Tuesday, June 30, 2015

6/30/15- Oops! I thought that yesterday was the 28th. June is moving quickly!

Greetings all stargazers. This is Alissandra Coffey reporting for another day of wonderful astrological forecasting for the week of 6/28/15.

Before I begin, I just wanted to appologize for the abrupt departure yesterday. Yours truly was getting a migraine and had to exit promptly (I couldn't see what I was doing. Ugh!).

I had wanted to say thank you to all six of you who had read my post, between yesterday and today. If you visit again, please send me a comment, when you have the chance.

Also, a reader had notified me, that I had misused it's and its accidentally. Note that your comments are received and that I will do my utmost to undo the mistake in my post today.

So, with that in mind, I have my quartz crystal to keep the bugs away. Let's move forward and see what in the stars, today!

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22)

Good greetings to you, courageous Centaurs. Wait up! I would like to join you for your current adventure, for just a brief while.
Because the Moon is outside of your house and its orbit is very fast (try about three days), you may have already noticed that your intuition is at a higher frequency than what you're normally used to and that you're a bit more connected to the inner you.
You may see your heightened intuition in one of two ways--it can either act as nuisance, that keeps you away from truly seeing a profound philosophy or from what you want to do or it can act as an aid that aids you.
In fact, you may even look at your heightened intuition as something that is "fun," because it gives you something else to explore.
Just a note of caution: With your heightened intuition comes a heightened emotional spectrum that could see your temper flare if life's not going well. With Neptune being squared with your house, you may also be prone to bouts of grandeur and delusion. Maybe put off your really grand adventures until Wednesday. You know, the adventures that involve risk. Your compassionate astrologer doesn't want to see you grow flustered, or worse....get into an accident.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Hello, studious Goat and welcome! /I'll move off of your mountain in just a couple of minutes.
Lately, you have been seeing that your usual, serious nature may have been exposed to an added dose of, well....serious.
For starters, you may have been experiencing a heightened interest in seeing "the truth," about what occurs in life. Whether this interest has blurred into subjects such as Philosophy and Psychology, or you just feel that everyone around you is keeping secrets and you want to get to the root of it all, your focus had shifted.
You may also be going through a period, where personal transformation is very important to you.
This is due to Pluto being parked....and I mean parked.....outside of your house. Hold on with all of your hooves, dear Goats. Pluto is here to stay for seventeen years. However, I will check back with you in my weekly forecasts.
Situation may have been intense in nature--such as an increased workload or being exposed to situations that you have been trying to avoid. As if the frustration isn't enough, Uranus' square is also causing for you to make quick and impulsive decisions that only muddle matters more.
Knowing your sturdy constitutions and your practicality, I have no doubt in my mind that you will get through. And if it helps, I also found another tidbit from Robert Hand's Planets in Transit, to help you out.
While there is turmoil occuring, this is also a great time to get rid of old habits and patterns of living that have been getting in your way.*
Again, hang in there. The moon is coming in two days, which can aid you when it comes to your intuition to how to handle such matters.

Aquarius (January 19-February 19):

Joyous day, wonderful Waterbearers! I hope that my big and kind greeting doesn't cause you to turn around and walk away.
This week, the days seem to be running rather smoothly for you. You may be feeling a minor tug of war, in the regard that you have Jupiter and Venus in mild opposition to your house.  
What this means is that you are torn between remaining on your own and getting work done and spending time with social relations. You might also be feeling a little off kilter when thinking about ideas really broadly and find yourself often wishing that you had stuck with your more logical conclusions.
As logically and rationally minded as you admirable Waterbearers can be, you can do both of the things that this opposition is presenting. Life--and the planets--are giving you a break from having to be scientific and logical all of the time.
This could be an opportune time to get things done while doing what you like to do--mingle with friends and family. The expansive thinking can give you a jump start to your logical conclusions.

Pisces (February 19-March 19):

Greetings Fish! Let me grab my scuba gear and mingle with you underneath the water's surface.
This week, your natural ruler, Neptune, is right outside of your house. This means that your sage-like tendencies will be on the rise. This is not just for this week, for the next seventeen years, or so. As with Capricorn, I will keep in touch with you, because there will be other planetary influences that will change.
Your thinking and intuition will take you to great depths and aid with your imagination. You won't just have sudden inspiration, you'll be on a roll with grand, depth defying ideas. Make sure that you keep a journal, to communicate your experiences.
Just a note of caution: With Mercury and the Moon squaring your house, just be careful to not make comments like, ""I can't do anything, right now. My mind is muddled."
Even if this is the case, you have a great capacity to persevere through.
Also keep cool when tensions are high. Your emotional nature is also very high. Try Yoga or other holistic forms of movement, as this will keep matters in perspective.

Aries (March 20-April 19):

Hello forward thinking Rams.Since you like it when someone is direct, I'll just dive right in.
This week, your drive and motivation is getting quite the boost, with Uranus' placement right outside of your house.
At this time, you feel that you have great amounts of momentum and drive to do whatever comes to your mind. You think of something and, boom, everything springs. You may feel that you're accomplishing a lot, on the surface level.
However, you have also noticed that the accomplishments are followed by obstacles. Let's name the three influences--there's the erratic side of Uranus (which may be causing for you to make impulsive decisions), there's Pluto, which is squaring your house and causing for your projects to feel like they are being uprooted and then there's Mars squaring your house, which  is causing for sudden situations to happen, which is also grating on your nerves.
"The upside?," you ask. Just look at the tasks that you are doing, not as just one thing, but a million. Everything that you are doing now, will amount to high quality work that will even out the destructive qualities in your life.
Just a note of caution: Avoid accidents as much as possible. Believe me, the Mars-Pluto mixture leaves behind a couple of tricky potholes. Also try using the critical thinking faculties that Uranus brings. You'll be able to tackle work in a new and innovative way.

Taurus (April 19-May 21):

Hello, you lovable, big hearted Bulls! I'm loving the artwork on your walls and your fabulous garden!
This week, you might be experiencing a slight tug of war outside of yourself. For instance, you love a particular jewel, where the stones display a lot of fire--emeralds and moonstones shining brightly and peridots that are a nice shade of green.
However, when the particulars are inquired (aka the price) it set you in a tailspin. "Why is this gem so much? Should I go for it or wait for a rainy day? Will I have bread and butter money?"
The culprits? Saturn is in opposition to your house and Jupiter and Venus are squared.
While Jupiter and Venus are causing minor disruptions to your happy home, you'll be able to fix the problems in no time (you guys have such practical minds). These things may be minor social disputes or little run ins with luck.
 Saturn, however, is taking this time to test your patience through challenges and obstacles. You may have to choose the practical, from time to time, in order to pave the way for what you will learn ahead. What you will learn, will be of a greater wealth than what you crave. Just remember that when you feel like you are losing your nerve.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Hello and greetings to not one, but the two of you, lovely Twins (as with Virgo, I hope that didn't come out wrong). This week, your mind is like the Flash. You're making decisions in seconds flat, you're discovering very interesting matters to share with friends, in a snap and your thinking processes are preceeding you.
Your natural ruling planet, Mercury, is in your house, this week, causing for these great leaps. To say the least, dear Twins, you are on a roll.
Just a note of caution: With the moon being in opposition to your house, you may have a tendency to squelch emotions and intuition with logic. Try to incorporate these aspects into your life, otherwise the repression will be like a fire in a pan--it bursts out of nowhere and it takes no hostages. You also may be prone to daydreaming, due to Neptune's square. Try and stay as focused as you can on the matters that need your attention. Allow for your brain to take a break during off hours. A refreshed brain can move smoothly and quickly for the next day.

Whew, this week had shown a lot of oppositions and squares for our forecast! Hopefully this helps everyone who is reading. Until the next time that we meet (which should be sometime soon) remember to gaze up at the night's sky and see what wonders it will bring (such as the gorgeous full moon for tonight). Happy stargazing.

*Hand, Robert. Planets in Transit Life Cycles for Living. Whitford Press, Atglen PA. 1976.

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