Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My Lesson from Pisces

Greetings Stargazers!

I'm sorry it's been a while. While I have been busy I also wanted to explore a trait from Pisces that I could truly grow from and share with you.

I felt that the trait of, "Acknowledge people and accept who they are," was an invitation to be a doormat, which didn't jibe well with the fact that I kept having customers who were trying to rob me of my services (let's just say they wanted free haircuts on my dime. Beyond ugh).

The trait, "Trust your feelings and intuition," was giving me a hall pass to be honest with my feelings, which was leading me back to outrage with people-a trait I'm trying to undo.

I settled with " Focus on the more spiritual aspects in life as opposed to the material and superficial." Not only was this a trait I could grow from but focusing on more than the material was something I could use at work (a setting driven by numbers).

At first I translated "spiritual" as being more grateful at work. I tried to focus on how customers were pleased with my haircuts as opposed to the fact that my services were taking more time. Being grateful is easier said than done.

Another Piscean lesson came when I least expected it-when I was in trouble for missing a meeting. However it changed the course of how I view work and life.

In order to be fully present and to fully move on with life, you have to accept that  the good (being promoted, having good days) and the ugly (being hated,  having management let you go) will happen. One can only fight the ugly or the prevention of the ugly for so long before the struggle is lost. Let the flow of the river guide you instead of going against the flow. Like the two fish in the sky.

With this principle in mind, I've not only worked my time down from forty minutes to thirty but I've been able to relax at work and just do what needs to be done.

The same has been true for my personal life. You can't live a day down without accepting that bumps are going to happen with what works.

I have felt, in these last two weeks, that I've been the most present and in the moment.  Instead of focusing on what should be ( the future) or what I should have done (the past) I've just been able to deal with the here and now. The here and now produces the least of regrets. Everything that is a need or a want is right in front of you and is waiting for your attention.

As a Leo, I've felt that I've been more relaxed to be my bright, sunshiney self and that I have a lot less of a fear of missing out. Instead of leaving fun things for my day off, I've found that finding those times can come on times off as well.

Well, Stargazers, what do you think? Feel free to comment. And, as always, don't forget to look up at the stars. How are you surviving Mercury Retrograde in Pisces? If you're feeling that communication lines are down and murky, you're not alone.  Neptune is not helping with it's watery energy. It's just making everything muddy. Hang in there and keep a piece of Suglite handy.  It'll help with understanding.

Next time I'll report from Capricorn, our dear, beloved goat. The trait: "Find your purpose and be the best you can be."