Monday, December 23, 2019

Scorpio findings

Hello Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey reporting to you in my trusty jetpack filled with Earl Grey, over the constellation of Scorpio. I'm wishing Mars a little Loving Kindness, in order to prevent it from colliding in me. Yikes!

As I had mentioned as of Sunday of last week, I was going to reflect and implement the Scorpio traits of "Fall down seven times, get up eight" and finding the rewards of being in the background as opposed to the limelight.

While learning from Scorpio (and about Scorpio via Liz Greene, for that matter) I noticed something interesting and unexpected about me. Even though I don't have natal planets in the sign, I actually have some Scorpionic tendencies.

While being in the background sounded a bit challenging, due to my Leonine personality of wanting to be noticed, when I acted on the Scorpio trait,  it felt quite natural.

On day three, I found out that it was due to my natal Pluto being conjunct my natal Moon (conjunct meaning that the planets are really close together). Natives to this transit can display overt sensitivity to even the tiniest of slights and can have a propensity to remain secretive. Those who are more evolved could excell in Psychology, due to their absolute facination with transformation. I don't know about you, but that encompasses some of Scorpio's traits. All we need is probing the truth out of life and people and we're all set.

I notice this aspect when I encounter new surroundings and people. Where typical Leos would approach newness with, "Tell me, who are you and entertain me with something interesting,"  I tend to remain to myself, observing if the new people are kind enough to not betray me.

When betrayed, I still keep to myself, discerning the truth of what is truly wrong with the situation.

When I acted on staying in the background, (i.e. not saying hello to people) a lot of people didn't notice me at all. I took the liberty to observe the people passing me on the street. Whereas my past self would blame me on not being interesting enough, it was actually the individuals who were shirking away from everyone around them.  They didn't want to talk. It made me feel better and more reasoned.

I would say this is Scorpio's way of saying, "When it doubt, pull back and gain more perspective on your situations. You would be surprised as to what is yielded."

On the trait "Fall down seven times, get up eight, I'm going to be honest, Stargazers, this trait drove me up a tree. It was not easy to encompass.

When I first acted on this trait, I was in a job interview. For the interview I had to find a model on the 16th Street Mall! To say the least it was hard for me to swallow my pride, when I was blown off, and keep going. I managed but I came across as a diluted version compared to how a true Scorpio would manage the feat.

What was even more challenging was when I was blown off by several employers by not getting word back. As much as the trait would encompass, "nearly badger the employers until you get an answer," I also didn't want to come off as unprofessional or combative. In the end I called and texted the employers and had to leave it at no reply.

It was also an exhaustive trait. I could only hustle for so long before my body gave out. For this matter, I admire Scorpio's drive to get it done, no matter what.

To be honest, I found Scorpio and her lessons to be a little elusive. The traits were so subtle that there were times that I didn't know if I was fully acting on them. If you are learning from Scorpio, make sure your focus is 100 percent on the traits.

As a Leo, however, my perspective was broadened by Scorpio. I think I'll keep taking a step back, either mentally or physically, to see what really is going on with trouble areas of my life.

So, Stargazers, what do you think? Please feel free to leave comments.

Going into the holidays, I'll focus on the Mutable sign of Virgo. Her trait is brought to you by It will be, "Having a routine can help prioritize your mental energy." I might try a little discursive meditation on spots that I'm stuck with.

Whether you're celebrating Yule, Hannaukah (I hope I spelled it the holiday right), Kwanza, Christmas or any other holiday, Happy Holidays. May they be a safe and happy one. Until next year, keep looking at the stars. As mentioned, Mars is in Scorpio. I avoided it's transit. Whew!

Depending where Scorpio falls in your chart, there will be a zest in what it brings. Just be careful of impulsive actions and argumentative behavior.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Leo Traits

Greetings Stargazers!

As promised, I'm here to impart a couple of traits that you can learn from the Lion in the sky-Leo.

This list is compiled from my own experiences of being a Leo coupled with Liz Greene's viewpoints and I hope you can enjoy and if you are learning from Leo, I hope this helps.

  • Find confidence with being in the limelight.
  • Before you wake up in the morning, find at least three things that are going well in your life. Throughout the day, bring that sense of positivity to others. 

  • Find your charisma and take charge of a situation that you feel needs leadership.
  • Live your life in honestly. See how it lightens your life.
  • Whether in fashion or in life, make your own statement and strut it. 
  • Don't tolerate crappy treatment from others. You know you deserve better.
For this next week, I'll see what I can learn from Scorpio. The traits that resounded for me were from They were, "Fall down 7 times, get up 8" and that working in the background can be just as rewarding as being in the spotlight. 

If you are following my project, please feel free to reach out and share some of your insights.

As always, Stargazers, continue to look towards the sky. Peaceful wishes for the full moon.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Lessons Learned from Aquarius

Greetings Stargazers! Alissandra Coffey here, hovering over the nice constellation of the water bearer, Aquarius.

Before I dive in, let me apologize for the typos in my post from last week and awkward sentence structure. I promise I will proof read this post.

As mentioned last week, I chose to focus on the Aquarian trait of not letting the opinions of others control my life.

Since I'm an individual that likes to compare my mental notes with those of my friends and family, almost to the point where I feel like I drown out my own opinions, choosing to follow my own course and direction in life, was hard but rewarding.

In reminding myself to not let the opinions of others control me, the message of "this is your life and your life only" kept resounding through my mind. I felt like a twenty something who lives on his/her own for the first time in life-slightly overwhelmed but something that is needed.

While this Aquarian trait is quite isolating, in the regard that you're mentally pushing people away, it can work to one's advantage in the regard of seeing what you truly want in life. It can also work when you're hitting a rough patch in life and need to isolate yourself for logical perspectives.

In not allowing for other people's opinions to control my life, I was given a little boost to the independent side of Leo. I found out that I need to see where my decisions lead me, without consulting with another person, too often. These decisions ranged from career moves to what to do for the day.

Not only did the lack of consultation free me to live my regal best but it freed those who I consult with often. In a way, I gave both myself and the other person a much needed break.

I think that when it comes to this unique Aquarian trait, I think I'll keep reflecting and implementing it, when dealing with hard situations and tough times. I feel it may come in handy when dealing with difficult co-workers or just plain difficult people.

So, I'm sure that you have been wondering how I have been choosing the signs that I will be learning from, from the proceeding weeks. Because, out of curiousity for Taurus, I started with the Fixed signs in the order of earth, air, fire, water. The fixed signs are Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Next will be the Mutable signs of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Then the Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Aries, Libra and Cancer.

Since Leo is next, I feel that it would be redundant and self centered to learn from my own sun sign. What I'll do is compile traits that you can learn from, before moving on to a trait from Scorpio.

If you're following me in learning from another astrological sign, please feel free to leave comments on how it's going and your discoveries. If there are Taureans and Aquarians reading my posts, please also feel free to leave your comments.

As always Stargazers, it's a pleasure to be able to explore something novel, under the umbrella of Astrology. As I descend to Earth, don't forget to look up towards the heavens. It looks as though the full moon may be in either Gemini or Cancer. Either way the full moon can enhance communication or getting in touch with your maternal side. It all depends on the night.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My Lessons Learned from Taurus

Greetings Stargazers!  Alissandra Coffey here.

I've already fueled my trusty jet pack and am floating over the constellation of Taurus right now. As I had mentioned, last week,  I was going to spend a week learning from our loveable bull.

I decided on the Taurean trait of thinking things over more and not jump ahead of myself. This trait was brought to you by I thought I'd add the gift of patience that Taurus is blessed with. However, I had come to realize that the decision making was tied to expanding this trait.

Overall, I have to be honest. This assignment was a little hard.

Taurus, my hat is off to you. I admire how you're able to calmly sit on decisions and see your options through and take the time you need.

Personally, when it comes to making decisions I veer one way or the other. Either I make really impulsive, seat of the pants decisions (due to my Sun's position in Leo) or I'm indecisive and can't make up my mind (no thanks to my moon's position being in Libra).

I had a hard time with simply taking my time. Most of the time, I wanted to make my decisions, right away. I really had to sit on my hands and wait for the urge to "act now," die out.

Most of my decisions were whether or not I should go to a coffee shop to contribute to my screenplay or whether I should leave my job, due to double standards set by my employer. I'm even acting on taking my time in deciding where I should work next, right now.

By far, to all you Taureans out there, I feel that you guys have some deeper insight, in life.

I felt that as I waited longer and longer in making my final decisions in the last week, I veered from being impulsive to indecisive. Once I waited out the indecisive stage, however, I was able to make a decision that really resounded from one of the most important places that we consider the least-from our hearts and guts. It's amazing how much wisdom is actually stored in these places of our bodies!

My decisions were truly based on my better interests as opposed to the interests of logic and logic alone. Or impulse and impulse alone.

In not going to a coffee shop, I was able to appreciate being at home more (especially since it was a cold day outside). I also noticed how I escape often when I have to write, instead of writing where I feel the most secure. In this regard, the decision felt less empty, because what I felt I needed was met.

In making the sad decision to leave my job, I felt that I had already thought about this decision for months on end and it was time to consider what I felt to be true. I wasn't growing as a barber and I was being treated very disrespectfully, in front of customers. I could hear a Taurean colleague from Barbering school say, "I wouldn't put up with the manager's disrespect, if I were you. It diminishes your money. And you don't want to become a one trick pony." So true.

On top of this, I felt it was time to move on and take the scariest step of all: take the other opportunities that are out there in the world.

In the last few days, it's been nice to just weigh the pros and the cons of each job and take my time in seeing if the other places will truly be a good home for me.

I can see how you are very relaxed, most of the time, Taurus. You truly listen to yourselves and know what is to be true.

I think I will keep this trait in mind for the future. In just acting on the simple task of waiting, one comes to the best and most profound decisions.

Well Stargazers, this is the time I have with you for now. I think on building from the lessons of Taurus, I will see what I can learn from Aquarius' trait of leading my own life without the control of other people's opinions. Again this trait was brought to you by

If you have extra input from Taurus or are learning from another sign, I would love to hear your comments.

Until next week, continue to look up towards the sky. Capricorn is definitely getting some attention with Saturn, Pluto, Venus and Jupiter all being in this sign. Wow!