Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Lessons Learned from Aquarius

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey here, hovering over the nice constellation of the water bearer, Aquarius.

Before I dive in, let me apologize for the typos in my post from last week and awkward sentence structure. I promise I will proof read this post.

As mentioned last week, I chose to focus on the Aquarian trait of not letting the opinions of others control my life.

Since I'm an individual that likes to compare my mental notes with those of my friends and family, almost to the point where I feel like I drown out my own opinions, choosing to follow my own course and direction in life, was hard but rewarding.

In reminding myself to not let the opinions of others control me, the message of "this is your life and your life only" kept resounding through my mind. I felt like a twenty something who lives on his/her own for the first time in life-slightly overwhelmed but something that is needed.

While this Aquarian trait is quite isolating, in the regard that you're mentally pushing people away, it can work to one's advantage in the regard of seeing what you truly want in life. It can also work when you're hitting a rough patch in life and need to isolate yourself for logical perspectives.

In not allowing for other people's opinions to control my life, I was given a little boost to the independent side of Leo. I found out that I need to see where my decisions lead me, without consulting with another person, too often. These decisions ranged from career moves to what to do for the day.

Not only did the lack of consultation free me to live my regal best but it freed those who I consult with often. In a way, I gave both myself and the other person a much needed break.

I think that when it comes to this unique Aquarian trait, I think I'll keep reflecting and implementing it, when dealing with hard situations and tough times. I feel it may come in handy when dealing with difficult co-workers or just plain difficult people.

So, I'm sure that you have been wondering how I have been choosing the signs that I will be learning from, from the proceeding weeks. Because, out of curiousity for Taurus, I started with the Fixed signs in the order of earth, air, fire, water. The fixed signs are Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Next will be the Mutable signs of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Then the Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Aries, Libra and Cancer.

Since Leo is next, I feel that it would be redundant and self centered to learn from my own sun sign. What I'll do is compile traits that you can learn from, before moving on to a trait from Scorpio.

If you're following me in learning from another astrological sign, please feel free to leave comments on how it's going and your discoveries. If there are Taureans and Aquarians reading my posts, please also feel free to leave your comments.

As always Stargazers, it's a pleasure to be able to explore something novel, under the umbrella of Astrology. As I descend to Earth, don't forget to look up towards the heavens. It looks as though the full moon may be in either Gemini or Cancer. Either way the full moon can enhance communication or getting in touch with your maternal side. It all depends on the night.

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