Monday, June 29, 2015

Introductions for week of 6/28/15

Greetings all stargazers out there. This is Alissandra Coffey, your everyday astrologer.

My quest--to give you weekly Astrological forecasts and to feature my interpretations of a famous celebrity within the Astrological sign that is being featured each month (yes readers, I also "read" natal charts).

I will also share a couple of trends that I'm seeing when reading natal charts.

My hope is that this blog will be informative and fun for everyone. So with all of the aforementioned in mind, let's get started, shall we?

To all beloved crabs out there, this is your month! A very happy birthday to all of you.
 Cancer occurs, roughly, between the dates of June 21-July22. As I had mentioned, the dates vary because of how the sun is positioned, within the sun sign's house every year.

Here's what you may be experiencing this month:


Normally you are very supportive of the individuals around you and you usually keep to yourself, save for your circle of friends and colleagues.
This week, Mars, the firecracker of the planets, is outside of your house. With this in mind, you are feeling that you have a lot of energy and initiative to do certain tasks within your life. This initiative can lead you to become a leader or it can cause for you to express your ideas. Since expression can make Cancer a little nervous or it can feel a bit unnatural to your sensitive souls, don't be afraid. This week may bring dreams that you've had for months, into a reality, just by your willpower to see things through.
Just a note of caution: Be careful that your increased energy doesn't lead to restlessness, that you don't become impatient with others who may have different viewpoints, or that your highly emotional nature doesn't go into hyper drive and leads to destructive tendencies. A hobby or a new area of study may be beneficial to keep your mind and body occupied.

Leo (July 22-August 23):

Fabulous Lions! Good chance that you have experienced a lot of expanded thinking and luck these last couple of months. Why? Jupiter has parked itself outside of your house. The expansive thinking (whether it be that you're exploring a different religious or hard philosophy or about your life and what you would like to see within it) will continue for a while. Use this time to make sure that your deep thinking leads to beneficial outcomes for both you and for the subjects of your royal kingdom.
Venus is also outside your house. With this in mind, you could be feeling as though you would like love within your life. You could also be experiencing an increased need to appreciate the aesthetic (i.e. the arts, a great piece of literature, fine metals, stones and fine cuisine, just to name a few examples) and to keep all environments peaceful and free of conflict.
Increased warmth in your heart and affection for those of who you love are also in the works for this week.
A note of caution: Just make sure that your appreciation for the aesthetic doesn't lead you to overspend this week. Also don't be a little too reliant on luck and good fortune, it can cause for your reputation to be that of someone who is lazy. There's nothing worse for a regal Lion's pride than to have a bad reputation and low funds.

Virgo (August 23-September 22):

Lovely Virgins (sorry if this sounds bad). Your usual industrious and precise nature may experience a little bit of conflict this week. The culprit--Neptune is parked right outside of Pisces, causing for you to feel a little bit of what astrologers refer to as opposition.
You poor souls. You are probably feeling like a tug of war is occurring inside of you and you don't know when it may stop. The good news, Venus is on its way, which will help to harmonize this aspect as well as Neptune's influence.
The bad news is that you may feel inclined to day dream, when you need to work, or you may think of matters that are far reaching and are really not practical for both you and your life.
Take heart. This week will be great for you to use Neptune's influence to gain a new perspective on your life's projects, which could be a perspective that your great mind has been craving. This could also be a great week for taking a vacation or take frequent and accommodating breaks, to rest both mind and body, so that you can start anew.

Libra (September 22-October 23):

Hello to you, the beholder of the ever ballancing Scales. You may be feeling that you need to balance something in your life and you have probably have wondered what it is, exactly. "Could it be a perspective that I didn't take into account? A color of a wall that is in discord with another wall, in my house? Or could it be related to my health?" you may be pondering.
The answer is that Uranus' position in Aries, is in opposition with your sign. Pluto from Capricorn is also squared. And as if you didn't feel indecisive enough, these aspects are causing for you to feel like you're in the middle of a tug of war inside of yourself, with harsh criticisms on the side. On the one side of your tug of war, is your desire for everything in your life to be conflict free and harmonious. The other side seems to be questioning you about your decisions. As a result, the whole interaction may cause you to feel agitated or may even cause for erraticism in your decision making process. Right when you pride yourself on making the best, well rounded decisions for both you and your loved ones. Ugh!
A nice yogic breath is in order for you--in oppositions, there's usually a point where both the signs as well as the aspects have something in common. That point in common can point to what might be needed within your life or what you could learn within this week's worth of time.
For Uranus, it's energies may be prompting for you to think more critically on issues and points of view that you're weighing. It's prompts are challenging you to come to your best decision making abilities ever. When this transit moves, you can be proud of yourself for learning how to weigh your decisions better. You may become so adept that you can also tell Pluto's destructive energy to go away and lighten up with a latte. Hang in there. It'll all shape out of the best.

Scorpio (October 23- November 24):

I'm only lifting this rock in order to give you peaceful greetings, Scorpions of the world. This week, you may be very disiplined and as though you have a great amount of focus to push you through in the world. However, you may find that your focus has to be used to deal with very challenging tasks.Whether that task is to deal with tricky social and loving relationships as is indicated with your square with Jupiter and Venus or with tasks at home and work, there is a challenge that lies ahead.
In the end, however, you will be able to learn from your challenges and come out a better person.
On note of caution: Just be careful that you don't grow emotionally detached or cold when facing through the lessons of your challenges.

Well stargazers, this concludes my post for now. Tomorrow I will cover signs Sagittarius to Gemini.  Until then, be well and remember to look up at the stars every now and then.

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