Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Something New, Something Blue

Hello Stargazers!

Long time no talk. I thought I would take a different approach to astrology these next weeks ahead.

From time to time, I have admired how other sun signs handle life and have wondered if there are key themes or traits that I can learn from, in order to expand my own Leonine life.

My answer to my queries is that as your sun sign can yield its own rewards, the other eleven signs can give you pointers on how to avoid pitfalls in being your own beautiful self.

So, each week, I'm going to load my trusty jet pack with that most robust tea of all time- Earl Grey. I'll skyrocket to another sign and see what key traits I can learn from. Then I'll try and implement the bits of wisdom from the other sign and report back.

As I'm going through this journey, I invite you to do the same. Pick another sun sign that you either don't know much about or have admired, and take a look at key traits or themes of this sign.

One good site that is helpful is astrotraits.com.  When I have literally searched what can I learn from...(fill in other sun sign), this site has come up with its insightful information. Also take a look at either Linda Goodman or Liz Greene when it comes to your chosen sun sign, as both individuals' books have loads of information about each sign. They have both been really great in filtering out the key buzzwords associated with each sign.

Then, if there is a trait that speaks to you, place it into your life and see how it heightens your sun sign. Feel free to share with me what you see.

This week, I have chosen to learn from one of the signs ruled by Venus: the youthful, lovable, earthy sign of Taurus.

One thing about Taurus that has vibed with me is that as great as they are with business and with decision making, they take their time in making those grounded decisions. Knowing how I can be impulsive with life decisions (i.e. maybe I should change places to work. Maybe I should change my life.), I think that the week of Thanksgiving as well as that of the New Moon will be a good time to take my time on what I'm already mulling over-whether I should transfer to a new salon in the next year or change something with my career as a Barber.

And when I mean mull over, I mean think about every little aspect of this decision and take the sweet time of this next week.

If there are other places in my life where this Taurean trait can benefit, I'll include it in next week's report along with whether Taurus' earthy advice ignited my Leonine fire or put it out entirely.

Again, feel free to give your own insights of other astrological signs.

And as always, look to the sky. Jupiter and Venus are in a nice cushy spot in Sagittarius and could mean great expansion.