Thursday, January 16, 2020

My Observations from Gemini

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey reporting to you outside the constellation of Gemini.

Sorry it took so long. I just started a new job this week.

However, as promised, I have kept up with implementing a trait from each zodiac sign, other than my own, in order to learn from that sign.

From Gemini it was, "Having fun is obligatory in every aspect of life."

The first lesson that I learned? Over the years, I have forgotten to have fun. I don't know when or how this really sad situation came about, really. Maybe when I graduated from college? When I started to work? Maybe my natal Moon, natal Saturn conjunction finally caught up to me?

Either way, I take life way too seriously and Gemini's main challenge was to find a way to seriously lighten up. This was not an easy feat.

The one way that I could bring fun into my life was to tease myself and bring humor into my life's equation. Even though humor is very simple, it's the most effective way to cut stressful situations into fourths or eighths, even.

With using humor to diffuse tense moments, I was able to enjoy the moment I was in, slightly empower myself and, thusly, enjoy my day.

Whether it was to tell myself that obnoxious dog walkers were picking up on my magnetism or to remind myself to calm down for a job interview (I wasn't up for employee of the month, after all), I was able to center my attention on what really mattered in the moment.

I just had to be careful that I wasn't putting a smiley face on tamped down rage or oppressed emotions.

With Gemini, I also started to get interested in Tantra, Tarot and got back into vocal training for Opera. In a way, Gemini's thirst for new things in life rubbed off. Quite frankly, I needed the bit of extra fun with the interesting subjects that came my way. Another way to let tense situations lie.

I think that I'll keep in touch with Gemini's lesson of infusing fun into every area of life. It might come in handy for the first week of work (everyone's busy but me???).

Well, Stargazers, this is the time I have with you now. Next time I'll report from Sagittarius. The traits I'll focus on are, "You attract good fortune by being enthusiastic and positive," and "Let go of attachments to anything or anyone."

Until then, don't forget to look up at the stars. It looks as though Mercury and the Sun are starting to make their way towards Aquarius. I see testing communicative patterns more.

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