Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Virgo Celebrity Natal Chart

Greetings Stargazers! Happy Autumn. This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from the heavens on September 4, 1981. Since I was a little low on the Yerba Matte, I decided to use Earl Grey this time.

Since I didn't want to repeat my own sort of retrograde motion again, in falling behind on the astrological signs, here is my tribute to all of the Virgos out there. I hope that you find enjoyment today, in reading about Beyoncé's Ascendant as well as her sun and moon positions.

Without further ado, when Beyoncé was born, the constellation in the eastern sky was within that of our balanced friend, the scales, aka Libra. When it comes to her persona, Beyoncé exudes a personality that is focused on fairness and justice. When an individual first meets Beyoncé, that person may find that she's generous, open and kind. Something that you wouldn't normally find within a Virgo personality, usually. Most likely she's the type who prides herself on using good manners when in the company of others and expects everyone to use good manners as well.

For her outer appearance, an ascendant in Libra also connotes someone who is fair or who is rather good looking.

When we look at her moon's position, we see a little more depth. With her moon being within Scorpio, her inner nature thrives on finding the overall meaning and truth of life. She's focused on seeing through the surface appearance of social workings and into the heart of what's behind "reality" as we know it.

At times, she provokes controversy to get there.

My overall recommendation for anyone who has an aspect in Scorpio (Sun, Moon, Ascendant), is learn from your next door neighbor and star cousin, Libra. When you feel that the truth has been uncovered, ask yourself, "Is my observation based off of what I feel or can I back my assertion with logic? Will the truth alienate those who I'm close friends with and those who I love? If so, is there another way to present the truth? Will my actions cause for me to lose friends (or in the case of Beyoncé, fans)?" When using these questions, you will find that revealing the truth doesn't have to be so controversial or painful. You can find a nice balance between what's destined in your personality and a slight modification.

For Beyoncé, her moon's position also indicates that emotions can run deeply and intensely. An example comes with her album Dangerously In Love. When listening to all of the songs, Beyoncé doesn't just feel love in a casual sense--she was passionate and intensely devoted to Jay Z to where it bordered on the point of suffering. She may have felt this sort of passion a couple of day after meeting.

Her moon being within the second house indicates a natural affinity towards finances or anything to do with generating money. With Uranus being near her moon's position, Beyoncé is not above experimenting with how to generate money but also with how to keep it. She may have a swiss bank account and a vast portfolio of stocks. All that she needs to be careful of is to not be erratic with spending.

With her sun's position being within the eleventh house and within Virgo, Beyoncé values close ties with friends and family. While she may have a close knit circle of friends, she's very selective as to who enters into her life. Most likely, Beyoncé sticks with people who have earned her trust and who she's familiar with.

When encountering new people, she may be a little resistant to make new acquaintances. She needs to take some time in analyzing and getting to know someone very well, before warming up to the individual. She may even remain polite and reserved until further determination. When she befriends someone, that friend is someone who she's loyal to, until the end of time.

So Stargazers, I will have to descend for now. What do you think?

Next time I'll reveal what Beyoncé's twelfth house reveals. Knowing how this lady has many planets in that house, she's very big about her privacy.

Between now and then, remember, to keep looking up toward the night sky. We have a waning harvest moon and I think that Jupiter is still hanging around.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pluto, Uranus and last aspects for Drew Barrymore's Chart

Greetings Stargazers! Happy Birthday to all of you Virgos out there!

I'm reporting to you from the fifth house of Drew Barrymore's chart. So without further ado, I loaded up our jet pack, let's go forth.

So with Pluto and Uranus sitting in Drew Barrymore's chart, means that relationships are a little bit of a struggle. While she may enter a relationship with an open heart and an open mind, she may enter a relationship a little too impulsively. What results is that Drew Barrymore may find herself in the midst of a destructive relationship, before she has a chance to see where matters are going. When realizing this, she may feel too overwhelmed and say things that might be a bit destructive.

For someone who has a similar aspect, notice your boundaries, before proceeding into the relationship. What can you live with? What will you absolutely not permit?

Once set, stick to those boundaries and take the relationship very slowly. Get to know the other partner before taking any more steps.

Overall, Drew Barrymore had a lot of water and air within her chart. While she is an individual who is tune with her emotions and her intuition, she also has the ability to remain logical and clear headed. When there are problems, she is one individual who can solve the issues at hand to where everyone benefits with the resolution (one characteristic that I admire in her).

So Stargazers. Next time we'll honor the Virgos out there by featuring a notable individual. Until then, I hope you enjoyed the chart of Drew Barrymore and, as always, make sure that you look up at the heavens. I think that Jupiter, Venus and Mars are still out.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Mercury, Neptune, Mars and their aspects in Drew Barrymore's Chart

Greetings Stargazers! I'm reporting to you right next to Drew Barrymore's ninth house, the house where Mercury sits in her chart.

The trusty jet pack is still full of Yerba Matte from the last time. So without further ado.......

Being within Aquarius and being Mercury, most likely the form of travel that Drew Barrymore goes on, is that of the mind. This is a lady who has a lot of thought experiments when it comes to the ideas that continually pique the Geminian side to her personality.

When ideas arise, it's not enough to express them to close friends and family--she needs to test them, as a scientist does with a hypothesis.

An example that I can think of was when she directed Whip It. The thought that may have arisen at the time were, "Well, the world of Roller Derby may be a new venture, knowing Hollywood.  However, Hollywood needs the fresh and exciting new approach that Shawna Cross' novel gives. Let's go for it and see what happens. If it's a hit, great. If not, life is all about taking risks."

Communicative wise, Drew Barrymore would be likely to speak and think in logical terms that are based in fact. Rarely, do we hear the words, "I feel..." when she delves into her career, in interviews. More likely we hear how constant auditions made her a stronger actor as well as a person. How constant auditions also introduced her to other great actors. How the hard work needed for these auditions saved her career from being reduced to that of the child actor who fell astray. It's hard work that made her success, not sheer luck. And it's hard work that still drives Drew Barrymore today.

The only problem that Drew Barrymore needs to watch out for is that her "thought experiments" aren't too ideal or fanciful. With Neptune's position squaring Mercury, some of her ideas for film projects or her approach to life can be a bit impractical.

For anyone who has a similar aspect, pair idealistic thoughts to more manageable, small goals. Your idea may take a bit longer to encompass but at least you'll follow a plan that can produce results, as opposed to reaching for the ether.

Speaking of Neptune, it's within Drew Barrymore's sixth house. What this means is that some of the thought experiments include making a difference in other people's lives. Particularly within charitable work.

With her Grand Trine (ugh, yes the envious Grand Trine), being between Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, her Sun's position, Saturn and her Moon's position, charitable work would be an endeavor that not only vests her interests, personally but could work, again with paring the ideals with small, manageable goals.

With Mars' position being within Drew Barrymore's eighth house and in Capricorn, this is a lady who prompts change within her life. However, the changes are modest, reasonable and, most likely, pertaining to her career. Change could take the form of trying a different image or accepting different roles for films.

While change is a constant, Drew Barrymore needs to be careful that the change doesn't interfere with her financial matters or of the heart. With the opposition to both Saturn and her Moon's position, if personal and financial aren't balanced with the need for change, impatience and frustration can grow to great heights. Also knowing Saturn conjunct Moon, the frustration may be explosive and out of nowhere.

So Stargazers, for next time, I will finish interpreting Drew Barrymore's chart (we only have two more aspects to cover!).

Until then, be sure to take a look at the night's sky.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Drew Barrymore's Chart (Sun and Moon position and Ascendant)

Greetings Stargazers! This is Alissandra Coffey reporting to you from my trusty jet pack, filled full of Yerba Matte tea. For tonight's adventure, we're traveling back to where the planets and horizons were placed on February 22, 1975.

Is there anyone reading this post who remembered 1975?

For Drew Barrymore, the constellation of the twins were in the eastern horizon of the sky, when she was born. With her Ascendant being within Gemini, Drew Barrymore's persona conveys someone who is bright, quick witted and cheerful. More than anything, she's an individual who's curious about anything and everything (and when I say everything, I mean everything). One minute, she's interested in a new acquaintance or idea and in the next, not only has that interest spread to lots of new people, but she has also formed a cast list for a new film--a concept that she's been mulling around.

Unlike many Pisceans, Drew Barrymore also conveys a sense of being very free spirited. Not only does she take a great amount of interest in life but she likes to have a certain freedom to do whatever she needs to do, on her own terms. Tension arises in Drew Barrymore's life, when she feels stifled and she's not exploring all matters of life.

With her Moon's placement being in her second house and in conjunction with Saturn, Drew Barrymore's emotional and inner life is very disciplined. Unlike those who have their Moon's positions on its own, Drew Barrymore is one individual who feels that an overt display of emotion is embarrassing or awkward. Instead she prides herself on being grounded and level, perhaps meeting emotional needs in logical ways.

The only caution that I have for anyone who has a similar conjunction, is that the individual needs to be careful of oppressing strong feelings. When bottled up, strong emotions can, in turn, lead to an outpour of emotion, at the wrong times. The thing to keep in mind is that sometimes it's not a crime to express how you feel, especially if possible solutions to a problem can arise.

With her Moon being within the second house, she feels at her best when dealing with financial matters. Whether it be raising the funds for a new film or taking care of the family's pocketbook, Drew Barrymore has a natural knack and intuitive nature when it comes to handling money.

Being trined with her Sun's position, in her tenth house, and also being within Cancer, she is a Piscean who has a balanced way of pairing sage advice with compassion. This is an individual who cares deeply about those she loves. One caution that I have for those who have an aspect within Cancer--make sure that when you show great amounts of compassion, that it's truly for the person it's aimed at. Most times, many individuals who have an aspect within Cancer, show great amounts of compassion in order to get something in return. This leads to disappointment, as everyone has their own agendas to tend to. If expressed with unconditional love, the acts of compassion can go a bit further.

With her Sun's position being within her tenth house, Drew Barrymore is a Piscean who has a clear focus as to what is needed when it comes to the direction of her career. This was someone who knew what she wanted to be, at a very early age and who was, and still is, someone who is willing to work very hard in order to become successful.

With Jupiter in conjunction to Venus, she not only had a lot of good fortune, along the way, but she also has a lot of grand scale ideas that have turned into great ideas. With her Moon's trine, she also has a lot of great instincts that, when acted upon, have proven to be wise.

So, Stargazers, what do you think thus far? Shall we meet again, tomorrow night? I'll save the extra Yerba Matte in my jet pack.

Until we meet again, remember to look to the heavens. I think Venus and Jupiter are out with the full moon.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Again I Got Sidetracked. Ugh!

Greetings Stargazers! Again it's been a while since I last posted. Between starting a career as a Barber and coming home, I have strayed from both my passion for Astrology, as well as you.

Not to worry. If a river guides you somewhere else, we can easily make that place a home, however temporary it is.

Since I had last covered an Aries personality the last time, I thought that I would cover our beloved fish, Pisces.

I know what the feisty Lions are thinking--"Alissandra, this is August. It's Leo month. It's our limelight!" Being a Leo myself, I know. However, it's not wise for a king or queen to neglect certain individuals out of a kingdom. So, in order to make sure everybody is represented,  Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius will be covered first. Since Virgo month will soon approach us, we'll move forwards again.

In a way, like Venus, we'll be moving in retrograde, temporarily. The only difference is that we'll not cause havoc while we're at it (or at least try).

Starting this week, our guest natal chart will be that of the sunny personality of Drew Barrymore.

I hope that you'll be able to join me as I load my jet pack with Yerba Matte tea this time (it's just as potent as Earl Grey).

Until then, make sure that you catch the moon. It's so beautiful when it almost full.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

It's been a long time, but here's Alissandra Coffey, reporting to you......

Greetings Stargazers! Once again, it has been a while since my last post. Attending Barbering School and, at this point, preparing for State Boards, has taken a lot of my time. To make up for the absence, I will cover the natal charts of famous personalities, each week.

First we'll start off with our beloved Rams-Aries. Then we'll cover a personality for Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Virgo.

Yes, to all of you Fish, Water Bearers, Goats, Centaurs, Scorpions, Scales and Virgins, I have not forgotten about all of you.

So without further ado, I think that Yerba Matte will suffice, to fuel the trusty jet pack. For our guest, we'll have to travel back to April of 1990. I remember the age and grade that I happened to be within. Can you?

Our guest is most noteable for her roles in the Harry Potter films, as well as The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Bling Ring. 

When she was born, Virgo was just starting to move out of the eastern sky, almost making room for Libra. However, the stars made sure that our guest was born with a Virgo Ascendant (man do I pick a lot of individuals with Virgo Ascendants).

What this means is that our guest's outer appearance conveys someone who's keen on precision-when she's out in public, her hair is perfectly styled, to where every strand is in place and is in perfect symmetry with her face. Her clothing is always well coordinated, even if she should pull off a casual look. It doesn't surprise me that our guest was also the face of Burbury for some time.

Despite the fact that her Sun sign likes loads of attention, this person's ascendant conveys that she likes to remain private, if not a little secretive, when it comes to questions regarding herself. Most likely, she doesn't care for reporters who pry into her personal life and makes sure that she never lands on TMZ.

Her ascendant also shows that this is a person who likes to observe, perhaps scruntinize, all human interactions, before participating in them.

Even though our guest is an actress, most likely there's a side to her that craves being backstage. Perhaps she would like to be a producer of a movie, as well as the lead. Or, better yet, the director!

Her Moon's position, being within Sagittarius, mixes nicely with her Sun's position, in Aries. It makes for a Trine in her chart. With this Trine, a sense of adventure and change, both physically and mentally, are predominant with our guest. This is someone who likes to explore different philosophies, in order to gain a better understanding of "the meaning of life." In order to gain a better understanding of a particular thought (such as, "Hunger does indeed crush millions of lives"), our guest feels the need to travel and experience the philosophy or thought in person (i.e. seeing how hunger is destroying mankind).

With Venus' position, in our guest's sixth house, she's not only valued, on a movie set, but she may be attracted to philanthropic work. However, because of the square that exists between her Moon and Venus positions, she may find that the philanthropic work is extremely challenging, in the regard that her actions aren't aligning with her ideals. This can cause for this person to feel impatient, frusterated and burned out--just a couple of characteristics of the Aries shadow side. The square can also indicate that she can be a little too emotionally vested in the work that she does.

Our mystery guest could benefit, by giving a little bit of charitable time, to herself, by taking a break and getting away from ideals. She could also look at her goals a bit more realistically.

With her Moon's position being semi-sextile to her Mars position,  our guest is very energetic, motivated and frank when it comes to her emotional nature. She the type of person who states exactly what she's feeling, right when she's feeling the emotion. This can cause for her friends and family to feel either very close to our guest or a little bit uncomfortable.

However, to align with her Sun sign, this semi-sextile can also make this particular Ram ready to charge. When she has inspiration or when she's a work, she's committed to seeing all projects and ideas all the way through to the end.

As mentioned earlier, our guest's Sun's position is within her eighth house, which indicates a need for periodic change. As an actor, she doesn't object to the idea of traveling to different locations. A change of locale, causes this person to feel alive and at one with life. She begins to display the impatience and irritability of Aries,  when in one place for too long.

With Mercury being within Taurus and also near our guest's Sun's position, this is an individual who likes to talk, especially amongst friends and family.

Her style of communication is honest to the point of being blunt. Sometimes our mystery guest gives someone an answer to what may be a problem with their lives and sometimes our mystery guest could think for a bit before saying something. With both Mars squaring her Mercury position and with Pluto being in opposition, our guest may also have to guard against saying something cutting or destructive, on an impulse. Sometimes the destructive tendencies can be rooted to nervous tension or by being extremely stubborn on certain views and inclined to fight.

With Mercury's semi-sextile position to Jupiter, however, our guest has a very expansive, broad mind, inclined to thinking of the bigger picture. Not only does our mystery guest dream and think of projects and endeavors to take place, she makes the endeavors a reality. I'm thinking that our mystery guest is a self-actualizer, which is an incredible thing, knowing how hard it can be to accomplish dreams.

With Saturn being within our guest's fourth house, it's apparent that she has had to be a sort of father figure within her "home", whether the concept of home is a literal brick and motar house or the confines of herself. Either way, our guest may have felt the need to take care of siblings,] and to keep track of matters of the home (i.e. making sure that meals were cooked and that everyone's needs were taken care of) whether or not her parents were available for such matters.

The only drawback is that our guest may feel that her needs aren't taken care of in the process, which could foster a bit of resentment, from time to time. She also may have the challenge of distancing herself away from her family. Even though she's had a soaring career since childhood, she may still feel an obligation to still make sure that siblings are well fed and well behaved and that her parents are well in health, too.

This amount of attention can cause tension in her career, with Jupiter being in opposition to Saturn, in the regard that it can get in the way of her expansive thinking about the latest film that she's making. Family matters may cause her to feel distracted or scattered.

Overall, with Venus' position in her sixth house, being semi-sextile to Saturn, our mystery guest handles her challenges well, coming across as being a very responsible individual.

With Uranus and Neptune being in conjunction within her fourth house, our guest's notions of home may be a little eccentric and very idealistic to other people. Instead of opting for the usual, conservative beige walls and minimalistic furnishings, our guest may feel comfortable with neon green walls, trimmed with a deep purple hue and rooms scattered with nick nacks obtained from her latest travels. Instead of home being just a commodity, our guest may feel that it should be the most important place on earth.

With the concept that "home" should be the most important place, our guest may feel a little dissapointed when matters aren't matching up to her ideals. When an object falls, our guest may feel that fung shui experts may needs to be consulted because the overall "vibe" had changed for the worst. This would be opposed to the usual person picking up the object that fell and moving on.

With Jupiter's opposition to Uranus and Neptune, the travels of her career places a little bit of strain on her concept of "home." While this is a person who loves change, she likes change in moderation. If she has to travel a lot of the time, hence spending more time in hotel room that her actual home, this could cause a sense of chaos within our mystery guest.

 Jupiter's negative aspects are minor, considering that, with it's position being within our guest's tenth house, this is an individual who approaches her career with a large worldview and with a lot of luck. This individual's success can be marked by the fact that she can see the whole picture and brings a lot to the table, when it comes to her role choices.

One last bit of advice for our mystery guest--she may have to watch out when it comes to finances, due to Pluto's position in her second house. Unexpected finances may come to our guest, such as earning a great amount only to have plans of buying shoes or clothing be dashed by the mortgage on her house.

So with all of the information given, can you guess who our mystery guest is?

The answer will be revealed below.

Since my jet pack is running low, and I'm coming closer to the present, I'm going to have to sign off Stargazers. Until next time, enjoy the waning moon and remember to look up at the stars.

Our mystery guest for this week's post was, the ever charming Emma Watson.