Tuesday, March 29, 2016

It's been a long time, but here's Alissandra Coffey, reporting to you......

Greetings Stargazers! Once again, it has been a while since my last post. Attending Barbering School and, at this point, preparing for State Boards, has taken a lot of my time. To make up for the absence, I will cover the natal charts of famous personalities, each week.

First we'll start off with our beloved Rams-Aries. Then we'll cover a personality for Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Virgo.

Yes, to all of you Fish, Water Bearers, Goats, Centaurs, Scorpions, Scales and Virgins, I have not forgotten about all of you.

So without further ado, I think that Yerba Matte will suffice, to fuel the trusty jet pack. For our guest, we'll have to travel back to April of 1990. I remember the age and grade that I happened to be within. Can you?

Our guest is most noteable for her roles in the Harry Potter films, as well as The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Bling Ring. 

When she was born, Virgo was just starting to move out of the eastern sky, almost making room for Libra. However, the stars made sure that our guest was born with a Virgo Ascendant (man do I pick a lot of individuals with Virgo Ascendants).

What this means is that our guest's outer appearance conveys someone who's keen on precision-when she's out in public, her hair is perfectly styled, to where every strand is in place and is in perfect symmetry with her face. Her clothing is always well coordinated, even if she should pull off a casual look. It doesn't surprise me that our guest was also the face of Burbury for some time.

Despite the fact that her Sun sign likes loads of attention, this person's ascendant conveys that she likes to remain private, if not a little secretive, when it comes to questions regarding herself. Most likely, she doesn't care for reporters who pry into her personal life and makes sure that she never lands on TMZ.

Her ascendant also shows that this is a person who likes to observe, perhaps scruntinize, all human interactions, before participating in them.

Even though our guest is an actress, most likely there's a side to her that craves being backstage. Perhaps she would like to be a producer of a movie, as well as the lead. Or, better yet, the director!

Her Moon's position, being within Sagittarius, mixes nicely with her Sun's position, in Aries. It makes for a Trine in her chart. With this Trine, a sense of adventure and change, both physically and mentally, are predominant with our guest. This is someone who likes to explore different philosophies, in order to gain a better understanding of "the meaning of life." In order to gain a better understanding of a particular thought (such as, "Hunger does indeed crush millions of lives"), our guest feels the need to travel and experience the philosophy or thought in person (i.e. seeing how hunger is destroying mankind).

With Venus' position, in our guest's sixth house, she's not only valued, on a movie set, but she may be attracted to philanthropic work. However, because of the square that exists between her Moon and Venus positions, she may find that the philanthropic work is extremely challenging, in the regard that her actions aren't aligning with her ideals. This can cause for this person to feel impatient, frusterated and burned out--just a couple of characteristics of the Aries shadow side. The square can also indicate that she can be a little too emotionally vested in the work that she does.

Our mystery guest could benefit, by giving a little bit of charitable time, to herself, by taking a break and getting away from ideals. She could also look at her goals a bit more realistically.

With her Moon's position being semi-sextile to her Mars position,  our guest is very energetic, motivated and frank when it comes to her emotional nature. She the type of person who states exactly what she's feeling, right when she's feeling the emotion. This can cause for her friends and family to feel either very close to our guest or a little bit uncomfortable.

However, to align with her Sun sign, this semi-sextile can also make this particular Ram ready to charge. When she has inspiration or when she's a work, she's committed to seeing all projects and ideas all the way through to the end.

As mentioned earlier, our guest's Sun's position is within her eighth house, which indicates a need for periodic change. As an actor, she doesn't object to the idea of traveling to different locations. A change of locale, causes this person to feel alive and at one with life. She begins to display the impatience and irritability of Aries,  when in one place for too long.

With Mercury being within Taurus and also near our guest's Sun's position, this is an individual who likes to talk, especially amongst friends and family.

Her style of communication is honest to the point of being blunt. Sometimes our mystery guest gives someone an answer to what may be a problem with their lives and sometimes our mystery guest could think for a bit before saying something. With both Mars squaring her Mercury position and with Pluto being in opposition, our guest may also have to guard against saying something cutting or destructive, on an impulse. Sometimes the destructive tendencies can be rooted to nervous tension or by being extremely stubborn on certain views and inclined to fight.

With Mercury's semi-sextile position to Jupiter, however, our guest has a very expansive, broad mind, inclined to thinking of the bigger picture. Not only does our mystery guest dream and think of projects and endeavors to take place, she makes the endeavors a reality. I'm thinking that our mystery guest is a self-actualizer, which is an incredible thing, knowing how hard it can be to accomplish dreams.

With Saturn being within our guest's fourth house, it's apparent that she has had to be a sort of father figure within her "home", whether the concept of home is a literal brick and motar house or the confines of herself. Either way, our guest may have felt the need to take care of siblings,] and to keep track of matters of the home (i.e. making sure that meals were cooked and that everyone's needs were taken care of) whether or not her parents were available for such matters.

The only drawback is that our guest may feel that her needs aren't taken care of in the process, which could foster a bit of resentment, from time to time. She also may have the challenge of distancing herself away from her family. Even though she's had a soaring career since childhood, she may still feel an obligation to still make sure that siblings are well fed and well behaved and that her parents are well in health, too.

This amount of attention can cause tension in her career, with Jupiter being in opposition to Saturn, in the regard that it can get in the way of her expansive thinking about the latest film that she's making. Family matters may cause her to feel distracted or scattered.

Overall, with Venus' position in her sixth house, being semi-sextile to Saturn, our mystery guest handles her challenges well, coming across as being a very responsible individual.

With Uranus and Neptune being in conjunction within her fourth house, our guest's notions of home may be a little eccentric and very idealistic to other people. Instead of opting for the usual, conservative beige walls and minimalistic furnishings, our guest may feel comfortable with neon green walls, trimmed with a deep purple hue and rooms scattered with nick nacks obtained from her latest travels. Instead of home being just a commodity, our guest may feel that it should be the most important place on earth.

With the concept that "home" should be the most important place, our guest may feel a little dissapointed when matters aren't matching up to her ideals. When an object falls, our guest may feel that fung shui experts may needs to be consulted because the overall "vibe" had changed for the worst. This would be opposed to the usual person picking up the object that fell and moving on.

With Jupiter's opposition to Uranus and Neptune, the travels of her career places a little bit of strain on her concept of "home." While this is a person who loves change, she likes change in moderation. If she has to travel a lot of the time, hence spending more time in hotel room that her actual home, this could cause a sense of chaos within our mystery guest.

 Jupiter's negative aspects are minor, considering that, with it's position being within our guest's tenth house, this is an individual who approaches her career with a large worldview and with a lot of luck. This individual's success can be marked by the fact that she can see the whole picture and brings a lot to the table, when it comes to her role choices.

One last bit of advice for our mystery guest--she may have to watch out when it comes to finances, due to Pluto's position in her second house. Unexpected finances may come to our guest, such as earning a great amount only to have plans of buying shoes or clothing be dashed by the mortgage on her house.

So with all of the information given, can you guess who our mystery guest is?

The answer will be revealed below.

Since my jet pack is running low, and I'm coming closer to the present, I'm going to have to sign off Stargazers. Until next time, enjoy the waning moon and remember to look up at the stars.

Our mystery guest for this week's post was, the ever charming Emma Watson.