Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My Lessons Learned from Taurus

Greetings Stargazers!  Alissandra Coffey here.

I've already fueled my trusty jet pack and am floating over the constellation of Taurus right now. As I had mentioned, last week,  I was going to spend a week learning from our loveable bull.

I decided on the Taurean trait of thinking things over more and not jump ahead of myself. This trait was brought to you by astrotraits.com. I thought I'd add the gift of patience that Taurus is blessed with. However, I had come to realize that the decision making was tied to expanding this trait.

Overall, I have to be honest. This assignment was a little hard.

Taurus, my hat is off to you. I admire how you're able to calmly sit on decisions and see your options through and take the time you need.

Personally, when it comes to making decisions I veer one way or the other. Either I make really impulsive, seat of the pants decisions (due to my Sun's position in Leo) or I'm indecisive and can't make up my mind (no thanks to my moon's position being in Libra).

I had a hard time with simply taking my time. Most of the time, I wanted to make my decisions, right away. I really had to sit on my hands and wait for the urge to "act now," die out.

Most of my decisions were whether or not I should go to a coffee shop to contribute to my screenplay or whether I should leave my job, due to double standards set by my employer. I'm even acting on taking my time in deciding where I should work next, right now.

By far, to all you Taureans out there, I feel that you guys have some deeper insight, in life.

I felt that as I waited longer and longer in making my final decisions in the last week, I veered from being impulsive to indecisive. Once I waited out the indecisive stage, however, I was able to make a decision that really resounded from one of the most important places that we consider the least-from our hearts and guts. It's amazing how much wisdom is actually stored in these places of our bodies!

My decisions were truly based on my better interests as opposed to the interests of logic and logic alone. Or impulse and impulse alone.

In not going to a coffee shop, I was able to appreciate being at home more (especially since it was a cold day outside). I also noticed how I escape often when I have to write, instead of writing where I feel the most secure. In this regard, the decision felt less empty, because what I felt I needed was met.

In making the sad decision to leave my job, I felt that I had already thought about this decision for months on end and it was time to consider what I felt to be true. I wasn't growing as a barber and I was being treated very disrespectfully, in front of customers. I could hear a Taurean colleague from Barbering school say, "I wouldn't put up with the manager's disrespect, if I were you. It diminishes your money. And you don't want to become a one trick pony." So true.

On top of this, I felt it was time to move on and take the scariest step of all: take the other opportunities that are out there in the world.

In the last few days, it's been nice to just weigh the pros and the cons of each job and take my time in seeing if the other places will truly be a good home for me.

I can see how you are very relaxed, most of the time, Taurus. You truly listen to yourselves and know what is to be true.

I think I will keep this trait in mind for the future. In just acting on the simple task of waiting, one comes to the best and most profound decisions.

Well Stargazers, this is the time I have with you for now. I think on building from the lessons of Taurus, I will see what I can learn from Aquarius' trait of leading my own life without the control of other people's opinions. Again this trait was brought to you by astrotraits.com.

If you have extra input from Taurus or are learning from another sign, I would love to hear your comments.

Until next week, continue to look up towards the sky. Capricorn is definitely getting some attention with Saturn, Pluto, Venus and Jupiter all being in this sign. Wow!

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