone. Mentioning matters that were free of conflict was very important to this individual, especially when it came to the people who she considered as being within her sense of home.
With this conjunction being in Virgo, she also used a lot of tact in communication. She was also a lady who thought in terms of precision. Never was there an estimate. Everything had to be logical and concise.

So, Stargazers, what do you think?

I will reveal the individual tomorrow.

Until then, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Predictions for Taurus to Cancer for Week of 7/26/15

Greetings Stargazers!

Before I fuel my jet pack with Earl Grey tea (yes I'll take the chance) and give the forecast for this week, I would like to share one other bit of Astrological news with you. Venus will be in retrograde at the end of this week. What this means is that instead of moving forward in Virgo, Venus will move backward back into Leo.

The aspect that many will see with Venus Retrograde is that people may be a bit harsher when it comes to relations with one another. For those who are single, Saturday will not be a great time to enter into relationships. For those of you who are married or currently in a relationship, keep constructive communication open and if friction occurs, give each other a little bit of space. And when it comes to rush hour traffic, remember that there is always something worth learning from, when you don't flip off and swear at the driver who cuts you off.

For all of you Virgos out there, you may feel the friction between being able to think and communicate well to being a little dreamy or foggy headed. Again, try not to stress. Give Venus about a week to move forward into your house to piece things together again.

With this said, let's fuel my jet pack, and ascend up to Taurus to see what the Bulls, the Twins and the Crabs are experiencing this week.

Taurus (April 20-May 21):

Between a surge of energy from Mars and an increase in imagination from Neptune and a fine eye for depth from Pluto,  most likely that you're finding new business ideas and are bringing them into reality. This could take shape in the form of increasing a current venture that you're already within or starting a new business. Either way, you're very eager to see where your ideas are taking you.
With Venus' current position in Virgo, you're meeting new friends and romantic ties. You have an added sense of joy in the way in which you're increasing your social circle.
A note of caution: With the Mercury and Sun conjunction squaring your house, be careful that, when it comes to your friends and romantic ties, that you think of what you say before saying it. Otherwise you may utter something in which you have to backtrack in your relationship, in order to take something back.
Also with Saturn's position being in opposition to your house, you may feel a challenge when it comes to your new business ideas. Just how will the grand ideas from Neptune be set into motion? Perhaps start with the very simple set of ideas and build from there.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

My goodness Twins, along with Leo, you guys have a lot going on, planetary wise.
With your natural ruler, Mercury being in conjunction with the Sun and with this relationship further being sextile to your house, you're experiencing an increased surge of mental energy. You're finding interest in many subjects, social interactions and philosophies and you feel an even greater connection with your social circle. Most likely, you're communicating with friends and loved ones more about your experiences. Combine that with the semi-sextile with Mars, you're interests are turbo charged by your increased willpower. If you're not out and about, you feel as though life will pass you by and this mere feeling makes you antsy.
With your increased mental energy, Uranus' position is causing for you to question all forms of existing structures around you. When it comes to rules and guidelines, you're biggest question is "Why do I have to follow a, b and c? Where did all of these protocols come from?" You're also keen to finding out by rebelling a little.
A note of caution: With Venus' position being squared your house, just make sure that your inclination to share your interests with friends and loved ones doesn't lead to being a know it all or in dismissing what others have to say. You may lose interest or even the closeness of friends and loved ones and there's nothing worse for a Twins' state of mind than having people either not care or feel angered by your behavior.
Speaking of moods and state of mind, you may feel tension with your emotions from Monday to Wednesday of this week. Just give yourself plenty of room to let go of whatever may be the cause of these tensions and save discussions when the tensions clear.
Also be careful as to how critical reasoning affects your rebellious behavior, especially within a working environment. You don't want to attract negative attention from an employer or supervisor.

Cancer (June 20-July 23):

You aren't your usual quiet self, this week. With the Mercury and Sun conjunction being semi-sextile to Mars' position to your house, your keen on sharing ideas with people this week and seeing those ideas come into fruition.
With Saturn's and Neptune's positions, you are also highly focused on tasks at hand, whether it be on what to do at work, a project at home or personal matters. You also have a higher sense of intuition on what works when it comes to your ideas.
A note of caution: Because of Pluto's and Uranus' positions, don't let the ideas of others affect your mood. Especially if someone is not keen on acting on your ideas alone. Also, as with previous weeks, don't let emotional tensions cause for you to say something cutting or destructive or cause for you to dive into a tailspin of negativity. Again, holistic forms of movement or therapy may be useful for keeping calm.
Be careful that your increase in ideas doesn't lead to erratic decision making. Try to see the pros and the cons of what you're planning to do, before setting out to expressing the idea.

Well, Stargazers, my pots of Earl Grey tea were sufficient for today. I'll have to descend back down to Earth. I hope that the forecasts are informative and new for you. Until next we meet, remember to look up at the stars and see if you can spot the constellation of your sun sign. I'll give you one hint--wherever you see Saturn (the bright yellow star in the sky), is near Scorpio. From there, the constellations are ordered to the east of that position.

This is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Predictions for Capricorn to Aries for Week of 7/27/15

Greetings to you Stargazers!

I had noticed, right after I had posted yesterday's topic, that I had made one little mistake. Instead of covering Leo to Scorpio in my forecast, I had covered Leo to Sagittarius. I made the corrections but I think that I was a little too inundated with the Earl Grey tea that I had used to power my jet pack.

So, for today, I'm going to fuel with Green Tea and cover Capricorn to Aries.

With that in mind, allow for me to blast off into the heavens and take a closer look.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

With the Sun/Mercury conjunction, being quincunx to Pluto in your house, you're probably experiencing mental and verbal situations that are tense in nature but can be resolved easily. While the first tendency is to snap or say something destructive, you are realizing that there are better ways to handle these tense situations, constructively. After all, you don't want to ruin your wise, yet professional nature to something that could be highly immature or minor.
With Saturn's aid, you are able to stay focused on what needs to be done. Maybe the focus is aiding you with a high stack of demands at work, a large DIY project at home, or with resolving personal matters. Most likely, you're also experiencing situations where you can look at the truth of all matters and come to an objective conclusion.
With Neptune's aid, you're able to use your intuition to aid with the mental/verbal conflicts that are coming your way. There are times where you can just feel that something is not right and get to the bottom of it, before the conflict escalates.
A note of caution: Try not to allow for your logic to cause for you to become distant or cold to people. You can remain objective, precise and all seeing while still remaining personable.

Aquarius (January 20-February 19):

Because the Sun/Mercury conjunction is in opposition with your house, you're experiencing a situation where your thoughts are scattered and the tension from this effect is causing your verbal skills to become either abrupt and sharp or not well formed. Hang in there Water Bearers, this transit will not last for very long. What I would recommend is that you keep pen and paper handy and just jot out whatever comes to mind, in a list. When you're ready to tackle a project, just pull out your list--it could aid you in what you may have forgotten or what you want to express but can't find the exact wording for.
Some good news: up until Wednesday of this week, you'll have a little help from the Moon's position. With this transit, you'll have a bit of emotional support in dealing with the scattered thoughts, whether from friends and family or from yourself. You'll also have a heightened sense of intuition that can aid with problem solving.
Your natural ruler, Uranus, is also at your aid, by helping you to critically evaluate as to what will be important, when it comes to your projects at hand, and you may be able to do without.

Pisces (February 20-March 19):

You poor Fish. With the Sun conjunction Mercury position being quincunx with Neptune in your house, there's a good chance that you're experiencing a mental fog. Either you are working on an important matter and you can't concentrate or, like your neighbor, Aquarius, you're forgetting things left and right and can't form cohesive thoughts. While a quincunx can lead to easy resolutions, you're having a hard time finding a fix for your concentration. As with Aquarius, keep a list of things that you can think of, to do and also of your thoughts for important projects. Also just do what you can and rest when the fog hits.
A bit of good news: Saturn is at your aid, in the regard that you may find bursts of focus in order to penetrate through the foggy state of mind, so that you're not mired in it, throughout your whole day. Pluto's sextile indicates that you may find some fixes when it comes to your intuition. Also Mars will help when it comes to the will to overcome your mental fog and by leading you to an unknown source of creativity. The creativity may aid you in your projects and will also give you an outlet to express frustrations that come from the mental fog.

Aries (March 20-April 19):

While you have felt like you have been bumping your head up against walls with the previous weeks, the Sun conjunction Mercury transit in Leo, is leading to critical thinking being at an all time high this week. In fact it's giving Uranus' placement, in your house, a little hand to smooth matters over.
This week, you'll be able to see all of what you want to do, clearly and objectively. You'll even feel that you can plan ahead before you tackle your projects, headlong.
A note of caution: Be careful of Mars and Pluto's influence, when it comes to making decisions. While you feel more in control, don't let this feeling cause for you to lapse on thinking through matters critically. Above all, don't let the feelings of being in control cause you to become impulsive, or the impulse can be your undoing.

Well Stargazers, my five pots of Green Tea have run dry and my jet pack is starting to sink back down to Earth. Until next time, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Prediction for Leo to Sagittarius and how Mercury with Sun conjunction is Affecting all predictions

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you outside of a crowded Lion's house (goodness gracious, Jupiter, can you take up any more room?). If you are a proud parent who gave birth to a Leo today, most likely that your little cub will be very contemplative and talkative. His/her mind will be quick and expansive This is due to how Mercury is in conjunction with the little one's Sun placement and how Jupiter is also within Leo's house.

Because Astrologers (not that I would say that I carry this title entirely) always learn new things, I've found another way to make predictions and would like to try it out, to see if it works a bit better than what I have been doing.

If what I'm doing is resulting to the same outcome, then I'll stick to the old way. Also please feel free to post a comment and give me your views. In all honesty, I really wouldn't mind.

Today I'll give predictions for signs Leo to Sagittarius. Then I'll cover four signs throughout the week.

One thing that I can say about this week is that the theme is mental energy, due to how Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun's position.

With all this said, I'll refuel my rocket pack, with an added dose of Earl Grey tea (this stuff really works) and try not to bump into Mercury, Jupiter or the Sun, as we start with our Lions.

Leo (July 23- August 23):

Due to how Mercury is in conjunction to the Sun, most likely you're feeling as though your mind is whirring with thoughts and ideas at this time. Not only that, but you may be experiencing a situation where your mind seems to be faster than usual--you're understanding written and verbal material faster and you're coming to conclusions at a swifter pace than usual. You're also more keen to looking at all matters with a logical state of mind--this is a time where you're a little less inclined to believe subjective statement and you want hard, empirical facts to stand behind what you're hearing.
With Jupiter being in the mix, you're scope of focus has widened--perhaps you're more inclined to think of others first as opposed to yourself. When in a bind, you're more inclined to see the other person's point of view as opposed to how the other person is setting off your temper.

A note of caution: I would just caution you about Mercury's downside--mental crashes. In order to avoid a thought from coming up to a complete wall, give your noggin frequent breaks. Go and enjoy the outdoors, run a lap around the office or take a latte break. As tempting as it is to use the faster mental prowess for meeting goals, again, there's nothing worse for the regal Lion's reputation than to have a moment where you're caught fuzzy headed.

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

With Venus being within your house and semi sextile to this week's Sun position, you're probably thinking grand, aesthetically oriented thoughts. You're more in tune to appreciating fine art, or tasting the finer wines that you haven't indulged within, because of concerns with practicality and your budget.
The boost in the aesthetic thoughts are in thanks to Mercury's position being within the mix. The other matter that I see with Mercury semi sextile Venus is that you will be able to look at matters with friends, cohorts and loved ones far more logically and diplomatically than usual.
Jupiter is also in conjunction with Venus' placement. This would bring out a more loving nature from you. You are probably thinking of using this loving nature with philanthropic work or how to help others who are vulnerable at this point.

A note of caution: Just make sure that your appreciation for the finer things within your life, doesn't lead to an abandonment of material concerns. With Neptune's opposition, you could get a little too carried away with the indulgences that you're allowing. Also make sure that when helping others, that your enlargened heart doesn't get trampled on by others who aren't so loving.

Libra (September 24-October 23):

When it comes to weighing all matters, fairly, with all of the facts that are coming your way, you're mood is uplifted in the regard that you have been able to come to logical conclusions, this week. Logical conclusions are what Libra strives for after all.
With Mercury's conjunction with the current Sun's placement, you're benefiting by weighing matters out, in a faster way as well as in a more decisive way. You can back your conclusions with empirical evidence (or the equivalent thereof) and your conclusions align with what feels right. Even ideal.

A note of caution: With Uranus' position being in opposition to your house, make sure that impulsive decisions aren't made, because you're on a roll with Mercury's influence. Make sure to use the critical thinking skills that Uranus can bring, to aid with coming to rational, balanced and logical conclusions.

Scorpio (October 24-Novemeber 23):

While you are very focused and goal oriented this week, you're feeling a that when it comes to your goals being met, it's taking a long time. Good chance that your thoughts are also feeling a little drag, as though all ideas are taking quite a long time in being expressed.
This is due to how Saturn's position to your house is squared to the Mercury/Sun conjunction in Leo.
Before you grow frustrated, however, Mars' position will give you added boosts of energy and endurance to keep at your goals and Neptune will cause for you to look at your goals in depth. This is a time where these trines will aid you to learn how to look at your goals more realistically.

Sagittarius (November 24-December 21):

The Moon is outside your house again, dear Centaurs. However, with the Mercury/Sun conjunction, you'll find that you mental endeavors are heightened, by a boost in logic. You'll also feel that you'll be able to blend the subjective with the logical when pondering about the philosophies that you'll endeavor or the physical adventures that you'll take.
A note of caution: Be careful that the Moon's influence doesn't cause for you to become overly subjective in your findings. While you may feel, very strongly, that a couple of points may be right, don't be too quick to think that you've come up to the truth. If there's a sore spot for Sagittarius, it's having others think that you're foolhardy with your conclusions, when you can be rather logical.
If you need to wait to approach you adventures with a critical eye, wait for two days, when the Moon moves into Capricorn.

Well, Stargazers, I've run out of Earl Grey tea to boost my jet pack. So until next time, check out Saturn and Jupiter in the evening's sky. In the Denver Metro area, Saturn can be seen in the southern half of the sky and Jupiter in the West.

Happy Stargazing!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Rest of Ariana Grande's Natal Chart

Greetings Stargazers! I hope all of you Lions are enjoying the heart of summer.

As promised, I will complete my reading of Ariana Grande's chart. Hopefully it's informative and inspiring for everyone.

Allow for me to strap on my rocket pack and soar up to the heavens, to what June 26, 1993, looked like.

To develop the "self" is at the personal core of Ariana Grande due to the position of her Moon and Jupiter in her chart (in her first house, in Libra). Finding a way to know herself and expressing her conclusions is important for her. She would be most inclined to either see her performances as a way of knowing more about herself (and therefore takes her career very seriously) or she finds a way to express her sense of individuality within her music and tours. She's also keen on balancing her sense of self with the rest of her life. Ideally she would like to have a strong sense of knowing who she is and balance this with her social life and career. Perhaps we may see a little more self reflections come out of Ariana Grande's music.

Speaking of her social life, with Jupiter's conjunction, I see someone who has a very expansive and large emotional life. With her expansive nature, she's apt at letting people into her life. As mentioned with her Mercury position (which is sextile to her Jupiter and Moon conjunction) her social life is an important factor, due to how she comes to profound moments when she's communicating with her friends, beaus and family. She's one to take advice or to come to profound insights from her friends.

With Pluto being sextile her Jupiter and Moon conjunction, our guest has keen insight as to her sense of self and when it comes to her thoughts. She also knows when to strike when the iron is hot--she has a keen sense of business when it comes to her career. In a way, she knows when to show up at the right place and time when it comes to tours or when promoting a new album. Also, when it came to the start of her career, Ariana Grande may have had a sense of timing when it came to breaking out of the mold of child star and into the role of musician. She just knew when to make an important decision.

With her Sun's placement squaring her Jupiter and Moon placement, however, Ariana Grande feels that her quest in knowing herself, conflicts with her equal goal of making the most out of her career. The way in which this conflict pervades is that she's very preoccupied with her career and becoming a star performer, that she doesn't always have the time to know more about herself.

Because she has such a wide social circle, the one danger that I can see is that she's more prone to being led by what others think she should do that she doesn't always take the time to see what she really needs to do. This conflict can lead Ariana Grande to make decisions and actions that are regretful, in the long run. Being led by others can also cause for Ariana Grande to become resentful of those who give her advice, especially if the advice doesn't work out for her.

 I would just advise (ironically) that she take the time to look into herself, a bit more--she has the ability to discern as to what would be great for her image and her career and she needs to trust her inner instincts more.

Also with Pluto's opposition with her Venus placement, I would recommend that Ariana Grande also watch her words carefully, especially with loved ones. She is a little prone to saying cutting things.

With her Uranus and Neptune conjunction in Ariana Grande's fourth house, she can come across as having eccentric ideas, especially when it comes to a sense of home. "Home," in Astrology, can mean a literal brick and motar structure or feeling at home inside of yourself. In this sense, Ariana Grande can have rather intriguing concepts and philosophies about what it means to be "at home."

With this conjunction being within Capricorn, the sense of home may have something to do with relating to her reputation.

With the Uranus and Neptune conjunction being trined with Venus in her eighth house (Taurus), and Mars in her twelfth house (Virgo),  she has a happy home that also revolves around change and financial stability. She also craves a sense of change inside of herself. Without change, Ariana Grande becomes restless and prone to feeling trapped, or feeling as though her life is stagnant.

Again, another individual who has a grand trine! What this indicates is that Ariana Grande will continue to become a very successful person.

With her Uranus and Neptune conjunction being in opposition with her Mercury placement, I would just advise that Ariana Grande think about her ideas before mentioning them. If not thought out carefully, she could be seen as being fuzzy headed or superficial. This can annoy our guest in the regard that she would like to be seen as being original and profound.

With Saturn being within our guest's sixth house, means that she is very dedicated to maintaining her health. What this means is that she can be a bit preoccupied with staying healthy that it can cause for her to be a little bit of a hypochondriac, when it comes to minor problems. We may also see Ariana Grande becoming dedicated to philanthropic causes in the years to come.

With her Saturn opposition to her Mars placement, my only advice to Ariana Grande is that her dedication to health doesn't become such an obsession as to cause a conflict within the deepest parts of herself. Especially if she should feel restrained by her health choices.

One last aspect that I see is that Ariana Grande's Mars position in her twelfth house, denotes a lot of inner drive when it comes to her goals within life. Because yours truly has the same aspect within her chart, I would advise that all inner conflicts that arise, are expressed in constructive ways. Verbalizing or finding ways to present inner conflicts creatively are great ways to bring matters out into the open while resolving these conflicts in a rewarding way.

So Stargazers, what do you think? Feel free to leave a comment when it comes to your thoughts.

Because my rocket pack is running low on fuel and the present is coming back rather quickly, I will need to descend back down to earth for now. Until next time, Stargazers, this is Alissandra Coffey signing off and granting a very happy birthday to all Leos out there.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Revelations on Leo Shift and Another Guest chart

Greetings Stargazers! Interesting news, especially for all of you Lions out there--today is the first day of Leo.

Also Mercury had moved from Cancer to Leo. What this means is that everyone in this sign are far more inclined to express themselves. Leo may find that they need to communicate ideas, a little more than usual, or, with their involvement in the arts, may find creative outlets to impart ideas.

Also, Leo may experience an increase in mental faculties. Meaning that the Lion's brain is quick to understand and process information. Also ideas come in a flash. For some, Mercury's swift influence can be a little overwhelming in the regard that one may have a great idea one moment, that is fleeting the next.

With Jupiter's influence in the mix, Leos may find that Mercury may aid in the really big ideas that have been buzzing about within these last couple of weeks. To all of you Lions out there, good chance that you'll finally be able to bring your ideas out into the open.

For all of the signs, the month of Leo, is quite the opposite to Cancer's month--we move from a month where introspective, quiet and supportive energies abound to a month where dynamism, being recognized and finding spiritual outlets are key. We move from a month where everything is quiet and subtle to a month where everything is loud and extremely colorful.

With Mercury's move, expect to find more efforts to communicate with loved ones and children and expect to find more creativity being added into your daily mix of activities.

With Venus' move into Virgo, expect to find increased motivation to serve those who are less fortunate. This may be a month where a lot of individuals will want to volunteer and make a difference within their communities. Also there will be an increase in minding one's health in the most positive ways possible.

Even though we've transitioned into the month of Leo, I would still like to feature one last Cancerian personality, so I'm not just leaving our dear, sensitive Crabs in the dust.

This time, however, I won't cause for this individual to be a mystery guest.

The chart is that of current pop sensation Ariana Grande. Today I will reveal her Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus positions. Tomorrow I will interpret the rest of her chart.

As with our last two guests, Ariana Grande has an Ascendant in Virgo. Ariana Grande does have the appearance of wanting to look sharp in public. Since she's still very young, I look at her chart as ways in which she'll grow over the years.

For starters, I think that she'll definitely find a way to keep her personal life more private and her public image looking sharp and neat. I think that she'll also learn to tone down the impulsive actions that Mars in her twelfth house posits.

With her Sun placement in the tenth house, her focus will continue to grow with her career. I think that she'll find ways to write songs that will give greater depth and sensitivity to her music.

Because balance is a key force in Ariana Grande's life (this is due to her Moon's placement in the first house and within Libra), finding a way to integrate her public and personal life will be very important for her. Libra's balance will be a key for Ariana Grande to find who she really is and how to express her findings.

Her Mercury placement is in the eleventh house, which tells me that she is very outgoing and vocal with friends and family. She feels the most comfortable with confiding and talking to someone and comes to very profound conclusions with her social life.

With her Venus placement being within Taurus (a natural planetary placement), she loves the aesthetic in her life and she very loyal to those with whom she loves. The only warning that I have is that she doesn't grow possessive over her beau.

Well Stargazers, I hope that you like what I have seen in Ariana Grande's chart, thus far. Until we meet again, make sure to take a look at the stars.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mystery Guest Reveal and News on Cancer/Leo transition

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey reporting to you.

Excitement is in the air,  in the regard that we are coming up to the transition date from Cancer to Leo. It has not occurred today as I had predicted two days ago, due to the fact that the sun's position is 29 degrees Cancer. I would say either tomorrow or Friday the 24th should make for the transition.

To all of you Lions out there, be patient. Your time will come in a day or so.

I wanted to reveal the Mystery Guest, or I should say Guests, in which I had imparted clues to you two days ago. Again, for all of you Crabs, our guests can give you a little more insight as to what attributes of Cancer you share with our Mystery Guest.

The Mystery Guest's legal name was Abigail Van Buren. She was also known as Dear Abby. Her twin sister, Ann Landers also lent a hand with the columns of Dear Abby. The natal charts of the twins is exactly the same, so both sisters definitely had a lot in common. I state the sameness of the charts in the regard that twins can have different charts due to the fact that not all twins are born at the same time as Abigail Van Buren and Ann Landers.

Both sisters' birthdays occurred on July 3. In all honesty, Stargazers, I found our Mystery Guests were a pleasant surprise, due to how many journalists are usually within one of the Air signs (sp. Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) or within Scorpio. However, when one looks at the content of the Dear Abby columns, one can see that this could be a nice avenue for Cancer.

The charts for Abby and Ann, are very heavily centered around their tenth house due to the fact that they have four planets crammed into Cancer and three of those planets are in conjunction with each other. With the Mercury and Sun placements of both sisters, Ann and Abby were extremely talkative, when it came to professional matters. Unlike where many Cancerian personalities like to keep their thoughts to themselves, Ann and Abby were the types who stated anything that came to mind, at all times. While they may have been considerate of other people's feelings, they still verbalized what was observed with reader's letters.

With Pluto being within this conjunction, both sisters also had a keen eye for seeing below the surface of submitted letters--they were able to glean a hint of the truth from what was occurring within the reader's life. These truths were not matters that someone would state (such as an abusive boyfriend). As a result they would find a kind yet sufficient way to impart a truthful form of advice. A downside to Pluto conjunct Sun is that the individuals can also be a little power hungry. For Ann and Abby, perhaps they wanted to be the one and only source for advice, when it came to newspapers around the country.

With Jupiter being the last planet in the mix, both sisters had a lot of expansive ideas about their column and they also had a lot of good fortune that shone down upon them, when working their way into becoming a syndicated column. It was apparent that professional matters were of great importance to Ann and Abby and there was a great chance that work always came first.

With Saturn and Neptune being within both sister's eleventh house, Ann and Abby's friends and family would have described them as being loyal and innovative when it came to keeping relationships alive.

Even though both planets aren't in conjunction, one problem that could have occurred was that Ann and Abby had a tendency to idealize their friends and companions. The challenge that they faced was seeing the flaws come out of the friends and family members and not knowing what to do to address these flaws. Furthermore, they were probably plagued with how to remain loyal to these individuals and their flaws. With these planet's squared position with their Moon, both sisters could have been weighed down, rather heavily from the challenge.

Another possibility was that with over idealizing their friends and family members, they could have been a little possessive of these people. This conclusion comes from the fact that their Moon's position was in the sign of Taurus, a sign whose shadow side comes from being a little clingy to individuals and objects.

Now Stargazers, this is the place of the chart where I grow a little jealous of Ann and Abby--they both had a grand trine between Mars in their first house, Venus in their ninth house and Uranus in their sixth house. Grand Trines are rare in charts and are very beneficial (many, like yours truly, have one trine in a natal chart). In the case of Ann and Abby, it contributed to their success.

With Mars being in the first house, Ann and Abby had a lot of will, stamina and strength to outwardly dedicate their time to the column "Dear Abby." These were two individuals who were tenacious and driven when it came to becoming successful journalists. With Venus being in the mix, they had a lot of charm mixed with the drive of Mars. Mars and Venus either in conjunction or in a positive aspect in a chart indicates very saavy business skills. Marketing the "Dear Abby" column wasn't a huge problem for Ann and Abby. With Uranus completing this grand trine, Ann and Abby had an ability to experiment with different formats or ways with giving advice, that yielded great readership.

Finally there was Ann and Abby's square with their planets in their tenth house with Mars in their first house. Since Ann and Abby's lives were revolving around their work life, there could have been moments where  decisions about the "Dear Abby" column were made rashly, or comments could have been a little brash. On top of which their vast amounts of luck at work could have led to accidents due to not seeing everything through, when it came to their column.

While I feel that both Ann and Abby had a way to resolve these matters, some of my recommendations for people who have similar aspects in their charts is to take a step back and see things through. Perhaps give an idea a third look before moving forward.

Overall, Ann and Abby were very dynamic journalists in their time and were also philanthropic (Uranus in the sixth house), in their quest to make sense out of the everyday life surrounding us. Their advice were profound and written with great sensitivity.

Well, Stargazers. My time in the stars has come to an end. Until next time, this is Alissandra Coffey, signing off.