Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Lessons from Sagittarius

Greetings Stargazers! Sorry it's been a while. I just really wanted to see if I learned my lessons for our current post.

As promised from Gemini, my next lesson came from Sagittarius. The traits that I reflected upon and implemented were, "You attract good fortune by being enthusiastic and positive," and "Let go of attachments to anything or anyone; be independent and don't get bogged down by messy entanglements."

So, without further ado, I loaded my trusty jet pack with the most robust Earl Grey and am floating over the constellation of the centaur.

Within the last two weeks, I divided the two traits by what helped me at work and what I was implementing at home.

At work, the trait, "You attract good fortune by being enthusiastic and positive," reigned supreme. As with Gemini, I saw enthusiastic and positive as using light humor to get through being the newcomer at my job. As with Gemini, "enthusiastic and positive" also meant not taking myself too seriously and learning how to use some constructive, self depreciating humor (believe me, with my nerves, being the joke helped with a load of tension).

With my teasing about how my chair sometimes had a persnickety manner and with making a light joke on missing a step, my customers seemed to relax and their attitudes changed from being apprehensive of me to going along with what I was doing.

I also relaxed a bit, making the first days of being back at work move a bit more smoothly.

To me, the "good fortune" part was Sagittarius' way of reminding me of the law of karma and how it works. Simply put, the more positive energy you place into anything, the better the outcome.

At home, "Let go of attachments to anything or anyone...." pointed to a more serious undertone to my life. Lately, I had noticed that I have had minor addictions that has kept me from living my life fully. While these addictions were to using the internet too much (to look more into Tantra), reading up on Tarot and watching a whole evening's worth of The Real Housewives series on Bravo, they were the epitome of living 1/3 of my life. I think there was even a time where I had not ventured out of the house for a whole week.

With Sagittarius' reminder of "Let go of attachments...." I was able to notice that I was acting on watery and airy energy by being too logical and intuitive. I was able to balance life by bringing in more fiery and earthy energy by getting back into Pilates again and take more walks. The fiery/earthy shift, alone, has helped me in keeping my back, neck ankles and shoulders feeling nice and strong for work as well as helping me to feel better about myself. When the effects of poor circulation start (i.e. cold feet and hands) you know it's time to move a bit more.

Letting go of attachments also caused for me to start an energetic practice that has aided me with difficult coworkers and customers and just darn, difficult people. It's in setting up healthy energetic boundaries for myself and sticking to these boundaries so that I'm not a lint trap for negative energy.

The exercise rests on differentiating yourself from the person dumping negative energy on you (in order to distance yourself from them), letting the energy go and reaffirming that you're not here to carry this other person's energy. You're here to live in your own spirit.

Let's just say, I've been a calmer person at the end of the day. Far calmer that I was in the past.

Overall, I think that the traits from Sagittarius has helped me to reach the more proactive and lighter sides of Leo. As with Gemini, I think I'll be revisiting these Sagittarian traits, maybe others.

So to all you stargazers out there, what do you think? Please feel free to leave comments for me, especially if you are following me in learning from different astrological signs.

For next time, I'll be floating over the constellation of our lovely fish-that's right, I'll be learning from you Pisces. The trait that I'll be following will be, "How to acknowledge people and accept who they are." I may have to take this trait in two separate steps. We'll see how it goes.

As always, don't forget to look up at the stars. Jupiter and Mercury are near the earth!!! They're so beautiful, especially near the new moon.

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