Friday, August 19, 2016

Mercury, Neptune, Mars and their aspects in Drew Barrymore's Chart

Greetings Stargazers! I'm reporting to you right next to Drew Barrymore's ninth house, the house where Mercury sits in her chart.

The trusty jet pack is still full of Yerba Matte from the last time. So without further ado.......

Being within Aquarius and being Mercury, most likely the form of travel that Drew Barrymore goes on, is that of the mind. This is a lady who has a lot of thought experiments when it comes to the ideas that continually pique the Geminian side to her personality.

When ideas arise, it's not enough to express them to close friends and family--she needs to test them, as a scientist does with a hypothesis.

An example that I can think of was when she directed Whip It. The thought that may have arisen at the time were, "Well, the world of Roller Derby may be a new venture, knowing Hollywood.  However, Hollywood needs the fresh and exciting new approach that Shawna Cross' novel gives. Let's go for it and see what happens. If it's a hit, great. If not, life is all about taking risks."

Communicative wise, Drew Barrymore would be likely to speak and think in logical terms that are based in fact. Rarely, do we hear the words, "I feel..." when she delves into her career, in interviews. More likely we hear how constant auditions made her a stronger actor as well as a person. How constant auditions also introduced her to other great actors. How the hard work needed for these auditions saved her career from being reduced to that of the child actor who fell astray. It's hard work that made her success, not sheer luck. And it's hard work that still drives Drew Barrymore today.

The only problem that Drew Barrymore needs to watch out for is that her "thought experiments" aren't too ideal or fanciful. With Neptune's position squaring Mercury, some of her ideas for film projects or her approach to life can be a bit impractical.

For anyone who has a similar aspect, pair idealistic thoughts to more manageable, small goals. Your idea may take a bit longer to encompass but at least you'll follow a plan that can produce results, as opposed to reaching for the ether.

Speaking of Neptune, it's within Drew Barrymore's sixth house. What this means is that some of the thought experiments include making a difference in other people's lives. Particularly within charitable work.

With her Grand Trine (ugh, yes the envious Grand Trine), being between Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, her Sun's position, Saturn and her Moon's position, charitable work would be an endeavor that not only vests her interests, personally but could work, again with paring the ideals with small, manageable goals.

With Mars' position being within Drew Barrymore's eighth house and in Capricorn, this is a lady who prompts change within her life. However, the changes are modest, reasonable and, most likely, pertaining to her career. Change could take the form of trying a different image or accepting different roles for films.

While change is a constant, Drew Barrymore needs to be careful that the change doesn't interfere with her financial matters or of the heart. With the opposition to both Saturn and her Moon's position, if personal and financial aren't balanced with the need for change, impatience and frustration can grow to great heights. Also knowing Saturn conjunct Moon, the frustration may be explosive and out of nowhere.

So Stargazers, for next time, I will finish interpreting Drew Barrymore's chart (we only have two more aspects to cover!).

Until then, be sure to take a look at the night's sky.

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