Saturday, September 5, 2015

Predictions continued

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from Capricorn's house, where that mysterious little planet, Pluto, is positioned.

A little bit of good news--Venus' retrograde motion will stop as of the eighth of September (this Monday)! For many, this will be a great sigh of relief, because that will mean an end to nasty comments and tense social situations. I don't know about you, but all of the drama in the air is starting to grow a bit stale and boring.

To all of you Capricorns, Aquarians, Pisceans and Aries personalities, you're in luck for tonight. We'll be exploring as to what's happening or what has happened within your week.

Without further ado, I'm refueling my jet pack with Earl Grey tea. You know the rest.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Well dear Goats, along with Aquarius and Virgo, you've had a lot of superhero training in the last couple of weeks, with what you've had to put up with when it comes to Pluto's position, in your house.

Great chance that you have been feeling a little lighter, this week. While you're still focused on seeing the truth of all matters that are occurring within your life, you have had expansive vision when it has come to work or personal projects.

This is mainly due to the fact that Jupiter is trined Pluto's position in your house.

Jupiter's position to Pluto has also caused for you to feel lighter in mood, as well. Instead of feeling as though you need to give someone an icy remark, you're focusing more on what's important in your life and allowing for the comments to slide.

As mentioned earlier, this would be a great week for finishing old projects and starting new, whether with goals or with other projects that have been waiting on the back burner. With Saturn's position being sextile your house, you have the focus and dedication to your goals and with Neptune's position, you have a lot of broad insight.

A note of caution:

While you have withheld the icy remarks, Mercury's squared position indicates that you may be prone to saying destructive remarks when you're not in a great mood. Also be careful that Uranus' squared position to your house doesn't lead to emotional outbursts. This would also be a great time to take up meditation, or holistic activities. Also, if there are tense moments between loved ones or coworkers, just try to let the matter slide. The last thing that you need right now is stress and tension. Take care to lower your Cortisol levels.

Aquarius (February 20-March 19):

Hang in there Water Bearers. While this week may be tough for you, there are a couple of quick fixes.

First, while Jupiter's position being quincunx your house, could cause for you to feel a little overwhelmed with life (a possible surge in work expectations, or your big projects may be getting a little out of hand),  and feel as though there is a lack of luck in your ventures, look inside of yourself. You may have the answer for a  nice fix that could help you to organize your life a bit more.

Also with Venus retrograde and Mars' conjunction being in opposition to your house, you are definitely feeling the strain on friendships, family or love encounters. With Mars' spontaneity paired with how sensitive people have been, lately, it just seems like everyone is on the verge of an emotional explosion and it's making you feel uncomfortable.

Just do your best to keep the peace and perhaps give yourself a little space and "me" time, this weekend.

Pisces (February 20-March 21):

With Jupiter's position being in opposition to your house, you're feeling a little overwhelmed as well. Between giving yourself free reign to think, uninhibited, about goals and ideals that you have in your life, it seems that life is telling you that there's no room for dreams.

As with Aquarius, there may be a pile of unfinished work to be done or unexpected deadlines for a project and your sensitive nature is getting a little bit of a shock. Life is being a little abrupt for you.

It'll all work out, dear Fish. During the beginning of this week, you may find cues for how to handle the unexpected from the Moon's placement being sextile your house. Not only will your gut instinct be on the rise, but you may be able to give yourself a little needed emotional support.

With Pluto sextile, you will also be able to handle the abrupt with penetrating amounts of concentration and a great attention to detail.

When the week is over, do give yourself that time for needed relaxation, so you're not taxed come the next week. Perhaps work some of your ideas from your dreams into your projects for the next week.  It might give insight to your work and you'll be able to prevent the jolt that you've had from this week.

Aries (March 21-April 19):

While you are still able to think analytically and outside of the box, you are feeling minor tension in the regard that Jupiter is quincunx your house.

While you're keen on making sure that your ideals are set into motion, it just seems that your projects require a lot from you. Sometimes it seems that there's too much to do, that you feel that you're not getting anything done at all.

Take a step back and take a deep breath. Since your critical thinking processes are on the rise, this week, you might have to find creative and innovative ways to help you handle the heavy workload. Also, while you're taking a break from your projects, look inside of yourself. The answer to what you need may lie inside of yourself.

Relationship wise, you are probably finding ways to get around the tension cause by Venus retrograde. With both Venus and Mars being trined your house, the way in which you're easing the tension is by just addressing all pitfalls and obstacles. You're also in the mood to clear the air. Knowing your drive and your high analytical skills, you may accomplish clearing the discrepancies.

Well, Stargazers! I hope this was helpful. Until next time, keep looking up at the stars.

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