Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Again I Got Sidetracked. Ugh!

Greetings Stargazers! Again it's been a while since I last posted. Between starting a career as a Barber and coming home, I have strayed from both my passion for Astrology, as well as you.

Not to worry. If a river guides you somewhere else, we can easily make that place a home, however temporary it is.

Since I had last covered an Aries personality the last time, I thought that I would cover our beloved fish, Pisces.

I know what the feisty Lions are thinking--"Alissandra, this is August. It's Leo month. It's our limelight!" Being a Leo myself, I know. However, it's not wise for a king or queen to neglect certain individuals out of a kingdom. So, in order to make sure everybody is represented,  Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius will be covered first. Since Virgo month will soon approach us, we'll move forwards again.

In a way, like Venus, we'll be moving in retrograde, temporarily. The only difference is that we'll not cause havoc while we're at it (or at least try).

Starting this week, our guest natal chart will be that of the sunny personality of Drew Barrymore.

I hope that you'll be able to join me as I load my jet pack with Yerba Matte tea this time (it's just as potent as Earl Grey).

Until then, make sure that you catch the moon. It's so beautiful when it almost full.

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